12 Ergebnisse
Pérez Redondo, Rubén José (2017): El Tomelloso literario. Una profecía autocumplida. Ciudad Real: Diputación Provincial de Ciudad Real
In: Methaodos: revista de ciencias sociales, Band 6, Heft 2
ISSN: 2340-8413
Ferrara, Alessandro (2014): El horizonte democrático. El hiperpluralismo y la renovación del liberalismo político. Barcelona: Herder
In: Methaodos: revista de ciencias sociales, Band 2, Heft 1
ISSN: 2340-8413
Women's image as used in the context of republican political propaganda during The Spanish Civil War ; La mujer en la propaganda política republicana de la Guerra Civil española
During the civil war the republican political propaganda used the image of woman many times. This paper analyses the posters addressed to women, the posters which used women's images and the propaganda of the Antifascist Women Association. This propaganda used to depict women as men or in a very man like fashion, when talking on militia women or about the work of women in the agricultural sector. However the propaganda used to be much more extreme, either being softer or sometimes by being more dramatic about women when talking on bombings, help petitions and the role of women in the battlefield. ; Durante la Guerra Civil la propaganda política republicana recurrió en numerosas ocasiones a la imagen de la mujer. En este trabajo se analizan los carteles dirigidos a la mujer o que utilizan imágenes femeninas y la propaganda de la Asociación de Mujeres Antifascistas. Se recurre a una imagen masculinizada cuando se refieren a las milicianas o al trabajo de la mujer en las fábricas o en el campo, mientras que esta imagen se suaviza y se dramatiza en aquéllos referidos a bombardeos, a peticiones de auxilio y -en algunos casos- al papel de la mujer en la retaguardia.
La violencia contra las mujeres en la música: Una aproximación metodológica
In: Methaodos: revista de ciencias sociales, Band 4, Heft 1
ISSN: 2340-8413
Una aproximación al perfil formativo/laboral de las parejas de los militares en el modelo tradicional (mujer civil-hombre militar)
In: Sociología del Trabajo, Heft 103, S. 43-55
ISSN: 2603-9710
En el presente artículo se parte de la teoría del spillover entre trabajo-familia para analizar la situación formativa/laboral de las parejas de los militares en el modelo tradicional (mujer civil-hombre militar). La profesión militar se considera de alta exigencia debido al tiempo y condiciones de trabajo y a la movilidad geográfica, ya sea de corta o de larga duración. Las repercusiones en la vida personal, laboral y familiar de los militares y sus parejas son diversas. A partir de datos extraídos del Movimiento Natural de Población sobre matrimonios del INE y una encuesta realizada a las parejas de los militares se muestra una aproximación al perfil formativo/laboral de las mujeres parejas de militares en el modelo tradicional y se describen algunas de las repercusiones de la movilidad geográfica en su situación laboral actual y en sus trayectorias.
Música y violencia de género en España. Estudio comparado por estilos musicales
In: Convergencia: revista de ciencias sociales, Heft 76, S. 75
ISSN: 2448-5799
La violencia contra las mujeres continúa siendo un problema de primer orden en las sociedades contemporáneas. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar cómo se trata dicho problema en las canciones de música popular en España, estableciendo una relación entre los diferentes estilos musicales y la descripción que hacen de la violencia de género. Para ello, se ha optado por desarrollar una metodología cuantitativa basada en el análisis de contenido de una muestra integrada por un total de 210 canciones, las cuales poseen esta temática, acumuladas a lo largo de las últimas cuatro décadas. La presente investigación pretende mostrar cómo las canciones de música popular pueden ser una herramienta de comunicación ideal para concienciar a la sociedad sobre las dimensiones del problema de la violencia de género.
