Una filosofia "nebbiosa e selvaggia": ricezione e trasformazione della filosofia classica tedesca in Italia
In: Filosofia classica tedesca n. 1
470 Ergebnisse
In: Filosofia classica tedesca n. 1
In: Moral, ciencia y sociedad en la Europa del siglo XXI
In: Reinholdiana volume 3
In: De Gruyter eBook-Paket Philosophie
Reinhold's Elementary Philosophy is the first system of transcendental philosophy after Kant. The scholarship of the last years has understood it in different ways: as a model of Grundsatzphilosophie, as a defense of the concept of freedom, as a transformation of philosophy into history of philosophy. The present investigation intends to underline another 'golden thread' that runs through the writings of Reinhold from 1784 to 1794: that which sees in the Elementary Philosophy a system of transcendental psychology.
In: Etica teologica oggi 54
In: Fichtiana 14
In: Pubblicazioni del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Centro di studi sulla filosofia contemporanea, Università di Genova 68
In: Serie estudios técnicos Nr. 1
The Origin, Nature and Evolution of Protoplasmic Individuals and their Associations explores living beings of all levels of complexity in relation to each other and to the various ambient sources that they use to survive: protoplasmic individuals and their associations, cells and their associations, animals, and man. The book considers the concepts of evolution and of living beings; the main stages in biological evolution; the organisms'' individuality, nature, way of formation, phylogenetic, and ontogenetic origin; essential property of the organisms of living beings; and creature modeling. T
In: The William Volker Fund series in the humane studies