Behavior-based algorithmic pricing
In: Information economics and policy, Band 66, S. 101081
ISSN: 0167-6245
12 Ergebnisse
In: Information economics and policy, Band 66, S. 101081
ISSN: 0167-6245
In: Rationality and society, Band 32, Heft 4, S. 461-484
ISSN: 1461-7358
We consider a principal-agent model with moral-hazard and asymmetric awareness and show how the heterogeneity of agents on their aversion to effort affects contract design. We discuss the optimal contract adopted when a principal is aware of all the impacts of an agent's action, while agents ignore some of them. When a principal faces two types of agents, where one type is more effort-averse than the other, the equilibrium contract is shaped by agent proportions: it pools the agents, separates them, or excludes the more effort-averse agents from the contract. When efforts are observable, all the agents remain unaware, while when efforts are hidden, a principal increases the awareness of the agents to a level commensurate with the nature of the contract. JEL Codes – D82; D83; D86
We consider a principal-agent model with moral-hazard and asymmetric awareness and show how the heterogeneity of agents on their aversion to effort affects contract design. We discuss the optimal contract adopted when a principal is aware of all the impacts of an agent's action, while agents ignore some of them. When a principal faces two types of agents, where one type is more effort-averse than the other, the equilibrium contract is shaped by agent proportions: it pools the agents, separates them, or excludes the more effort-averse agents from the contract. When efforts are observable, all the agents remain unaware, while when efforts are hidden, a principal increases the awareness of the agents to a level commensurate with the nature of the contract. JEL Codes – D82; D83; D86. ; SCOPUS: ar.j ; info:eu-repo/semantics/published
In: International review of law and economics, Band 80, S. 106226
ISSN: 0144-8188
Working paper
In: The Rand journal of economics, Band 52, Heft 2, S. 283-313
ISSN: 1756-2171
AbstractThis article investigates the strategies of a data broker selling information to one or to two competing firms. The data broker combines segments of the consumer demand that allow firms to third‐degree price discriminate consumers. We show that the data broker (1) sells information on consumers with the highest willingness to pay; (2) keeps consumers with low willingness to pay unidentified. The data broker strategically chooses to withhold information on consumer demand to soften competition between firms. These results hold under first‐degree price discrimination, which is a limit case when information is perfect.
In: CESifo Working Paper No. 9339
In: CESifo Working Paper No. 8307
Working paper
In: CESifo Working Paper Series No. 7078
Working paper
In: CESifo Working Paper No. 10963