The living apart together (LAT) model and the cohabiting partner model in the Spanish Armed Forces ; El Modelo living apart together (LAT) y el Modelo cohabitante en las Fuerzas Armadas españolas
Labor mobility is common in certain professions, including the Armed Forces. Military people have to assume several changes of assignment along their carriers and, sometimes, these changes implies geographical mobility. In these situations, when the military has a partner and /or children can take two alternatives. The first is to move just the military to the new location, creating a living apart together model (LAT) and, the second, is when the couple or the whole family move together, creating a cohabiting model. This article has the objective of studying the presence and features of the LAT Model and the Cohabiting Model in the Spanish Armed Forces. To this end, a methodology was designed based on the survey technique with a self-administred questionnaire structured from three thematic areas (sociodemographic, military and opinion) and which was spread by different associations of military and families of Spanish military. The results show which are the main variables that affect the decision to choose one or other of two models (labor, economic and family) and how each model of living affect the couple and the children. ; La movilidad laboral es habitual en ciertas profesiones, entre ellas, las Fuerzas Armadas. En general, los hombres y mujeres militares han de asumir diversos cambios de destino a lo largo de sus trayectorias laborales y, en ocasiones, estos cambios llevan aparejados procesos de movilidad geográfica. Ante estas situaciones, cuando los militares tienen pareja e/o hijos pueden tomar dos alternativas. La primera es que se desplace a la nueva localidad únicamente el o la militar, dando origen a un Modelo living apart together (LAT) y, la segunda, es que la pareja o la familia al completo se trasladen también, formando parte, por tanto, de un Modelo cohabitante. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar la presencia y características del Modelo LAT y del Modelo cohabitante en las Fuerzas Armadas españolas. Con este fin se diseñó una metodología basada en la técnica de encuesta. Se elaboró un cuestionario autoadministrado estructurado a partir de tres áreas temáticas (sociodemográfica, militar y de opinión) y que fue difundido por diferentes asociaciones de militares y de familias de militares españolas. Los resultados muestran cuáles son las principales variables que influyen en la decisión de optar por uno u otro modelo (laborales, económicos y familiares) y cómo repercuten ambos modelos de convivencia en la pareja y en los hijos.Labor mobility is common in certain professions, including the Armed Forces. Military people have to assume several changes of assignment along their carriers and, sometimes, these changes implies geographical mobility. In these situations, when the military has a partner and /or children can take two alternatives. The first is to move just the military to the new location, creating a living apart together model (LAT) and, the second, is when the couple or the whole family move together, creating a cohabiting model. This article has the objective of studying the presence and features of the LAT Model and the Cohabiting Model in the Spanish Armed Forces. To this end, a methodology was designed based on the survey technique with a self-administred questionnaire structured from three thematic areas (sociodemographic, military and opinion) and which was spread by different associations of military and families of Spanish military. The results show which are the main variables that affect the decision to choose one or other of two models (labor, economic and family) and how each model of living affect the couple and the children.
La familia en las Fuerzas Armadas españolas
Bibliografía: p. 275-305 ; Resumen: En cubierta: "Hasta ahora hemos considerado al individuo como soltero, sin más necesidades que las meramente personales; pero, en la mayoría de los casos, no ocurre tal cosa: la ley natural de la vida hace que se case; que contraiga cargas." ; Premios: Premios Defensa 2012, Modalidad de Investigación. Tesis Doctorales originales e inéditas, relacionadas con la defensa, la paz, la seguridad, la geografía o la historia militar
Real-world evidence of the effectiveness of ombitasvir-paritaprevir/r ± dasabuvir ± ribavirin in patients monoinfected with chronic hepatitis C or coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus-1 in Spain
Aim We describe the effectiveness and safety of the interferon-free regimen ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir plus dasabuvir with or without ribavirin (OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV) in a nationwide representative sample of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) monoinfected and human immunodeficiency virus-1/hepatitis C virus (HIV/HCV) coinfected population in Spain. Material and methods Data were collected from patients infected with HCV genotypes 1 or 4, with or without HIV-1 coinfection, treated with OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV at 61 Spanish sites within the initial implementation year of the first government-driven "National HCV plan." Effectiveness was assessed by sustained virologic response at post-treatment week 12 (SVR12) and compared between monoinfected and coinfected patients using a non-inferiority margin of 5% and a 90% confidence interval (CI). Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics or patients and adverse events (AEs) were also recorded. Results Overall, 2, 408 patients were included in the intention-to-treat analysis: 386 (16%) were patients with HIV/HCV. Patient selection reflected the real distribution of patients treated in each participating region in Spain. From the total population, 96.6% (95% CI, 95.8–97.3%) achieved SVR12. Noninferiority of SVR12 in coinfected patients was met, with a difference between monoinfected and coinfected patients of -2.2% (90% CI, -4.5% - 0.2%). Only genotype 4 was associated with non-response to OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV treatment (p<0.001) in the multivariate analysis. Overall, 286 patients (11.9%) presented AEs potentially related to OBV/PTV/r ± DSV, whereas 347 (29.0%) presented AEs potentially related to ribavirin and 61 (5.1%) interrupted ribavirin. Conclusions Our results confirm that OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV is effective and generally well tolerated in a representative sample of the HCV monoinfected and HCV/HIV coinfected population in Spain within the experience of a national strategic plan to tackle HCV.
