Study of the fate of butylated and phenylated organostannic compounds During port dredging Study on the fate of butylated and phenylated organostannic compounds During port dredging: Case of Port of Audenge ; Étude du devenir des composés organostanniques butylés et phénylés Au cours d'un dragage po...
The decree enacted in 1982 prohibiting the use of tributyltin (TBT) in anti-fouling paints for vessels less than 25 metres in length and submerged structures has not completely removed from the marine environment this biocidal product which is a high risk to biotope. It is permanently fixed to tanks and sediments and is likely to be released into water during civil engineering works, such as dredging. The results of an analytical study carried out during the dredging of the port of Audenge show that the technique used, based on oxidation and exposure to light of the sludge by means of a series of settling ponds, allows effective decontamination of the discharges. ; International audience The legislation introduced in 1982, prohibiting the use of tributyltin (TBT)-containing paints on vessels under 25 meters lengths, did not totally eliminate this biocide, toxic to aquatic life, in marine environment. TBT, preferably absorbed on finest particles in mud and sediments, is a potential source of contamination during civil engineering works such as dredgings. The results of an analytical study, realised during the dredging of the port of Audenge, has pointed out that the sludge treatment process, including both air oxidation and light exposure, minimizes organotin contents of the water effluent. ; The decree enacted in 1982 prohibiting the use of tributyltin (TBT) in anti-fouling paints for vessels less than 25 metres in length and submerged structures has not completely removed from the marine environment this biocidal product which is a high risk to biotope. It is permanently fixed to tanks and sediments and is likely to be released into water during civil engineering works, such as dredging. The results of an analytical study carried out during the dredging of the port of Audenge show that the technique used, based on oxidation and exposure to light of the sludge by means of a series of settling ponds, allows effective decontamination of the discharges. ; L'arrêté promulgué en 1982 interdisant l'utilisation du ...