Laserunterstütztes Scherschneiden hochfester Blechwerkstoffe *
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 99, Heft 10, S. 699-706
ISSN: 1436-4980
14 Ergebnisse
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 99, Heft 10, S. 699-706
ISSN: 1436-4980
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 98, Heft 10, S. 815-824
ISSN: 1436-4980
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 105, Heft 9, S. 586-590
ISSN: 1436-4980
Zur Fertigung belastungsoptimierter faserverstärkter Strukturbauteile mit Tape- oder Fiber-Placement-Verfahren kommen vermehrt robotergeführte Systeme zur Anwendung. Im Gegensatz zu den aus der Luftfahrtindustrie bekannten Portalsystemen werden so Anlagenkosten gesenkt und neue Anwendungsfelder erschlossen. Um die Maschinenauslastung zu steigern, müssen auch Tape- oder Fiber-Placement-Systeme die flexible Fertigung faserverstärkter Komponenten in verschiedenen Prozessketten ermöglichen.
Automated manufacturing of load optimized fiber-reinforced composite structures by using tape and fiber placement systems is highly desirable and advantageous with regard to reproducibility, cycle times and fiber volume content. The combination of standard robot systems with tape and fiber placement technology reduces system costs and increases flexibility. To increase machine utilization and to reduce machine effort, tape and fiber placement systems also have to be flexible.
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 106, Heft 5, S. 341-346
ISSN: 1436-4980
Bei der Herstellung hochbelastbarer Leichtbaukomponenten aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen können laserunterstützte Prozesse mit In-Situ-Konsolidierung von thermoplastischen Halbzeugen zum Einsatz kommen. Die Prozesstemperatur ist dabei einer der wichtigsten Prozessparameter. Die exakte, ortsaufgelöste Temperaturerfassung in den entscheidenden Prozesszonen erleichtert die Regelung verschiedener Prozessparameter. Der Beitrag hebt die Vorteile einer infrarotkameragestützten Prozesstemperaturerfassung hervor.
For the production of lightweight components made of fiber-reinforced plastics, laser-based processes with in-situ consolidation of thermoplastic composites can be used. As the process temperature is the most important process parameter, the exact spatially resolved measurement of the temperature in critical process zones is crucial for the control of various process parameters. This article depicts the benefits of the process temperature detection with infrared cameras.
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 105, Heft 9, S. 567-572
ISSN: 1436-4980
In der Herstellung von Leichtbaukomponenten aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen treten Handhabungsvorgänge mit empfindlichen, luftdurchlässigen, biegeschlaffen Materialien auf. Um diese Vorgänge in der Produktion etwa in RTM (Resin Transfer Moulding)-Prozessketten zu automatisieren, hat das Fraunhofer IPT einen Greifer für die Handhabung textiler Materialien entwickelt. Dieser Greifer basiert auf der elektrostatischen Adhäsion und ermöglicht automatisiertes Handhaben und Drapieren textiler Hochleistungsmaterialien.
Handling operations with sensitive non-rigid, air-permeable materials are often found in the production of lightweight products made out of fiber-reinforced plastics. In order to further automate the production of light-weight components, for instance in RTM-process-chains, Fraunhofer IPT developed a gripping system especially suitable for sensitive textile materials. This gripper is based on the electro-adhesive effect and enables for the automated handling and draping of textile materials.
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 100, Heft 5, S. 338-345
ISSN: 1436-4980
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 98, Heft 7-8, S. 525-532
ISSN: 1436-4980
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 109, Heft 10, S. 785-792
ISSN: 1436-4980
Im Projekt "iComposite4.0" wurde ein Produktionssystem zur Fertigung hybrider FVK-Bauteile entwickelt. Durch den Multimaterialansatz werden kostengünstige Materialien lastspezifisch eingesetzt. Zudem wird der mehrstufige Prozess genutzt, um während der Produktion durch eine Ausgleichsfunktion eine Anpassung der mechanischen Bauteileigenschaften umzusetzen. Kernaspekte hierbei liegen in der Integration von Messtechnik, Modellierungen und Entscheidungsalgorithmen in das Produktionssystem.
In the iComposite4.0 project, a production system for the manufacture of hybrid FRP components was developed. The multi-material approach allows cost-effective materials to be used for load specific designs. Moreover, the multi-stage process is used to establish an control-algorithm to compensate fluctuations of the mechanical properties of the final part during production. Core aspects are the integration of measurement technology, modelling and decision algorithms into the production system.
