High-resolution confirmation of an extended helium atmosphere around WASP-107b
Context. Probing the evaporation of exoplanet atmospheres is key to understanding the formation and evolution of exoplanetary systems. The main tracer of evaporation in the UV is the Lyman-α transition, which can reveal extended exospheres of neutral hydrogen. Recently, the near-infrared (NIR) metastable helium triplet (10 833 Å) revealed extended thermospheres in several exoplanets. This opens a new window into evaporation. Aims. We aim at spectrally resolving the first helium absorption signature detected in the warm Saturn WASP-107b with the Wide Filed Camera 3 on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST/WFC3). Methods. We obtained one transit of WASP-107b with CARMENES installed on the 3.5 m telescope at the Calar Alto observatory. Results. We detect an excess helium absorption signature of 5.54 ± 0.27% (20σ) in the planet rest frame during the transit. The detection is in agreement with the previous detection achieved with HST/WFC3. The signature shows an excess absorption in the blue part of the lines, suggesting that He I atoms are escaping from the atmosphere of WASP-107b. We interpret the time-series absorption spectra using the 3D EVE code. Our observations can be explained by combining an extended thermosphere that fills half of the Roche lobe and a large exospheric tail sustained by an escape rate of metastable helium of about 106 g s-1. In this scenario, however, the upper atmosphere needs to be subjected to a reduced photoionisation and radiation pressure from the star for the model to match the observations. Conclusions. We confirm the presence of helium in the atmosphere of WASP-107b at high confidence. The helium feature is detected from space and from the ground. The ground-based high-resolution signal brings detailed information about the spatial and dynamical structure of the upper atmosphere, and simulations suggest that the He I signature of WASP-107b probes both its thermosphere and exosphere, establishing this signature as a robust probe of exoplanetary upper atmospheres. Surveys with NIR high-resolution spectrographs (e.g. CARMENES, the Spectromètre infrarouge (SPIRou), or the Near-Infrared Planet Searcher (NIRPS)) will deliver a statistical understanding of exoplanet thermospheres and exospheres through the helium triplet. © ESO 2019. ; This work has been carried out within the frame of the National Centre for Competence in Research "PlanetS" supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). R.A., V.B., C.L., D.E., and F.P. acknowledge the financial support of the SNSF. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (project FOUR ACES; grant agreement No 724427). A.W. acknowledges the financial support of the SNSF by the grant number P2GEP2_178191. ; Peer Reviewed