This article addresses the inclusion of non-Catholic students in Catholic schools. It provides a brief review of the literature on inclusion and the results of a study of inclusion from the perspectives of Catholic students and Catholic teachers in four Western Canadian urban Catholic high schools. The study employed grounded theory as its methodology and focus groups as well as documentary analysis as its methods. The results of the qualitative study indicate, among other things, that there are at least 10 dimensions to inclusion: pedagogical, social, psychological, racial, cultural, spiritual, political, financial, legal, and philosophical. Moreover, the dimensions form an interactive matrix which is of great importance to Catholic schools.
ABSTRACT. This paper revolves around two recently decided cases by the Supreme Court of Canada that illustrate how that Court views fundamental legal rights in terms of public policy and administrative decision making by creatures of statute in a free society. The protagonists in each case differ, as do the legal arguments, but the salient socio-political issues are the same, the conflict between value pluralism and value monism, and what Isaiah Berlin calls positive and negative liberty. That is, should society enforce one set of values over all others, and if not, when, if ever, ought public values enshrined in law, trump private values that are also legally protected? Based upon the Court's approach to resolving incommensurable rights in conflict this paper reflects on how educational policy and decision makers might deal with that conundrum by considering matters of positive and negative liberty from a communitarian perspective white nurturing value pluralism, and freedom. PLURALISME ET LIBERTÉ INDIVIDUELLE DANS L'ÉDUCATION AU CANADA: LES CAUSES DE TRINITY ET DE SURREY RÉSUMÉ Cette étude porte sur deux récentes décisions rendues par la Cour suprême du Canada qui illustrent comment cette Cour interprète les droits juridiques fondamentaux en matière de politique publique et de prise de décision administrative par la création de lois dans une société libre. Dans les deux cas, les protagonistes et les arguments juridiques diffèrent, mais les enjeux socio-politiques importants sont les mêmes, soit le conflit entre le pluralisme et le monisme et ce que Isaiah Berlin appelle liberté sociale et liberté individuelle. Plus précisément, la société doit-elle imposer un ensemble de valeurs plutôt qu'un autre, et, sinon, dans quelles situations, le cas échéant, les valeurs publiques enchâssées dans la loi devraient-elles l'emporter sur les valeurs privées qui sont également protégées par la loi? L'étude, qui se fonde sur l'approche de la Cour pour prendre des décisions relativement à des droits incommensurables conflictuels, examine de quelle façon les décideurs dans le domaine éducatif peuvent envisager cette énigme en prenant en considération les questions de liberté sociale et individuelle d'un point de vue communautarien, tout en cultivant le pluralisme et la liberté.
In this article, I examine the adequacy of a Catholic school district's written documents dealing with the inclusion of non-Catholic students. I first describe, in communitarian terms, the nature of a Catholic school community; then I use a contractarian analysis of the school district's written inclusionary policy to better understand its implications. The analysis illuminates several policy deficiencies for protecting the contractual and constitutional rights of both non-Catholic students and their parents. Suggestions are offered, pointing towards the creation of a new, meaningful inclusionary policy. Keywords: Catholic education, religious education, inclusion, non-Catholic schools Dans cet article, j'examine la pertinence des documents écrits d'une commission scolaire catholique au sujet de l'inclusion des élèves non catholiques. Je commence par décrire, en termes communitariens, la nature de la communauté que forme l'école catholique ; j'utilise ensuite une analyse contractualiste de la politique d'inclusion de la commission scolaire afin de mieux en comprendre les implications. L'analyse fait ressortir plusieurs lacunes de cette politique quant à la protection des droits contractuels et constitutionnels des élèves non catholiques et de leurs parents. Je formule des suggestions en vue d'une nouvelle politique inclusive digne de ce nom. Mots clés : Éducation catholique, éducation religieuse, inclusion, élèves non catholiques
This book, although targeting educational leaders, - teachers, school-based administrators, superintendents, board members, policy makers and education students, is also addressed to those interested in the topic of ethics and those who seek the development of an ethical awareness and an appropriate intellectual processes when facing ethical issues. In particular, the book uses both deductive and inductive methods to provide the reader with a progressive experience of ethical discernment and analysis in order to deal with and prepare the reader to address ethical issues in the public square - a task which requires that such decisions are rational, defensible, and clearly articulated. Institutional leaders' diligence and integrity requires no less in attaining and sustaining the support of those they must lead in and through the institutional decisions and policies which effect constituents' lives. Through the use of clearly stated definitions, the presentation of ethical schools of thought, cases, original plays - within which readers are encouraged to engage while in a safe learning environment - and references to poems, movie, and video clips, the book provides a lively and challenging approach to studying the topic of ethics
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This article examines the implications of the new provincially mandated Teaching Quality Standard (TQS) for teacher education programs in Alberta, Canada. We review the current context of teacher education in Alberta and the policy background of the TQS. We then consider how the TQS might serve as an appropriate framework for teacher preparation programs and suggest, using Bell and Stevenson's (2015) policy analytics, how the new TQS has emerged and may be enacted. We conclude that if the TQS is to serve as a framework for teacher preparation, increased collaboration is needed among those providing teacher preparation programs, and indeed among all education stakeholders, as is assurance of ongoing democratic processes for negotiating and reviewing the policy and its practices.