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44618 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
In: IEEE antennas & propagation magazine, Band 54, Heft 1, S. 66-75
ISSN: 1558-4143
In: Population: revue bimestrielle de l'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques. French edition, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 519
ISSN: 0718-6568, 1957-7966
In: Palgrave Studies in Economic History
Chapter 1: Food Sector in Chinese Industrialisation under Mao Zedong -- Chapter 2: Food Sector in the Dual-Track System under Dengist Reform -- Chapter 3: Grain Ration Needs and Food Trade -- Chapter 4: Feed Grain and Import Dependence -- Chapter 5: Understanding China's Agriculture and Food Security.
In: Palgrave Studies in Economic History
Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: A Concentrated Demographic Transition -- Chapter 3: China's Dual Transition: Income Growth & Transitioning Demographics -- Chapter 4: Connecting the Effectiveness & Ineffectiveness of the Two-Child Policies -- Chapter 5: Conclusion.
In: Power Electronics and Power Systems
Chapter 1 Renewable Integration at ERCOT -- Chapter 2 Overview of Market Operation at ERCOT -- Chapter 3 Market Designs to Integrate Renewable Resources -- Chapter 4 Ancillary Services (AS) at ERCOT -- Chapter 5 Design of New Primary Frequency Control Market for Hosting Frequency Response Reserve Offers from both Generators and Loads -- Chapter 6 New Ancillary Service Market for ERCOT - Fast Frequency Response (FFR) -- Chapter 7 System Inertia Trend and Critical Inertia -- Chapter 8 Multiple-Period Reactive Power Coordination for Renewable Integration -- Chapter 9 Renewable Forecast -- Chapter 10 Ensemble Machine Learning Based Wind Forecasting to Combine NWP Output with Data from Weather Stations. .
In Imperial China, the idea of filial piety not only shaped family relations but was also the official ideology by which Qing China was governed. In State and Family in China, Yue Du examines the relationship between politics and intergenerational family relations in China from the Qing period to 1949, focusing on changes in family law, parent-child relationships, and the changing nature of the Chinese state during this period. This book highlights how the Qing dynasty treated the state-sponsored parent-child hierarchy as the axis around which Chinese family and political power relations were constructed and maintained. It shows how following the fall of the Qing in 1911, reform of filial piety law in the Republic of China became the basis of state-directed family reform, playing a central role in China's transition from empire to nation-state
In: Silsilat qirā'āt Ṣīnīyah
In: سلسلة قراءات صينية
In: Studies in international trade and investment law volume 23
"This monograph has two central purposes. The first is to provide a critical analysis of how governmental, private and hybrid product standards are regulated in the GATT/WTO legal framework. The second purpose is to explore - both positively and normatively - the impact that WTO disciplines may have on the composition, function and decision-making process of various standard-setting bodies through the lens of a series of selected case studies, including: the EU eco-labelling scheme; ISO standards; and private standards such as GlobalGAP. The book analyses what role, if any, the WTO may play in making product standards applied in international trade embody not only technological superiority but also substantive and procedural fairness such as deliberation, representativeness, openness, transparency, due process and accountability. Whilst it has been long recognised that voluntary product standards drawn up by both governmental and non-governmental bodies can in practice create trade barriers as serious as mandatory governmental regulations, a rigorous and systematic inquiry into the boundary, relevance and impact of WTO disciplines on product standards is still lacking. Providing a lucid interpretation of the relevant WTO rules and cases on product standards, this book fills this significant gap in WTO law literature. Definitive and comprehensive, this is an essential reference work for scholars and practitioners alike."
In: Contributions to Finance and Accounting
1. Informal Institution and Accounting: Introduction and Outline -- 2. Auditor-CEO Surname Sharing and Financial Misstatement -- 3. CEO-Director Surname Connectedness and Corporate Misconduct -- 4. CEO-Auditor Hometown Complex and Pre-IPO Earnings Management -- 5. Does Honorific Usage in Audit Reports Signal the Impairment of Auditor Independence? Evidence from Chinese Special Treatment Firms.
A rural borderland just forty years ago, today Shenzhen is a city of twenty million and a technology hub. This success is attributed to its status as a Special Economic Zone, but no other SEZs compare. Juan Du looks to the past to understand why. It turns out that Shenzhen is no prefab "instant city," but a place influenced by deep local history.--
World Affairs Online
In: SpringerBriefs in Regional Science
In: Springer eBooks
In: Earth and Environmental Science