Private associations and Jewish communities in the Hellenistic and Roman cities
In: Supplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism volume 191
10 Ergebnisse
In: Supplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism volume 191
In: Klio
In: Beiträge Neue Folge, Band 34
Frontmatter -- Vorwort -- Inhalt -- 1 Romanisierung und Verbrüderung -- 2 Die Ordnung der Vereine -- 3 Die nützlichen Vereine im Westen -- 4 Privates Vereinswesen: Grenzziehungen -- 5 Ubique res publica? Römische Vereine im Osten -- 6 Der Rat, das Volk – und die Vereine? -- 7 Organisierte Vergangenheiten -- 8 Translokale Organisationen -- 9 Christianisierung und Verstaatlichung -- Bibliographie -- Orte -- Namen und Sachen -- Quellen
In: "Religio licita?"
Herod in History takes a modern, source-critical approach to Josephus' Jewish War and Jewish Antiquities to show how it relied heavily on Nicolaus of Damascus lost Universal History, and reassesses Nicolaus's contribution to the historiography of Herod the Great's reign.
In: Oxford studies in Roman society and law
The study of the Roman Empire has changed dramatically in the last century, with significant emphasis now placed on understanding the experiences of subject populations, rather than a sole focus on the Roman imperial elites. Local experiences, and interactions between periphery and centre, are an intrinsic component in our understanding of the empire's function over and against the earlier, top-down model. But where does law fit into this new, decentralized picture of empire? 0This volume brings together internationally renowned scholars from both legal and historical backgrounds to study the operation of law in each region of the Roman Empire, from Britain to Egypt, from the first century BCE to the end of the third century CE. Regional specificities are explored in detail alongside the emergence of common themes and activities in a series of case studies that together reveal a new and wide-ranging picture of law in the Roman Empire, balancing the practicalities of regional variation with the ideological constructs of law and empire
In: Philippika 102
The contributions in this volume are related to the role coins could play in ancient societies, especially Greek societies. Although the articles approach the subject of coins from different perspectives, all are rooted in concrete case studies and seek to understand how coins could serve as the harbingers of innovation, the medium of representation, how coins conveyed new social practices and the effects that coins could have within and beyond the economic field
In: Klio
In: Beihefte Neue Folge, Band 34
Introducción: This volume comprises revised presentations from the 2014 symposium plus an additional contribution by Melanie Wasmuth, this introduction, and an overall critical assessment by R. J. van der Spek, who was also present at the symposium. We regret that not all of the participants of the symposium were able to contribute to this publication, especially with the resulting loss of discussion of certain areas of the empire (sadly even the heartland itself), but we trust the ones collected here profitably explore the issues from a variety of perspectives. The collection begins with a discussion of the Kingdom-cum-Satrapy of Lydia. Eduard Rung considers the notable lack of Lydian independence efforts through two topics; two early appointments by Cyrus the Great (Tabalus and Pactyes) and the early (and only attested) Lydian revolt by Pactyes. In his analysis, native elites were totally replaced from the Lydian administration following the revolt leading to the memory of Croesus's kingdom losing any local political effectiveness.
In: Religion und Moderne
Religion und Moderne
Herausgegeben von Thomas Großbölting, Detlef Pollack, Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger und Ulrich Willems
Die Debatten zur »religiösen Pluralität« sind meist von der Annahme getragen, dass die Vielfalt von Religionen ein spezifisch modernes Phänomen ist. Historische Forschungen fördern gleichwohl ein anderes Bild zutage: Religiöse Pluralität erscheint darin nicht als ein Novum der Religionsgeschichte. Wie aber unterscheidet sich die Wirklichkeit religiöser Pluralität in der Antike von der gegenwärtigen Lage? Wie wandeln sich die Vorstellungen von der Gestaltung, der Ordnung religiöser Pluralität? Der Band nimmt Sondierungen in verschiedene Epochen und Religionskulturen vor.