In: Enemark , S 2017 , ' Landadministrationssystemer i et menneskeretligt perspektiv ' , Tidsskrift for Kortlægning og Arealforvaltning , vol. 123 , no. 48 , pp. 13-22 .
Landadministrationssystemer er et redskab til at håndtere rettigheder, restriktioner og forpligtigelser i relation til jord og fast ejendom. Hver af disse tre komponenter har en menneskeretlig dimension, som relaterer sig til nationale politikker for styring af fast ejendoms anvendelse. Artiklen analyserer landadministrationssystemer i et sådant menneskeretligt perspektiv – med særlig fokus på udviklingslande.
In: Enemark , S 2016 ' Applying a Problem Based Learning Approach to Land Management Education : The Case of Aalborg University, Denmark ' Integrated Land Management Institute (ILMI) .
Land management covers a wide range activities associated with the management of land and natural resources that are required to fulfil political objectives and achieve sustainable development. This paper presents an overall understanding of the land management paradigm and the benefits of good land governance to society. A land administration system provides a country with the infrastructure to implement land-related policies and land management strategies. By applying this land management profile to surveying education, this paper suggests that there is a need to move away from an exclusive engineering focus toward adopting an interdisciplinary and problem-based approach to ensure that academic programmes can cope with the wide range of land administration functions and challenges. An interdisciplinary approach to surveying education calls for the need to address issues and problems in a real-world context. The combination of different disciplines can be taught through a "learning-by-doing approach". Problem solving skills can be taught through a project-oriented approach to surveying education with a focus on developing skills for "learning to learn". The basic principles of this educational model are presented using the surveying programme at Aalborg University as an example. This paper is work in progress and draws from previous research. The paper supports the lecture on Problem Based Learning given at NUST 3 March 2016.
In: Enemark , S 2016 ' Sustainable Land Governance in Support of the Global Agenda ' Integrated Land Management Institute (ILMI) , Namibia University of Science and Technology .
Land governance is about the policies, processes and institutions by which land, property and natural resources are managed. Land administration systems are the operational component of land governance and provide a country with an infrastructure for implementing land policies and land management strategies in support of sustainable development. This paper provides an overall understanding of the land management paradigm in this regard. Land governance and administration support the global agenda through addressing the key challenges of our time such as climate change, poverty reduction, human rights, rapid urban growth, and the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals. Land Governance and administration therefore need high-level political support and recognition. This relates especially to developing countries where there is an urgent need to build simple and "fit-for-purpose" land administration systems that will meet the needs of society today and that can be incrementally improved over time. This paper is work in progress and draws from previous research. The paper supports the public lecture on Sustainable Land Governance in Support of the Global Agenda given at NUST 4 March 2016.
Security of tenure is widely considered to be the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to eradication of poverty. And, as explained in the previous issue of Geoinformatics, the European Union is now placing land rights at the heart of EU development policy. This article presents a way forward in terms of building flexible and "fit-for-purpose" land administration systems in developing countries. This will ensure security of tenure for all and sustainable management of the use of land.
The European Parliament is placing land rights at the heart of the EU development policy. A recent report (EP, 2014) states that land tenure security and property rights provides an opportunity to improve and consolidate bases for development and poverty reduction in some of the poorest regions of the world. The report highlights the fact that the EU has the capacity to enhance its currently limited approach in terms of both scope and visibility with the view to addressing land tenure.
In: Enemark , S 2008 , ' Underpinning Land Management : a major challenge for the global surveying profession ' , Paper presented at International Congres on Geomatic & Surveying Engineering , Valencia , Spain , 18/02/2008 - 21/02/2008 .
This paper provides an overall understanding of the concept of land administration systems for dealing with rights, restrictions and responsibilities in future spatially enabled government. Further, the paper presents the role of FIG with regard to building the capacity in this area and responding to the global agenda.
In: Enemark , S 2007 , ' Property Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities : A global perspective ' , Paper presented at Histoire de Voir le Monde , Quebec , Canada , 02/10/2007 - 05/10/2007 .
Land Administration Systems are the basis for conceptualizing rights, restrictions and responsibilities related to people, policies and places. Property rights are normally concerned with ownership and tenure whereas restrictions usually control use and activities on land. Responsibilities relate more to a social, ethical commitment or attitude to environmental sustainability and good husbandry. This paper provides an overall understanding of the concept of land administration systems for dealing with rights, restrictions and responsibilities in future spatially enabled government. Finally the paper presents the role of FIG with regard to building the capacity in this area and responding to the global agenda.
In: Enemark , S 2005 ' The emerging land management paradigm : a major challenge for the global surveying community ' The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors , [Coventry, UK] .
Land management is the process by which the resources of land are put into good effect. Land management encompasses all activities associated with the management of land that are required to achieve sustainable development. The concept of land includes properties and natural resources and thereby encompasses the total natural and built environment. Land Administration Systems (LAS) are institutional frameworks complicated by the tasks they must perform, by national cultural, political and judicial settings, and by technology. This paper facilitates an overall understanding of the land management paradigm. The model reflects drivers of globalisation and technology development which support establishment of multifunctional information systems incorporating diverse land rights, land use regulations and other useful data. A third major driver, sustainable development, stimulates demands for comprehensive information about environmental conditions in combination with other land related data. It is argued that development of such a model is important or even necessary for facilitating a holistic approach to the management of land as the key asset of any nation or jurisdiction. Finally, the paper points at some educational, professional and institutional challenges to be faced by the land administration community in the third millennium. And the paper identifies the role of FIG in this regard.
