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31 Ergebnisse
he United States has dramatically increased its production of alternative fuels over the past seven years. With the passing of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), alternative fuel production will increase in the United States over 700% from 2005 levels. However, the pursuit of petroleum alternatives is not a recent trend. Over the last 100 years, various nations have pursued petroleum alternatives with varying levels of success. This research focuses on the historical development of 10 leading alternative fuels and feedstocks. Through a thorough literature review we will identify commonalities among these fuels and feedstocks which have hindered their adoption. Further, the research evaluates the 10 alternative fuels and feedstocks with text mining software to support findings from the literature review. This research finds that alternative fuels face significant challenges with regards to environmental impacts, technological maturity, and societal costs. Further, these petroleum alternatives have rarely been economical solutions. The research findings suggest that while there are National Security reasons for pursuing petroleum alternatives, rarely are there economic ones.
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 134, S. 241-257
ISSN: 0048-7694
A review essay on books by (1) Pedro Madrigal, Hans Blumenburg: Trabajo Sobre el Mito (Barcelona: Paidos, 2003); (2) Faustino Oncina Coves, Reinhart Koselleck: Aceleracion, Prognosis y Secularizacion (Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2003); (3) Antonio Gomez Ramos, Reinhart Kosellek: historia/Historia (Madrid: Trotta, 2004) & (4) Marcos Mayer, Pierre Rosanvallon: Para Una Historia Conceptual de lo Politico (Buenos Aires: F. C. E., 2003).
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 134, S. 241-257
ISSN: 0048-7694
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 134, S. 241-257
ISSN: 0048-7694
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 134, S. 241-257
ISSN: 0048-7694
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 73, Heft 3, S. 459-460
ISSN: 1538-165X
In: Portuguese studies: a biannual multi-disciplinary journal devoted to research on the cultures, societies, and history of the Lusophone world, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 5-32
ISSN: 0267-5315
In: Portuguese studies: a biannual multi-disciplinary journal devoted to research on the cultures, societies, and history of the Lusophone world, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 5-31
ISSN: 2222-4270
In: Portuguese studies: a biannual multi-disciplinary journal devoted to research on the cultures, societies, and history of the Lusophone world, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 5
ISSN: 2222-4270
In: Portuguese studies: a biannual multi-disciplinary journal devoted to research on the cultures, societies, and history of the Lusophone world, Band 20, S. 73-88
ISSN: 0267-5315
In: Portuguese studies: a biannual multi-disciplinary journal devoted to research on the cultures, societies, and history of the Lusophone world, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 73-88
ISSN: 2222-4270
In: Economic issues, problems and perspectives
In: Global economic studies
Intro -- ECONOMICS OF COMPETITION -- ECONOMICS OF COMPETITION -- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1: COMPETITION AND ANTITRUST POLICY: AN AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS PERSPECTIVE -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The "Austrian" Understanding of Competition -- 2.1. Competition as Dynamic, Rivalrous Market Process -- 2.2. The Knowledge Problem -- 2.3. Competition as a Discovery Procedure -- 2.4. The Entrepreneur as the Driving Force of Competition -- 3. Crucial Requirements Crucial to Unleash and MaintainCompetition as a Discovery Procedure -- 3.1. Institutional Conditions -- 3.2. Barriers to Entry -- 4. Is Market Power a Problem in the AustrianUnderstanding of Competition? -- 5. The Case Against Antitrust -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2: THE MARKET FOR SELF-MEDICATION IN AUSTRIA: THE COMPETITION ECONOMIST'S POINT OF VIEW -- Abstract -- A. Introduction -- B. The Austrian OTC Market -- 1. Market Definition -- C. Regulation of the OTC Market -- D. Price Formation by a Chain of Monopolies -- E. International Practices to Regulate the OTC Market -- F. Consumer Information -- G. Market Performance - Summary Evaluation -- Chapter 3: THE GREED FACTOR: THE INSIDIOUSENEMY THAT IS BEING IGNORED -- Abstract -- Introduction -- From Ambition to Greed -- A Comparative Analysis -- Differences in the Practices -- Destructive Practices of the Greedy -- Key Practices of the Ambitious -- Combatting Greed -- Ethical Counter Greed -- Legal Counter Greed -- Financial Counter Greed -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: ESSAYS ON CONSUMPTION BEHAVIORS IN A VERTICAL DIFFERENTIATION MODEL -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. BenchmarkModel -- 3. Relative Preferences for Quality (RPQ) -- 3.1. RPQ Model's Specifications -- 3.2. RPQ's Market Outcome -- 4. Addictive Ordinary Goods (AOG) -- 4.1. AOG Model's Specifications.
In: Ausländerbeschäftigung und internationale Politik: zur Analyse transnationaler Sozialprozesse, S. 81-102
Aus dem Inhalt: I. Soziale Situation 1. Internationale Verflechtung des deutschen Systems der sozialen Sicherheit 2. Illegale Beschäftigung 3. Werkverträge mit ausländischen Firmen 4. Soziale Gleichbehandlung der Ausländer 5. Mitarbeit ausländischer Staatsangehöriger in deutschen Institutionen II. Wohnsituation, Urbanismus III. Schulprobleme der Kinder der ausländischen Arbeitnehmer unter außenpolitischen Gesichtspunkten IV. Soziale Schichtungsstruktur