In-beam and decay spectroscopy of transfermium elements
Over the past few years a great deal of new spectroscopic data has been obtained for transfermium nuclei. Recoil separators, coupled with modern target position and focal-plane spectrometers, allow detailed studies of the structure and decay properties of transfermium nuclei to be peformed. In-beam studies using the recoil-gating and recoil-decay tagging techniques mainly provide information on yrast states, whilst complementary focal-plane decay studies give access to non-yrast and isomeric structures. In-beam studies of nuclei in this region have largely been performed at ANL and JYFL, and decay experiments at GSI, JYFL, GANIL and ANL. The present contribution is focussed on recent developments and experiments carried out by a number of collaborating institutes at JYFL. ; This work has been supported by the European Union Fifth Framework Programme "Improving Human Potential - Access to Research Infrastructure" Contract No. HPRI-CT-1999- 00044 and by the Academy of Finland under the Finnish Centre of Excellence Programme 2000-2005 (Project No. 44875, Nuclear and Condensed Matter Physics Programme at JYFL).