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80 Ergebnisse
In: International library of essays on rights
In: Bloomsbury collections
Baker : the unity of public law? /David Dyzenhaus --Deference from Baker to Suresh and beyond - interpreting the conflicting signals /David Mullan --The Baker effect : a new interface between the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and administrative law - the case of discretion /Geneviève Cartier --The rule of policy : Baker and the impact of judicial review on administrative discretion /Lorne Sossin --'Alert, alive and sensitive' : Baker, the duty to give reasons, and the ethos of justification in Canadian public law /Mary Liston --The internal morality of administration : the form and structure of reasonableness /Evan Fox-Decent --The state of law's borders and the law of states' borders /Audrey Macklin --Refugees, asylum seekers, the rule of law and human rights /Colin Harvey --Judicial review of expulsion decisions : reflections on the UK experience /Nicholas Blake QC --Rights in the balance : non-citizens and state sovereignty under the Charter /Ninette Kelley --Common law reason and the limits of judicial deference /Trevor Allan --Of cocoons and small 'c' constitutionalism : the principle of legality and an Australian perspective on Baker /Margaret Allars --Judicial review, intensity and deference in EU law /Paul Craig --A hesitant embrace : Baker and the application of international law by Canadian courts /Jutta Brunnée & Stephen J. Toope --Authority, influence and persuasion : Baker, Charter values and the puzzle of method /Mayo Moran --The common law constitution and legal cosmopolitanism/Mark D. Walters --The tub of public law /Michael Taggart
In: Toronto studies in philosophy
In: Bloomsbury collections
1. Recrafting the Rule of Law -- PART I:LAW UNDER STRESS: 2. A Defence of Radbruch's Formula ; 3. The Interpretation and Invalidity of Unjust Laws ; 4. Legality Without a Constitution: South Africa in the 1980s ; 5. Delivering Positivism from Evil ; 6. Legal Positivism and American Slave Law: The Case of Chief Justice Shaw ; 7. The Rule of Law and Judicial Review: Reflections on the Israeli Constitutional Revolution -- PART II: RECONCEIVING THE RULE OF LAW: 8. Rhetoric and the Rule of Law ; 9. Utopia and the Rule of Law ; 10. The Rule of Law Revisited: Democracy and Courts -- PART III: THE LIMITS OF LEGAL ORDER: 11. Parks, Dogs, and the Rule of Law: Post-communist Reflections ;12. Globalization and the Fate of Law ; 13. Supranational Challenges to the Rule of Law: The Case of the European Union ; 14. Constructing Law's Mandate ; 15. Administrative Policy-making: Rule of Law or Bureaucracy? ; 16. The Real Democracy Problem in Administrative Law.
In: S. Choudhry, M. Hailbronner & M. Kumm, eds., Global Canons in an Age of Uncertainty: Debating Foundational Texts of Constitutional Democracy and Human Rights (Oxford University Press, Forthcoming).
Working paper
In: Philosophical Foundations of Private International Law, Forthcoming
Working paper
Working paper