Narrativas hegemónicas que legitiman la violencia; Hegemonic narratives that legitimize violence
Resumen: Cuando me disponía a descansar, los medios masivos de información anunciaron la alocución del presidente de un país de América del Sur. La palabra alocución me remontó a las arengas militares que dirigía un general romano a sus tropas. Esta alocución hizo fuerte énfasis en la palabra "abatir". Similar a la trama de las series de netflix, las telenovelas, las fabulas y los cuentos de hadas, donde aparece un héroe que lucha contra su adversario, lo derrota y posteriormente hace creer al pueblo que lo salvado del mal. A mi modo de pensar una visión bastante reduccionista.Palabras clave: Violencia; narrativas; hegemonía. Abstract: When I was about to rest, the mass media announced the address of the president of a South American country. The word "alocution" took me back to the military harangues that a Roman general directed to his troops. This speech strongly emphasized the word "abatir". Similar to the plot of the series of netflix, telenovelas, fables and fairy tales, where a hero appears who fights against his adversary, defeats him and later makes the people believe that he saved him from evil. To my way of thinking a quite reductionist vision.Keywords: Violence; narratives hegemony.