Which Factors for Corporate Bond Returns?
In: Review of Asset Pricing Studies, forthcoming
10 Ergebnisse
In: Review of Asset Pricing Studies, forthcoming
In: Journal of Banking and Finance, Forthcoming
In: NBER Working Paper No. w32129
In: Duong , D K , Phan , T T P , Pho , K H & McAleer , M 2020 , ' Impact of board characteristics and state ownership on dividend policy in Vietnam ' , Advances in Decision Sciences , vol. 24 , no. 4 . https://doi.org/10.47654/v24y2020i4p1-34
The relationship between board characteristics and state ownership on dividend policy has been carefully examined in the literature in developed and emerging markets. This paper would seem to be the first to analyse the impacts of board gender diversity and state ownership in the Vietnam market for the following: (1) the number of female directors on the boards of directors is about 25%, which is the highest among South-East Asian countries; and (2) Vietnam has not fully transformed into a market economy, so the state ownership in the listed firm is apparent. Therefore, it is worth trying to examine the impacts of board gender diversity and state ownership on dividend policy in Vietnam. This paper illustrates that the female CEO and female CEO duality decrease the dividend ratio, while chairwomen tend to use dividend ratio as a tool to manage the company. Moreover, Boards of Directors (BODs) with more than three female members usually decrease the dividend payout ratio. The empirical findings are consistent with agency theory, as managers increase payouts to reduce free cash flow and agency costs in firms. The results also indicate that there is an inverse relationship between state ownership and the dividend payout ratio. It is due to higher state ownership allows firms to access external debts easily, so these firms pay high dividends to reduce agency costs. Moreover, governments perceive dividends from holding capital in listed firms as a source of revenue for the state budget. Therefore, firms with higher state ownership are more likely to increase dividend payouts.
Due to rapid technological changes, governments in developing countries have paid special attention to sustainability. However, understanding insights into the sustainability of telecentres remains an open question. This paper aims to fill this gap. We conducted a case study in Vietnam by using both qualitative and quantitative data. We used the Kumar and Best's (2006) model as our theoretical lens to analyse the sustainability of telecentres in Vietnam. The paper finds that telecentres have shifted their concept to provide a wide range of services, both online and offline. The paper indicates that technological, political, and social sustainability are important for the sustainability of telecentres. The paper recommends that we should take the role of state-owned enterprises and the digital transformation into consideration to sustain telecentres. Furthermore, the paper indicates the mutual relation between political and technical sustainability with social sustainability that has not been yet unveiled in the prior literature. ; ©2022 Elsevier. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial–NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY–NC–ND 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ ; fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed|
Due to rapid technological changes, governments in developing countries have paid special attention to sustainability. However, understanding insights into the sustainability of telecentres remains an open question. This paper aims to fill this gap. We conducted a case study in Vietnam by using both qualitative and quantitative data. We used the Kumar and Best's (2006) model as our theoretical lens to analyse the sustainability of telecentres in Vietnam. The paper finds that telecentres have shifted their concept to provide a wide range of services, both online and offline. The paper indicates that technological, political, and social sustainability are important for the sustainability of telecentres. The paper recommends that we should take the role of state-owned enterprises and the digital transformation at telecentres into consideration to sustain telecentres. Furthermore, the paper indicates the mutual relation between political and technical sustainability with social sustainability that has not been yet unveiled in the prior literature.
In: Technological forecasting and social change: an international journal, Band 210, S. 123809
ISSN: 0040-1625
In: Environmental management: an international journal for decision makers, scientists, and environmental auditors
ISSN: 1432-1009