A Rapid and Sensitive Strip-Based Quick Test for Nerve Agents Tabun, Sarin, and Soman Using BODIPY-Modified Silica Materials
Test strips that in combination with a portable fluorescence reader or digital camera can rapidly and selectively detect chemical warfare agents (CWAs) such as Tabun (GA), Sarin (GB), and Soman (GD) and their simulants in the gas phase have been developed. The strips contain spots of a hybrid indicator material consisting of a fluorescent BODIPY indicator covalently anchored into the channels of mesoporous SBA silica microparticles. The fluorescence quenching response allows the sensitive detection of CWAs in the mu g m(-3) range in a few seconds. ; Financial support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, European FEDER funds (MAT2012-38429-C04), the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/047), and the Spanish Government is gratefully acknowledged. We thank S. Selve (Technical University Berlin) for TEM images, A. Zehl (Humboldt University Berlin) for elemental analysis, D. Pfeifer (BAM, Div. 1.3) for NMR, A. Zimathies (BAM 1.3) for N INF>2 /INF> adsorption/desorption, S. Ewald and A. Lehmann (BAM 1.5 & 1.8) for MS support, and T. Fischer (BAM 1.9) for support with the fluorescence decay measurements. ; Climent Terol, E.; Biyikal, M.; Gawlitza, K.; Dropa, T.; Urban, M.; Costero Nieto, AM.; Martínez-Máñez, R. (2016). A Rapid and Sensitive Strip-Based Quick Test for Nerve Agents Tabun, Sarin, and Soman Using BODIPY-Modified Silica Materials. Chemistry - A European Journal. 22(32):11138-11142. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201601269 ; S ; 11138 ; 11142 ; 22 ; 32