An analysis of weapon system cost growth
In: MR 291
In: AF
In: Rand library collection
21 Ergebnisse
In: MR 291
In: AF
In: Rand library collection
In: [Report] R-4161-ACQ
In: Rand library collection
In: [Report] R-4199-AF
In: Rand library collection
In: RAND Corporation monograph series
"The management and oversight of a major defense acquisition program are exceedingly complex processes. The U.S. Department of Defense has a well-established set of policies, procedures, and organizations for program management and oversight, described in the '5000 series' of directives and instructions. Not all weapon systems fit comfortably within this framework, however. In particular, ship acquisition programs have characteristics that deviate from the normal framework, including concurrency of production and subsystem development, low production quantity and rate, varied test and evaluation procedures, and a unique relationship between milestone decision points and actual construction status. The authors explore these differences in detail, suggesting policies that can better account for the differences in ship acquisition programs without compromising oversight or establishing an entirely separate process."--Publisher's description
In: Rand Corporation monograph series
In: Rand Corporation technical report series
In: Rand Report, MR-875-OSD
World Affairs Online
In: Rand Report, MR-1009-OSD
World Affairs Online
This work analyses how firms have applied proactive approaches in areas of environmental management relevant to: weapon system design; management of environmental cleanup; and other areas. It then draws implications for the US Department of Defense's environmental management efforts in these areas.
In: Rand Report, MR-1024-OSD
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Rand Corporation monograph series : MG 1147-NETL
This monograph addresses the concern about whether the industrial base for the U.S. domestic coal-based electricity-generation industry can maintain the capability to design, construct, operate, and maintain coal-fired EGUs within reasonable cost, schedule, performance, environmental, and quality expectations. By first describing the capability that is inherent in the existing coal-fired fleet, this monograph takes a first step toward addressing the larger policy questions of how to develop, deploy, and maintain an advanced, low-carbon electricity-generation industry capability into the future. - P. 4 of cover
World Affairs Online
In: Rand Documented Briefing, DB 312
World Affairs Online
In: Rand Report, MR-1054-DARPA
World Affairs Online