Oil production forecasting is one of the essential processes for organizations and governments to make necessary economic plans. This paper proposes a novel hybrid intelligence time series model to forecast oil production from two different oil fields in China and Yemen. This model is a modified ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System), which is developed by applying a new optimization algorithm called the Aquila Optimizer (AO). The AO is a recently proposed optimization algorithm that was inspired by the behavior of Aquila in nature. The developed model, called AO-ANFIS, was evaluated using real-world datasets provided by local partners. In addition, extensive comparisons to the traditional ANFIS model and several modified ANFIS models using different optimization algorithms. Numeric results and statistics have confirmed the superiority of the AO-ANFIS over traditional ANFIS and several modified models. Additionally, the results reveal that AO is significantly improved ANFIS prediction accuracy. Thus, AO-ANFIS can be considered as an efficient time series tool ; Taikomosios informatikos katedra ; Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas
Recently, significant attention has been devoted to vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) surveillance due to its severe consequences. Prediction of the outbreak incidence of VDPF requires an accurate analysis of the alarming data. The overarching aim to this study is to develop a novel hybrid machine learning approach to identify the key parameters that dominate the outbreak incidence of VDPV. The proposed method is based on the integration of random vector functional link (RVFL) networks with a robust optimization algorithm called whale optimization algorithm (WOA). WOA is applied to improve the accuracy of the RVFL network by finding the suitable parameter configurations for the algorithm. The classification performance of the WOA-RVFL method is successfully validated using a number of datasets from the UCI machine learning repository. Thereafter, the method is implemented to track the VDPV outbreak incidences recently occurred in several provinces in Lao People's Democratic Republic. The results demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the WOA-RVFL algorithm in detecting the VDPV outbreak incidences, as well as its superior performance to the traditional RVFL method.