Cultural Techniques: Assembling Spaces, Texts & Collectives
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction -- Working on Barricades and Boulevards: Cultural Techniques of Revolution in Nineteenth-Century Paris -- Cultural Techniques and Founding Fictions -- A Message in a Bottle -- Waiting: Cultural Techniques, Media, and Infrastructures -- Orthopedics by the Roadside: Spikes and Studs as Devices of Social Normalization -- Ballooning: Aeronautical Techniques from Montgolfier to Google -- Attached: The Object and the Collective -- Monturen/montures: On Riding, Dressing, and Wearing. Nomadic Cultural Techniques and (the Marginalization) of Asian Clothing in Europe -- Self-Imprints of Nature -- Identifying, Categorizing, and Stigmatizing Fat Bodies -- Techniques of the Body and Storytelling: From Marcel Mauss to César Aira -- Writing Out - Gathered Up at a Venture from All Four Corners of the Earth: Jean Paul's Techniques and Operations (on Excerpts) -- Collecting Texts: Miscellaneity in Journals, Anthologies, and Novels (Jean Paul) -- Reading by Grouping: Collecting Discipline(s) in Brockhaus's Bilder-Atlas -- Patience and Precipitation: Two Figures of Historical Change -- The Fruit Fly, the Vermin, and the Prokurist: Operations of Appearing in Kafka's Metamorphosis -- Collective Likeness: Mimetic Aspects of Liking -- List of Figures -- List of Contributors -- Name Index -- Subject Index