Affirmative action is dead: long live affirmative action
In: Current perspectives in psychology
26 Ergebnisse
In: Current perspectives in psychology
In: Contemporary sociology, Band 53, Heft 5, S. 437-439
ISSN: 1939-8638
In: Recent research in psychology
In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Band 27, Heft 1, S. 153-156
ISSN: 0162-895X
In: Analyses of social issues and public policy, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 243-249
ISSN: 1530-2415
We discuss the ideas presented by Renner and Moore. We agree that it is a mistake to justify affirmative action solely in terms of diversity, and we think it is vital to note the continuing disparities in the educational opportunities afforded to White students and to other students. We believe that the views expressed by Renner and Moore present an opportunity to think critically about a number of issues related to affirmative action.
In: Feminism & psychology: an international journal, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 265-273
ISSN: 1461-7161
In: Analyses of social issues and public policy, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 71-87
ISSN: 1530-2415
Affirmative action is a controversial policy. Lauded by many, the attempt at social engineering has also been condemned by some as unnecessary and by others as counterproductive to the goal of social equality. As such, affirmative action is ideally situated to benefit from psychological research pertaining to the need for and the effectiveness of the policy. This article discusses both the potential benefits to American society of affirmative action and the potential costs of such a policy. Concluding that affirmative action is useful, we end with a look at ways to make affirmative action programs as effective as possible.
Metadata only record ; A cause de la forte croissance dmographique, les ressources naturelles (RN) sont de plus en plus rares dans les Pays du Sahel. Elles subissent aussi une dgradation aggrave par la scheresse. Il y a unanimit pour dire que sans une gestion amliore de ces ressources, les systmes de production agricoles sahliens ne pourront maintenir leurs performances actuelles qui sont dj trs en de des besoins de consommation des populations et encore moins les amliorer. La Rencontre Rgionale qui s'est tenue Sgou en Mai 1989 sur la Gestion des Terroirs et qui regroupait des reprsentants des associations paysannes, des Etats, des donateurs et des techniciens, a dans ses recommandations dclar que: la gestion des ressources naturelles doit tre une proccupation majeure de l'ensemble de la sous-rgion (OCDE/Club du Sahel/CILSS 1989). Mais un des rsultats les plus notables de cette rencontre est que pour la premire fois notre connaissance, dans un cadre officiel dans le Sahel (CILSS), on ne parle plus seulement de participation des populations mais d'autonomie, de dcentralisation, du droit des communauts villageoises tre propritaires et gestionnaires de leurs ressources naturelles. ; Available in SANREM office, FS
In: Vierteljahresberichte / Forschungsinstitut der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, S. 71-75
ISSN: 0015-7910, 0936-451X
In: Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; the journal of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence, Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association, Band 21, Heft 3, S. 409-413
ISSN: 1532-7949
In: Analyses of social issues and public policy, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 420-422
ISSN: 1530-2415