Evolution of sports performances: contribution of epidemiology for the analysis of sports performances and physiological, technological, genetic and environmental influences on human progressions during the Olympic era. ; Evolution des performances sportives : apport de l'épidémiologie pour l'analys...
The objective of this thesis is to study the evolution of athletic performance during theOlympic era and try to interpret the physiological, technological, genetic and environmentalinfluences.Mathematical modeling of quantifiable sports performance shows similar trends in all events:they follow a piecewise multi-exponential progression punctuated by historical events. Thisglobal vision allows the discovery of a limiting phenomenon common to all disciplines,performance can not continue to grow, and some have already stopped growing. Theselimitations observed in the field of sports are an indicator of physiological limitations of thehuman species.The main factors that would allow for further performance improvements are technologicalinnovations.Furthermore genetic predisposition of athletes and their phenotype resulting from interactionsbetween genes and environment, enable them to perform these maximal athleticperformances. The majority of world records were beaten by athletes from nations that areamong the major world powers, providing a geographical, economic and socio-politicalenvironment promoting the development of sport. Thus we suggest that sport is an indicatorof the secular economical and political development of a country.The results of this thesis analyzing a large number of data provide new insight intoprogression abilities: human physiological performance does not evolve in a linear way. ; L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'évolution des performances sportives au cours de l'èreolympique et tenter d'en interpréter les influences physiologiques, technologiques, génétiqueset environnementales.La modélisation mathématique des performances sportives quantifiables montre desévolutions similaires dans toutes les épreuves : elles suivent une loi de progression multiexponentiellepar séries scandée par les événements historiques. Cette vision intégratricepermet la découverte d'un phénomène limitant commun à toutes les disciplines, lesperformances ne peuvent pas continuer à progresser continuellement, ...