V.A. Matveev. "Russian settlement in the Caucasus: features of formation in the second half of 18th – at the beginning of the 20th centuries"
In: Voprosy istorii: VI = Studies in history, Band 2020, Heft 5, S. 279-287
81 Ergebnisse
In: Voprosy istorii: VI = Studies in history, Band 2020, Heft 5, S. 279-287
This study is a sub-report of the ongoing larger project called "Long-term Industrial Development Strategies for Saint Petersburg". The aim is to anticipate which manufacturing and service industries of Saint Petersburg will have a competitive edge in Russian and later in international markets. Simultaneously we will develop suitable industrial strategies, which will support this development. Here we have presented a preliminary theoretical approach, which we will develop further as the project advances. By using Porter's diamond model we will describe the competitiveness of the most outstanding industries of Saint Petersburg. Porter´s cluster model is used as a tool to make projections of possible future cluster development. We have taken into account also the business environment of a transition economy and the effect of foreign direct investment. In Russia, both local and central government can have a remarkable positive or negative impact on the development of enterprises and entrepreneurship. In this preliminary study we will present the industries of Saint Petersburg by using rather extensive data. There is large industrial capacity for producing power technology, heavy machinery and related metallurgy. Booming industries are the foodstuff industry and information technology, especially programming. Saint Petersburg is a transport junction of Northwest Russia, which offers excellent business possibilities. Huge unutilised potential is in tourism. – Russia ; Saint Petersburg ; Industries ; Competitiveness ; Selvitys on osa laajempaa tutkimusprojektia "Pietarin pitkän ajan elinkeinopoliittiset kehittämisstrategiat". Hankkeessa on tavoitteena selvittää mitkä Pietarin teollisuuden ja palvelujen toimialat pitkällä ajalla voisivat kehittyä Venäjän sisällä kansallisesti ja myöhemmin kansainvälisesti kilpailukykyisiksi. Samalla hahmotellaan tätä kehitystä tukevaa elinkeinopoliittista strategiaa. Tässä työssä on esitetty alustava teoreettinen viitekehikko, jota kehitetään projektin kuluessa. Porterin kilpailukykymallin puitteissa kuvataan Pietarin merkittävien toimialojen kilpailukykyä. Tulevaa kehitystä visioidaan klusterimallin avulla. Merkittävästi kilpailukykyyn vaikuttaa siirtymätalouden puitteet ja ulkomaiset investoinnit. Myös julkinen valta, Venäjän keskusvalta ja Pietarin omat päätöksentekijät voivat ratkaisevasti edistää tai huonossa tapauksessa hidastaa elinkeinoelämän kehitystä. Esitutkimuksessa esitellään Pietarin elinkeinoelämä runsaan data-aineiston avulla. Kaupungissa on merkittävä teollinen kapasiteetti energiateknologian valmistuksessa sekä raskaassa koneenrakennuksessa ja metallurgiassa sekä laivanrakennuksessa. Tällä hetkellä nopeimmin kasvaa kuitenkin elintarviketeollisuus ja informaatioteknologia, lähinnä ohjelmistojen tuotanto. Pietari on Luoteis-Venäjän kuljetusten solmukohta, mikä tarjoaa pohjan erilaisille liiketoiminnoille. Turismissa on huomattavasti hyödyntämättömiä mahdollisuuksia. – Venäjä ; Pietari ; toimialat ; kilpailukyky
In: International Geology Review, Band 8, Heft 10, S. 1135-1140
In: International Geology Review, Band 6, Heft 12, S. 2127-2131
In: International Geology Review, Band 8, Heft 10, S. 1208-1214
Background. There is a paradox in Russia and its Arctic regions which reports extremely low rates of occupational diseases (ODs), far below those of other socially and economically advanced circumpolar countries. Yet, there is widespread disregard for occupational health regulations and neglect of basic occupational health services across many industrial enterprises. Study design and methods. This review article presents official statistics and summarises the results of a search of peer-reviewed scientific literature published in Russia on ODs and occupational health care in Russia and the Russian Arctic, within the period 1980 2010. Results. Worsening of the economic situation, layoff of workers, threat of unemployment and increased work load happened during the ''wild market'' industrial restructuring in 1990 2000, when the health and safety of workers were of little concern. Russian employers are not legally held accountable for neglecting safety rules and for underreporting of ODs. Almost 80% of all Russian industrial enterprises are considered dangerous or hazardous for health. Hygienic control of working conditions was minimised or excluded in the majority of enterprises, and the health status of workers remains largely unknown. There is direct evidence of general degradation of the occupational health care system in Russia. The real levels of ODs in Russia are estimated to be at least 10 100 times higher than reported by official statistics. The low official rates are the result of deliberate hiding of ODs, lack of coverage of working personnel by properly conducted medical examinations, incompetent management and the poor quality of staff, facilities and equipment. Conclusions. Reform of the Russian occupational health care system is urgently needed, including the passing of strong occupational health legislation and their enforcement, the maintenance of credible health monitoring and effective health services for workers, improved training of occupational health personnel, protection of sanitary-hygienic laboratories in industrial enterprises, and support for research assessing occupational risk and the effectiveness of interventions.
In: Aletejja
In: Istoričeskaja kniga
In: Vestnik Instituta vostokovedenija RAN: Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, Heft 2 (28), S. 186-192
Background. According to official statistics, the rate of occupational accidents (OAs) and fatal injuries in Russia decreased about 5-fold and 2-fold, respectively, from 1975 to 2010, but working conditions during this period had the opposite trend; for example, the number of people who work in unfavourable and hazardous conditions (particularly since 1991) has increased significantly. Methods. This review summarises the results of a search of the relevant peer-reviewed literature published in Russia and official statistics on OAs and occupational safety in Russia and the Russian Arctic in 1980 2010. Results. The occupational safety system in Russia has severely deteriorated in the last 2 decades, with legislators tending to promote the interests of industry and business, resulting in the neglect of occupational safety and violation of workers' rights. The majority of workers are employed in conditions that do not meet rules of safety and hygiene. More than 60% of OAs can be attributed to management practices violation of safety regulations, poor organisation of work, deficiency of certified occupational safety specialists and inadequate personnel training. Research aimed at improving occupational safety and health is underfunded. There is evidence of widespread under-reporting of OAs, including fatal accidents. Three federal agencies are responsible for OAs recording; their data differ from each other as they use different methodologies. The rate of fatal OAs in Russia was 3 6 times higher than in Scandinavian countries and about 2 times higher compared to United States and Canada in 2001. In some Russian Arctic regions OAs levels are much higher. Conclusions. Urgent improvement of occupational health and safety across Russia, especially in the Arctic regions, is needed.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series, Band 55, Heft 4, S. 490-497
ISSN: 2524-2342
By the method of mathematical planning of the experiment, the influence of the liquid-solid ratio and the content of waste of salt deposits in magnesia hardening backfill mixtures on their technological properties have been studied. The plan of the experiment has been chosen, the regression equations describing the influence of anhydrite wastes and halite wastes content on the density, spreadability and early setting time of backfillingsolutions, volumetric mass, and 28-day uniaxial compression strength of hardened materials have been obtained. As a result of the statistical analysis of mathematical models, the significance of their coefficients, adequacy, efficiency and the ability to calculate technological characteristics of backfilling mixtures by type and content of man-made raw materials have been estimated.