Real-world evidence of the effectiveness of ombitasvir-paritaprevir/r ± dasabuvir ± ribavirin in patients monoinfected with chronic hepatitis C or coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus-1 in Spain
The design, study conduct, and financial support for the study were provided by AbbVie ( AbbVie participated in the interpretation of data, review, and approval of the manuscript. Medical writing and editing services were provided by Medical Statistics Consulting (MSC) and funded by AbbVie. ; Aim We describe the effectiveness and safety of the interferon-free regimen ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir plus dasabuvir with or without ribavirin (OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV) in a nationwide representative sample of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) monoinfected and human immunodeficiency virus-1/hepatitis C virus (HIV/HCV) coinfected population in Spain. Material and methods Data were collected from patients infected with HCV genotypes 1 or 4, with or without HIV-1 coinfection, treated with OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV at 61 Spanish sites within the initial implementation year of the first government-driven "National HCV plan." Effectiveness was assessed by sustained virologic response at post-treatment week 12 (SVR12) and compared between monoinfected and coinfected patients using a non-inferiority margin of 5% and a 90% confidence interval (CI). Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics or patients and adverse events (AEs) were also recorded. Results Overall, 2,408 patients were included in the intention-to-treat analysis: 386 (16%) were patients with HIV/HCV. Patient selection reflected the real distribution of patients treated in each participating region in Spain. From the total population, 96.6% (95% CI, 95.8-97.3%) achieved SVR12. Noninferiority of SVR12 in coinfected patients was met, with a difference between monoinfected and coinfected patients of −2.2% (90% CI, −4.5% - 0.2%). Only genotype 4 was associated with non-response to OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV treatment (p<0.001) in the multivariate analysis. Overall, 286 patients (11.9%) presented AEs potentially related to OBV/PTV/r ± DSV, whereas 347 (29.0%) presented AEs potentially related to ribavirin and 61 (5.1%) interrupted ribavirin. Conclusions ...
Real-world evidence of the effectiveness of ombitasvir-paritaprevir/r ± dasabuvir ± ribavirin in patients monoinfected with chronic hepatitis C or coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus-1 in Spain
[Aim] We describe the effectiveness and safety of the interferon-free regimen ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir plus dasabuvir with or without ribavirin (OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV) in a nationwide representative sample of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) monoinfected and human immunodeficiency virus-1/hepatitis C virus (HIV/HCV) coinfected population in Spain. ; [Material and methods] Data were collected from patients infected with HCV genotypes 1 or 4, with or without HIV-1 coinfection, treated with OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV at 61 Spanish sites within the initial implementation year of the first government-driven "National HCV plan." Effectiveness was assessed by sustained virologic response at post-treatment week 12 (SVR12) and compared between monoinfected and coinfected patients using a non-inferiority margin of 5% and a 90% confidence interval (CI). Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics or patients and adverse events (AEs) were also recorded. ; [Results] Overall, 2,408 patients were included in the intention-to-treat analysis: 386 (16%) were patients with HIV/HCV. Patient selection reflected the real distribution of patients treated in each participating region in Spain. From the total population, 96.6% (95% CI, 95.8–97.3%) achieved SVR12. Noninferiority of SVR12 in coinfected patients was met, with a difference between monoinfected and coinfected patients of −2.2% (90% CI, −4.5% - 0.2%). Only genotype 4 was associated with non-response to OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV treatment (p<0.001) in the multivariate analysis. Overall, 286 patients (11.9%) presented AEs potentially related to OBV/PTV/r ± DSV, whereas 347 (29.0%) presented AEs potentially related to ribavirin and 61 (5.1%) interrupted ribavirin. ; [Conclusions] Our results confirm that OBV/PTV/r ± DSV ± RBV is effective and generally well tolerated in a representative sample of the HCV monoinfected and HCV/HIV coinfected population in Spain within the experience of a national strategic plan to tackle HCV. ; The design, study conduct, and financial support for the study were provided by AbbVie ( ; Peer reviewed