[First paragraph of Introduction]: Until recently the discipline of Public Administration, and the Social Sciences more generally, have been remarkably silent about the role of nonprofit organizations in the provision of 'public services' and their contribution toward public benefit. In fact, an understanding of the place which nonprofit organizations play within society has been an ignored subject matter; the state of affairs is such that one commentator has tellingly referred to the voluntary realm as the "invisible sector" (Hall 1997: 74). Keywords: CVSS, Centre for Voluntary Sector Studies, Working Paper Series,TRSM, Ted Rogers School of Management Citation: ; Evans, B. M. & Shields, J. (2000). Neoliberal restructuring and the third sector: reshaping governance, civil society and local relations. (Working paper Volume 2000(1)). Toronto : Ted Rogers School of Management, Centre for Volunteer Sector Studies, Ryerson University.
[First paragraph of Introduction]: The neo-liberal assault on the Keynesian welfare state and the demand that government be 'reinvented' has come to focus increased attention upon the so-called `third sector'. This has occurred because of the moves by neo-liberal governments to downloading former public responsibilities onto the market, nonprofit organizations and individuals; their desire to forge new partnership relationships with non-state actors like voluntary bodies in order to develop alternative service delivery options; and the neo-liberal assertion that intrusive government has worked to undermine voluntary citizen participation, charitable giving, and self-help. Keywords: CVSS, Centre for Voluntary Sector Studies, Working Paper Series,TRSM, Ted Rogers School of Management Citation: ; Evans, B. M. & Shields, J. (1998). 'Reinventing' the Third Sector: Alternative Service Delivery, Partnerships and the New Public Administration of the Canadian Post-Welfare State. (Working paper Volume 1998 (1)). Toronto : Ted Rogers School of Management, Centre for Volunteer Sector Studies, Ryerson University.