Robust, universal biomarker assay to detect senescent cells in biological specimens
Cellular senescence contributes to organismal development, aging, and diverse pathologies, yet available assays to detect senescent cells remain unsatisfactory. Here, we designed and synthesized a lipophilic, biotin-linked Sudan Black B (SBB) analogue suitable for sensitive and specific, antibody-enhanced detection of lipofuscin-containing senescent cells in any biological material. This new hybrid histo-/immunochemical method is easy to perform, reliable, and universally applicable to assess senescence in biomedicine, from cancer research to gerontology. ; Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge Dr Ioannis Dotsikas help in performing the HPLC analysis and thank Dr Vassilis Myrianthopoulos for helpful suggestions. The authors' work is funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (project INsPiRE), the Greek GSRT program of Excellence II (Aristeia II), the Danish Cancer Society, the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF125). ; Sí