4 Ergebnisse
Beyond the Bedside: Nurses, a Critical Force in the Macroallocation of Resources
In: Selected Rand abstracts: a guide to RAND publications, Band 13, Heft 2
ISSN: 1091-3734
Nurses bring a wealth of experience and expertise to resource allocation decision making in many different arenas in and outside of health care. This article, grounded in the utilitarianism theory of justice, will examine macroallocation and microallocation of scarce resources in health care, including participation of nurses in macroallocation and microallocation of these resources, and types of allocation challenges within health care. Macroallocation in specific branches of the United States government and integrating resource allocation content into the educational curriculum are also discussed. The authors make the case that nurses can most effectively meet patient needs by active engagement in decisions that involve macroallocation and microallocation of resources.
Elder Mistreatment and the Elder Justice Act
In: Selected Rand abstracts: a guide to RAND publications, Band 17, Heft 3
ISSN: 1091-3734
Elder mistreatment is unrecognized, hidden, and underreported. Studies show that health professionals, nurses among them, are largely unaware of the various forms of elder mistreatment that take place and of the proper course of action to pursue when mistreatment is suspected. In this article, we describe elder mistreatment policies, examining them in the light of the United States' national elder abuse policies with a focus on important provisions of the Elder Justice Act. Next, we review the various types of abuse, the identification of abuse, and the nurses' role in addressing elder mistreatment. We present an example of a case of physical abuse and conclude by discussing nurses' advocacy role and issuing a call to action, challenging nurses to 'act now' to protect the well being of elders.
Unspoken Worlds: Women's Religious Lives
In: Man: the journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 163