Understanding the patterns, drivers and impacts of land use change in sta. Rosa subwatershed using participatory approaches
Sta. Rosa sub-watershed had undergone shift in economic-base from agricultural to an industrial. In understanding the patterns, drivers and impacts of land-use changes in Sta. Rosa subwatershed, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) activities were conducted with selected participants from upstream, midstream and lakeshore communities. The upstream community of Brgy. Tartaria had undergone land use conversion from forested areas in the 1920's, to deforestation in the 1940's, rice planting in the 1950's, coffee planting in the 1970's, and pineapple planting in the 1980's. The main drivers of land use changes are population migration in the 1920's; food security in the 1950's; and income generation in the 1970's and 1980's. Current problems center on agriculture. The midstream community of Brgy. Sto. Domingo had undergone conversion from sugarcane plantations in the 1970's to industrial land use in the 1990's. The lakeshore community of Brgy. Aplaya was purely agricultural (rice cultivation and duck-raising) in the 1940's to 1970's and underwent conversion into industrial-residential areas in the 1980's. Increase in population and declining rice yields are the driving factors for the land use change. Recommendations to address environmental problems in the subwatershed are crop diversifi cation and use of organic fertilizers in the agricultural and agroforestry areas, proper waste management (agricultural, industrial and household wastes), strict monitoring of factories and industries on the discharge of their liquid wastes, and community activities like "Linis Ilog" (Clean the River) program. The conduct of various PRA methodologies with local communities enabled the people to articulate on the various environmental problems that beset them and propose doable solutions to address tese. Findings of this study will be very useful to local government units and policy makers in crafting and implementing policies and programs to address environmental problems in the Sta. Rosa sub-watershed.