1. Is human conduct predictable? -- 2. The nature of personality -- 3. The mark of Cain -- 4. The biological roots of personality -- 5. Is conscience a conditioned reflex? -- 6. Crime and conditioning -- 7. Punishment or cure? -- 8. The task of society -- 9. Some questions answered.
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Looks at media and student responses to Race, Intelligence and Education. Argues that racial differences cannot be explained by environmental factors alone, and extends the analysis to gender differences by discussing the effects of too strong a dose of androgens in the last 2 months of foetal life. (SJK)
The paper by Forrest (1977), on which this brief note is a comment, is of such high quality that I would not wish any of my remarks to be taken as criticisms of the design, execution or analysis of the study. My comments reflect rather a puzzlement over certain facts which have become apparent in the course of the many studies carried out in the attempt to find personality correlates of delinquency. The most apparent of these is the notable difference in outcome between studies otherwise largely comparable. Thus Forrest fails to find evidence of implication for E and N in most of his comparisons; yet, in a very similar sample, Foggitt (1974) found loadings of 0.44 for E and 0.42 for N on a general delinquency factor embracing all the major criminal activities of the sample! Of the two, E was particularly related to "destructiveness and violence", "frequency of violence", and group delinquency, while N was particularly closely related to attempted suicide and vagrancy.
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 81, Heft 4, S. 645-646
International Series of Monographs on Experimental Psychology, Volume 1: Pavlov's Typology presents problems of personality and the theoretical framework done in the U.S.S.R. Part 1 of this book deals with the development of Pavlov's theory of personality on experiments conducted on dogs and the problems encountered in studies of higher nervous activity in man and animals. These tests include investigation into the capacity of cortical cells of the test subject; the speed of movement and termination of the nervous process; and the speed of formation of positive and negative conditioned connec
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