Anthropocene: a very short introduction
In: Very short introductions 558
Origins -- Earth system -- Geologic time -- The great acceleration -- Anthropos -- Oikos -- Politikos -- Prometheus
10 Ergebnisse
In: Very short introductions 558
Origins -- Earth system -- Geologic time -- The great acceleration -- Anthropos -- Oikos -- Politikos -- Prometheus
Ellis ist Professor für Geologie und Umweltsysteme an der University of Maryland und Mitglied einer Kommission, die die Einführung des Begriffs Anthropozän als geologisches Erdzeitalter untersucht hat. Der Begriff geht u.a. zurück auf den Nobelpreisträger P.J. Crutzen: "Das Anthropozän". Ellis erläutert zunächst die bisherige Bestimmung der Erdzeitalter durch Stratigraphen, welche die Einteilung der Zeitalter aufgrund von Fossilienfunden und Gesteinsschichtungen vornehmen. Inzwischen ist der Einfluss des Menschen sowohl in der Hydro-, der Bio- sowie der Atmosphäre nachweisbar. Und auch das Artensterben, der veränderte Kohle- wie auch der Stickstoffkreislaufs verändern unsere Umwelt nachhaltig und rechtfertigen, nach Ellis' Meinung, die Neubenennung des gegenwärtigen Zeitalters. Insgesamt eine für interessierte Laien gut verständliche Darstellung mit ausführlichem Register und Literaturangaben. Kein aktueller Vergleichstitel. Die zahlreichen gleichlautenden Titel beziehen sich vorwiegend allgemein auf den Klimawandel. Breit empfohlen. (2 S)
In: Current anthropology, Band 59, Heft 2, S. 209-227
ISSN: 1537-5382
In: Raisons politiques: études de pensée politique, Band 77, Heft 1, S. 35-54
ISSN: 1950-6708
In: Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Band 48, S. 289-317
In: Ecology and society: E&S ; a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability, Band 24, Heft 2
ISSN: 1708-3087
International agreements aim to conserve 17% of Earth's land area by 2020 but include no area-based conservation targets within the working landscapes that support human needs through farming, ranching, and forestry. Through a review of country-level legislation, we found that just 38% of countries have minimum area requirements for conserving native habitats within working landscapes. We argue for increasing native habitats to at least 20% of working landscape area where it is below this minimum. Such target has benefits for food security, nature's contributions to people, and the connectivity and effectiveness of protected area networks in biomes in which protected areas are underrepresented. We also argue for maintaining native habitat at higher levels where it currently exceeds the 20% minimum, and performed a literature review that shows that even more than 50% native habitat restoration is needed in particular landscapes. The post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework is an opportune moment to include a minimum habitat restoration target for working landscapes that contributes to, but does not compete with, initiatives for expanding protected areas, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
International agreements aim to conserve 17% of Earth's land area by 2020 but include no area‐based conservation targets within the working landscapes that support human needs through farming, ranching, and forestry. Through a review of country‐level legislation, we found that just 38% of countries have minimum area requirements for conserving native habitats within working landscapes. We argue for increasing native habitats to at least 20% of working landscape area where it is below this minimum. Such target has benefits for food security, nature's contributions to people, and the connectivity and effectiveness of protected area networks in biomes in which protected areas are underrepresented. We also argue for maintaining native habitat at higher levels where it currently exceeds the 20% minimum, and performed a literature review that shows that even more than 50% native habitat restoration is needed in particular landscapes. The post‐2020 Global Biodiversity Framework is an opportune moment to include a minimum habitat restoration target for working landscapes that contributes to, but does not compete with, initiatives for expanding protected areas, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
A range of published arguments against formalizing the Anthropocene as a geological time unit have variously suggested that it is a misleading term of non-stratigraphic origin and usage, is based on insignificant temporal and material stratigraphic content unlike that used to define older geological time units, is focused on observation of human history or speculation about the future rather than geologically significant events, and is driven more by politics than science. In response, we contend that the Anthropocene is a functional term that has firm geological grounding in a well-characterized stratigraphic record. This record, although often lithologically thin, is laterally extensive, rich in detail and already reflects substantial elapsed (and in part irreversible) change to the Earth System that is comparable to or greater in magnitude than that of previous epoch-scale transitions. The Anthropocene differs from previously defined epochs in reflecting contemporary geological change, which in turn also leads to the term's use over a wide range of social and political discourse. Nevertheless, that use remains entirely distinct from its demonstrable stratigraphic underpinning. Here we respond to the arguments opposing the geological validity and utility of the Anthropocene, and submit that a strong case may be made for the Anthropocene to be treated as a formal chronostratigraphic unit and added to the Geological Time Scale.
A range of published arguments against formalizing the Anthropocene as a geological time unit have variously suggested that it is a misleading term of non-stratigraphic origin and usage, is based on insignificant temporal and material stratigraphic content unlike that used to define older geological time units, is focused on observation of human history or speculation about the future rather than geologically significant events, and is driven more by politics than science. In response, we contend that the Anthropocene is a functional term that has firm geological grounding in a well-characterized stratigraphic record. This record, although often lithologically thin, is laterally extensive, rich in detail and already reflects substantial elapsed (and in part irreversible) change to the Earth System that is comparable to or greater in magnitude than that of previous epoch-scale transitions. The Anthropocene differs from previously defined epochs in reflecting contemporary geological change, which in turn also leads to the term's use over a wide range of social and political discourse. Nevertheless, that use remains entirely distinct from its demonstrable stratigraphic underpinning. Here we respond to the arguments opposing the geological validity and utility of the Anthropocene, and submit that a strong case may be made for the Anthropocene to be treated as a formal chronostratigraphic unit and added to the Geological Time Scale.