Urbane Klimaschutzmaßnahmen in Form von energetischen Gebäudesanierungen bilden den Hintergrund für eine räumliche Analyse des Berliner Wohngebäudebestands der Arbeit "Energetische und Soziale Problemlagen in Berlin - Eine GIS-gestützte Untersuchung von energieeffizienter Wohngebäudesanierung im Hinblick auf sozioökonomisch schwache Gebiete". Dabei ordnet sich die Arbeit über Betrachtungen der energetischen Gebäudesanierung und sozialer Faktoren Themenfelder der Stadterneuerung und der sozialen Stadtentwicklung ein und bringt diese in den Kontext globaler Klimaschutzbestrebungen und lokaler Maßnahmen. Als Leitfrage verfolgt die Arbeit die Problemstellung: Wo liegen in Berlin Problemlagen, die sich einerseits durch besonders hohe Sanierungskosten und andererseits durch wirtschaftlich besonders schwache Bewohner charakterisieren lassen? In diesem Zusammenhang werden folgende Fragen betrachtet: Welche gesetzlichen Instrumente sind bestimmend für die energetische Sanierung? In welchem Verhältnis stehen Vermieter und wirtschaftlich schwache Mieter im Rahmen einer energetischen Sanierung zueinander? Welche Kosten entstehen durch energetische Sanierungen? Wie könnte auf Basis der Ergebnisse eine Handlungsempfehlung für die energetischen und sozialen Problemlagen aussehen? Grundlagen für die Thematik der energetischen Sanierung werden durch die Untersuchung von gesetzlichen, politischen und finanziellen Rahmenbedingungen im Hinblick auf energetische und soziale Problemlagen gelegt. Neben den Berliner Energieeinsparzielen, der Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV) und den Strukturen der Eigentümer bilden sozio-ökonomische Aspekte auf Mieterseite Pfeiler des Grundlagenkapitels. Mit Hilfe von Experteninterviews, Literaturrecherchen, Datenerhebungen zu Sanierungskosten, einer Stadtraumtypologie, umfangreichem Datenmaterial des Informationssystems Stadt und Umwelt (ISU) der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin und eines Geographisches Informationssystem (GIS) werden energetische und soziale Problemlagen definiert und verortet. Inhaltlich werden dabei mittels digitaler Verarbeitung räumliche Daten zur Umwelt, zur energetischen Sanierung und zu den sozialräumlichen Gegebenheiten in Berlin behandelt und räumliche Zusammenhänge in Kartenform aufgearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine Konzentration von energetischen und sozialen Problemlagen vor allem in Innenstadtgebieten Berlins. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen werden Handlungsempfehlungen entwickelt und der Umfang einer gebietsbezogenen Förderkulisse beispielhaft errechnet. ; Energy efficiency refurbishment measures in the context of climate change mitigation form the background for spatial analysis of the residential building stock in Berlin by the paper "Areas Combining Energy Related and Socio-Economic Related Problems in Berlin - A GIS-Based Analysis of Energy Efficient Refurbishment of Residential Buildings with Special Regard to Areas of Socio-Economic Disadvantages". The content is situated in the context of global climate change, national and local mitigation measures within topics of urban renewal and social development. The leading question of the paper is about: Where in the city of Berlin are areas situated of high cost for energy efficient refurbishment combined with weak socio-economic conjuncture? In this context following questions are considered: Which legal instruments determine energy efficiency refurbishment? What is the relationship between landlord and socio-economic weak tenants concerning energy efficient refurbishment? What are costs of energy efficient refurbishment? Recommendations regarding the problem areas? Basics of energy efficient refurbishment are described and analysed on legislative, policy and financial framework conditions with regard to areas combining energy related and socio-economic related problems in Berlin. Main pillars are national and local energy saving targets, the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV), ownership structures and socio-economic issues for tenants. To define and locate areas combining energy related and socio-economic related problems in Berlin the paper works with expert interviews, literature research, data acquisition of costs of energy efficient refurbishment, an urban space typology, spatial data of the Information System Urban and Environment (ISU) of the Senate Department for Urban Development and Environment of Berlin and a Geographical Information System (GIS). Spatial data of the environment, of energy efficient refurbishment and of socio-spatial aspects are aggregated in maps by digital spatial data processing to analyse their relationships. The result show a concentration of areas combining energy related and socio-economic related problems in inner city areas of Berlin. Based upon the paper recommendations include a calculation example for an area-based funding framework.
Interview mit Brigadegeneral Dr. Michael Färber, Stellvertretender Kommandeur des Führungsunterstützungskommandos der Bundeswehr. (Europäische Sicherheit & Technik / SWP)
The automatic detection of bias in news articles can have a high impact on society because undiscovered news bias may influence the political opinions, social views, and emotional feelings of readers. While various analyses and approaches to news bias detection have been proposed, large data sets with rich bias annotations on a fine-grained level are still missing. In this paper, we firstly aggregate the aspects of news bias in related works by proposing a new annotation schema for labeling news bias. This schema covers the overall bias, as well as the bias dimensions (1) hidden assumptions, (2) subjectivity, and (3) representation tendencies. Secondly, we propose a methodology based on crowdsourcing for obtaining a large data set for news bias analysis and identification. We then use our methodology to create a dataset consisting of more than 2,000 sentences annotated with 43,000 bias and bias dimension labels. Thirdly, we perform an in-depth analysis of the collected data. We show that the annotation task is difficult with respect to bias and specific bias dimensions. While crowdworkers' labels of representation tendencies correlate with experts' bias labels for articles, subjectivity and hidden assumptions do not correlate with experts' bias labels and, thus, seem to be less relevant when creating data sets with crowdworkers. The experts' article labels better match the inferred crowdworkers' article labels than the crowdworkers' sentence labels. The crowdworkers' countries of origin seem to affect their judgements. In our study, non-Western crowdworkers tend to annotate more bias either directly or in the form of bias dimensions (e.g., subjectivity) than Western crowdworkers ...
This paper presents the Flex5Gware project, whose goal is to deliver highly reconfigurable hardware (HW) platforms and HW-agnostic software (SW) platforms for 5G network elements and terminal devices. Flex5Gware will enable 5G HW/SW platforms to meet the requirements imposed by the growth in mobile traffic and the diversity of applications by increasing their capacity, reducing their energy footprint and enhancing their scalability and modularity. To put in place this vision in this early stage of 5G PPP research, Flex5Gware is designing and prototyping key building blocks of 5G HW/SW platforms. In particular, the developed technologies will be evaluated and demonstrated with proofs-of-concept by the end of the project. ; Grant numbers : The first and fourth authors would also like to acknowledge the support from the Catalan government to their research group 2014 SGR 1551.