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 104, Heft 6, S. 333-340
ISSN: 1436-4980
BACKGROUND: The complement system is a central component of the innate immune system. Constitutive biosynthesis of complement proteins is essential for homeostasis. Dysregulation as a consequence of genetic or environmental cues can lead to inflammatory syndromes or increased susceptibility to infection. However, very little is known about steady state levels in children or its kinetics during infection. METHODS: With a newly developed multiplex mass spectrometry-based method we analyzed the levels of 32 complement proteins in healthy individuals and in a group of pediatric patients infected with bacterial or viral pathogens. FINDINGS: In plasma from young infants we found reduced levels of C4BP, ficolin-3, factor B, classical pathway components C1QA, C1QB, C1QC, C1R, and terminal pathway components C5, C8, C9, as compared to healthy adults; whereas the majority of complement regulating (inhibitory) proteins reach adult levels at very young age. Both viral and bacterial infections in children generally lead to a slight overall increase in complement levels, with some exceptions. The kinetics of complement levels during invasive bacterial infections only showed minor changes, except for a significant increase and decrease of CRP and clusterin, respectively. INTERPRETATION: The combination of lower levels of activating and higher levels of regulating complement proteins, would potentially raise the threshold of activation, which might lead to suppressed complement activation in the first phase of life. There is hardly any measurable complement consumption during bacterial or viral infection. Altogether, expression of the complement proteins appears surprisingly stable, which suggests that the system is continuously replenished. FUND: European Union's Horizon 2020, project PERFORM, grant agreement No. 668303.
Background Prolonged Emergency Department (ED) stay causes crowding and negatively impacts quality of care. We developed and validated a prediction model for early identification of febrile children with a high risk of hospitalisation in order to improve ED flow. Methods The MOFICHE study prospectively collected data on febrile children (0–18 years) presenting to 12 European EDs. A prediction models was constructed using multivariable logistic regression and included patient characteristics available at triage. We determined the discriminative values of the model by calculating the area under the receiver operating curve (AUC). Findings Of 38,424 paediatric encounters, 9,735 children were admitted to the ward and 157 to the PICU. The prediction model, combining patient characteristics and NICE alarming, yielded an AUC of 0.84 (95%CI 0.83-0.84). The model performed well for a rule-in threshold of 75% (specificity 99.0% (95%CI 98.9-99.1%, positive likelihood ratio 15.1 (95%CI 13.4-17.1), positive predictive value 0.84 (95%CI 0.82-0.86)) and a rule-out threshold of 7.5% (sensitivity 95.4% (95%CI 95.0-95.8), negative likelihood ratio 0.15 (95%CI 0.14-0.16), negative predictive value 0.95 (95%CI 0.95-9.96)). Validation in a separate dataset showed an excellent AUC of 0.91 (95%CI 0.90- 0.93). The model performed well for identifying children needing PICU admission (AUC 0.95, 95%CI 0.93-0.97). A digital calculator was developed to facilitate clinical use. Interpretation Patient characteristics and NICE alarming signs available at triage can be used to identify febrile children at high risk for hospitalisation and can be used to improve ED flow. Funding European Union, NIHR, NHS.
Background Sepsis and severe focal infections represent a substantial disease burden in children admitted to hospital. We aimed to understand the burden of disease and outcomes in children with life-threatening bacterial infections in Europe. Methods The European Union Childhood Life-threatening Infectious Disease Study (EUCLIDS) was a prospective, multicentre, cohort study done in six countries in Europe. Patients aged 1 month to 18 years with sepsis (or suspected sepsis) or severe focal infections, admitted to 98 participating hospitals in the UK, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, and the Netherlands were prospectively recruited between July 1, 2012, and Dec 31, 2015. To assess disease burden and outcomes, we collected demographic and clinical data using a secured web-based platform and obtained microbiological data using locally available clinical diagnostic procedures. Findings 2844 patients were recruited and included in the analysis. 1512 (53·2%) of 2841 patients were male and median age was 39·1 months (IQR 12·4–93·9). 1229 (43·2%) patients had sepsis and 1615 (56·8%) had severe focal infections. Patients diagnosed with sepsis had a median age of 27·6 months (IQR 9·0–80·2), whereas those diagnosed with severe focal infections had a median age of 46·5 months (15·8–100·4; p<0·0001). Of 2844 patients in the entire cohort, the main clinical syndromes were pneumonia (511 [18·0%] patients), CNS infection (469 [16·5%]), and skin and soft tissue infection (247 [8·7%]). The causal microorganism was identified in 1359 (47·8%) children, with the most prevalent ones being Neisseria meningitidis (in 259 [9·1%] patients), followed by Staphylococcus aureus (in 222 [7·8%]), Streptococcus pneumoniae (in 219 [7·7%]), and group A streptococcus (in 162 [5·7%]). 1070 (37·6%) patients required admission to a paediatric intensive care unit. Of 2469 patients with outcome data, 57 (2·2%) deaths occurred: seven were in patients with severe focal infections and 50 in those with sepsis. Interpretation Mortality in children ...