In: Musinguzi , M & Enemark , S 2019 , ' A Fit-For-Purpose Approach to Land Administration in Africa : Supporting the Global agenda ' , International Journal of Technoscience and Development , vol. 4 , no. 2019 , pp. 69-89 .
Land is the most important resource for many developing countries in Africa to achieve the sustainable development goals. Yet many African countries are faced with various problems often causing land conflicts, reducing investments and economic development, and preventing countries reaching their true potential. Africa and other developing countries will not efficiently utilize their land resources as a means to overcome these challenges, unless they drop the approaches to security of tenure, many of which, were introduced during colonial times, but have not helped in securing land tenure rights for a significant proportion of their populations, in a non-discriminatory manner, that leaves no body behind. In this paper, we describe the key principles for building flexible, universal and sustainable Fit for Purpose (FFP) land administration (LA) systems in African countries, as a better alternative to conventional approaches that focus on unrealistic accuracy standards and complex legal procedures. The discussion informed by a review of literature on Fit for Purpose Land Administration, the sustainable development goals, and the authors experience on land administration systems in Africa and globally. Furthermore, two experiences from Rwanda and Uganda are introduced to demonstrate that building FFP land administration systems is a viable solution to solving the global security of tenure divide. We conclude that implementation of Fit for Purpose Land Administration approach requires political support at national and local level, to facilitate the change process, and in embedding FFP LA provisions into national and local laws. Likewise, effective capacity building is fundamental to the success of such programs. Professionals and the general society must understand that these simpler, less expensive and participatory methods are just as effective and secure as conventional land surveying methodologies and judicial recordation procedures. Finally, involvement of development partners such as Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), The World Bank, United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management (UNGGIM), The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN- HABITAT) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN FAO) is key in ensuring that the land administration projects technically and financially supported are designed around FFP concepts.
In: Sørensen , E M & Enemark , S 2006 , Problem Based Internship in Surveying and Planning Curricula . in Shaping the change : XXIII International FIG Congress : Proceedings . International Federation of Surveyors , International FIG Congress , München , Germany , 08/10/2006 .
The University Programme for the education of Masters in Surveying and Planning has been reorganized. First of all the basic concept of Problem Based Learning at Aalborg University is still dominating the full curricula of the Danish Master Programme in Surveying and Planning. The five year Programme has been divided into a 3 year Bachelor-Programme and after this a 2 year Master-Programme. It has been done as a part of a governmental policy to adapt and fulfil the Bologna-charter in all University Curricula in Denmark. A new element in the Master Programme is a problem-based internship for students at the 9th semester, just before they in the 10th semester is finalizing the five year education by writing their Master- Thesis. The internship gives the student the possibility to stay and work for a three month period in private surveying company, a public authority within land management ore another consulting agency ore company with a surveying ore land management profile. The internship is not focusing on practice training alone. The student has to prepare the internship by formulating a problem reflecting what they want to learn and how the can contribute to develop products, procedures ore procedures which can be used by the host for the internship to develop their capacity within surveying and land management issues. The internship student is hereby obligated to develop new knowledge and do innovation in practice. By doing this the student develop their understanding of professional work being done by the host for the internship. It is expected that the student will develop skills to make their thesis with a profile that will give still more useable end employable new knowledge. When the students are away from the campus, they follow a distance learning course in "Project economy and – leadership". This course is organized as an e-Learning course and the student has to develop and document their skills to follow distance e-learning courses. It will prepare them to follow and organize self paced learning in virtual environment which will develop their capacity for life-long learning further. The idea behind this new element in the Master Programme is to strength the cooperation between university education and research on the one side and innovation and development in surveying planning industries and companies and related public authorities. The university is asked by the society to serve the community with still more new knowledge and technology transfer from the international research community. The internship and still more real world influenced problem based learning by writing thesis will be and important bridge builder in the following years.
The people-to-land relationship is dynamic and changes over time in response to cultural, social and economic development. Land policies, institutions and land administration systems are key tools aimed at governing this relationship. Such tools will normally include the means for allocating and controlling rights, restrictions and responsibilities in land – often termed RRRs. Each of the rights, restrictions and responsibilities encompasses a human rights dimension that should be seen and unfolded as more than just political rhetoric. This article attempts to analyse the aspect of human rights in relation to land administration systems with a special focus on less developed countries struggling to build adequate systems for governing the rights, restrictions and responsibilities in land. In doing so, the article conceives planning as a key function and means of land administration systems by which human rights should be underpinned in solving concrete land issues.
In: Mitchell , D , Shiu , W , Enemark , S & Kavanagh , J 2020 , ' Blended Learning in Support of Life-long Learning for Surveyors ' , FIG Article of the Month , pp. 18 .
"Blended" or "hybrid" learning is a significant trend in professional surveying education. It involves a mix of face-to-face learning and online learning. While blended learning is challenging to implement it offers many benefits and, when carefully developed, provides a range of learning options that suit many student learning styles and approaches. A key characteristic is that digital learning or training materials can be shared and easily adapted for use in many contexts. The benefits in blended learning for life-long learning is enhanced if education institutions, government, industry and professional institutions work together to develop online learning opportunities. It all starts with quality online learning materials that can be used in many ways by many stakeholders to provide options for life-long learning pathways that are then incorporated into traditional face-to-face approaches suited to the context. In this paper we discuss the development of blended learning in academia, training institutions and professional institutions. The paper draws on the experiences of the authors and existing literature to review and discuss the trends in blended learning and consider how this may be of benefits to learners in academic institutions, as well as for training within the surveyor sector, and the benefits for professional development programs. Finally, we consider ways that academic institutions, training organisations, industry and professional bodies can work together to derive efficiencies and combined benefits of blended learning resources.