Background Sepsis and severe focal infections represent a substantial disease burden in children admitted to hospital. We aimed to understand the burden of disease and outcomes in children with life-threatening bacterial infections in Europe. Methods The European Union Childhood Life-threatening Infectious Disease Study (EUCLIDS) was a prospective, multicentre, cohort study done in six countries in Europe. Patients aged 1 month to 18 years with sepsis (or suspected sepsis) or severe focal infections, admitted to 98 participating hospitals in the UK, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, and the Netherlands were prospectively recruited between July 1, 2012, and Dec 31, 2015. To assess disease burden and outcomes, we collected demographic and clinical data using a secured web-based platform and obtained microbiological data using locally available clinical diagnostic procedures. Findings 2844 patients were recruited and included in the analysis. 1512 (53·2%) of 2841 patients were male and median age was 39·1 months (IQR 12·4–93·9). 1229 (43·2%) patients had sepsis and 1615 (56·8%) had severe focal infections. Patients diagnosed with sepsis had a median age of 27·6 months (IQR 9·0–80·2), whereas those diagnosed with severe focal infections had a median age of 46·5 months (15·8–100·4; p<0·0001). Of 2844 patients in the entire cohort, the main clinical syndromes were pneumonia (511 [18·0%] patients), CNS infection (469 [16·5%]), and skin and soft tissue infection (247 [8·7%]). The causal microorganism was identified in 1359 (47·8%) children, with the most prevalent ones being Neisseria meningitidis (in 259 [9·1%] patients), followed by Staphylococcus aureus (in 222 [7·8%]), Streptococcus pneumoniae (in 219 [7·7%]), and group A streptococcus (in 162 [5·7%]). 1070 (37·6%) patients required admission to a paediatric intensive care unit. Of 2469 patients with outcome data, 57 (2·2%) deaths occurred: seven were in patients with severe focal infections and 50 in those with sepsis. Interpretation Mortality in children admitted to hospital for sepsis or severe focal infections is low in Europe. The disease burden is mainly in children younger than 5 years and is largely due to vaccine-preventable meningococcal and pneumococcal infections. Despite the availability and application of clinical procedures for microbiological diagnosis, the causative organism remained unidentified in approximately 50% of patients.
Background: Sepsis and severe focal infections represent a substantial disease burden in children admitted to hospital. We aimed to understand the burden of disease and outcomes in children with life-threatening bacterial infections in Europe. Methods: The European Union Childhood Life-threatening Infectious Disease Study (EUCLIDS) was a prospective, multicentre, cohort study done in six countries in Europe. Patients aged 1 month to 18 years with sepsis (or suspected sepsis) or severe focal infections, admitted to 98 participating hospitals in the UK, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, and the Netherlands were prospectively recruited between July 1, 2012, and Dec 31, 2015. To assess disease burden and outcomes, we collected demographic and clinical data using a secured web-based platform and obtained microbiological data using locally available clinical diagnostic procedures. Findings: 2844 patients were recruited and included in the analysis. 1512 (53·2%) of 2841 patients were male and median age was 39·1 months (IQR 12·4–93·9). 1229 (43·2%) patients had sepsis and 1615 (56·8%) had severe focal infections. Patients diagnosed with sepsis had a median age of 27·6 months (IQR 9·0–80·2), whereas those diagnosed with severe focal infections had a median age of 46·5 months (15·8–100·4; p<0·0001). Of 2844 patients in the entire cohort, the main clinical syndromes were pneumonia (511 [18·0%] patients), CNS infection (469 [16·5%]), and skin and soft tissue infection (247 [8·7%]). The causal microorganism was identified in 1359 (47·8%) children, with the most prevalent ones being Neisseria meningitidis (in 259 [9·1%] patients), followed by Staphylococcus aureus (in 222 [7·8%]), Streptococcus pneumoniae (in 219 [7·7%]), and group A streptococcus (in 162 [5·7%]). 1070 (37·6%) patients required admission to a paediatric intensive care unit. Of 2469 patients with outcome data, 57 (2·2%) deaths occurred: seven were in patients with severe focal infections and 50 in those with sepsis. Interpretation: Mortality in children admitted to hospital for sepsis or severe focal infections is low in Europe. The disease burden is mainly in children younger than 5 years and is largely due to vaccine-preventable meningococcal and pneumococcal infections. Despite the availability and application of clinical procedures for microbiological diagnosis, the causative organism remained unidentified in approximately 50% of patients.