On the time-consistency of optimal capital taxes
In: Journal of Monetary Economics, Band 54, Heft 3, S. 686-705
7 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of Monetary Economics, Band 54, Heft 3, S. 686-705
In: New Zealand economic papers, Band 40, Heft 2, S. 225-228
ISSN: 1943-4863
Es artículo explora la realidad de la atención a la diversidad. Desde ahí traza líneas de hacia dónde se deberían concentrar los esfuerzos de cara a una verdadera inclusión educativa y social. Para ello, describe una panorámica de la atención a la diversidad en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca. Cuestiona si estas medidas son efectivas para hacer más justo, inclusor y equitativo el sistema educativo. Muestra las luces, las sombras y las líneas prospectivas que podrían alumbrarse desde ciertas acciones innovadoras. Defiende que habría que compaginar dos principios irrenunciables y complementarios propios de una escuela y sociedad democráticas: a) el de atención a la diversidad y b) el de inclusión. Ofrece pautas para dar entre todos y para todos, una respuesta de calidad y desde el principio de equidad a la atención a la diversidad. ; This article explores the reality of the attention to diversity. It then provides guidelines about where efforts should be made, with the objective of true educational and social inclusion. To this end, it provides a panoramic view of the attention to diversity in the Basque Autonomous Community. It questions whether these measures are effective for making the educational system more fair, inclusive and equitable. It shows the bright spots and shadows and the prospective lines that could be drawn from certain innovative actions. It defends two main complementary and non-negotiable principals that pertain to democratic schools and societies: a) attention to diversity and b) inclusion. It offers guidelines to use among us all and for us all, a quality response based on the principle of equity in the attention to diversity. ; Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela). Universidad de Granada
This article explores the reality of the attention to diversity. It then provides guidelines about where efforts should be made, with the objective of true educational and social inclusion. To this end, it provides a panoramic view of the attention to diversity in the Basque Autonomous Community. It questions whether these measures are effective for making the educational system more fair, inclusive and equitable. It shows the bright spots and shadows and the prospective lines that could be drawn from certain innovative actions. It defends two main complementary and non-negotiable principals that pertain to democratic schools and societies: a) attention to diversity and b) inclusion. It offers guidelines to use among us all and for us all, a quality response based on the principle of equity in the attention to diversity.
In: The Australian economic review, Band 55, Heft 3, S. 383-388
ISSN: 1467-8462
AbstractHow large is Australia's fiscal space? Blanchard (2019) shows that as long as the real interest rate is below the real growth rate , a government can sustain a positive primary deficit with a constant (or even declining) ratio of public debt to GDP. In this article, we explain the neutral real interest rate and the reasons for its decline. Then, we discuss the results of a companion paper, Domínguez and Quiggin (2022), in which we quantify the fiscal space for Australia and find that a permanent increase in the primary deficit can be afforded up to reaching a debt to GDP ratio of 79 per cent. Furthermore, this so‐called 'free lunch' in the fiscal space can be expanded if debt is used to finance public investment.
In: Dynamic games and applications: DGA, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 225-242
ISSN: 2153-0793
In: Journal of Monetary Economics, Band 60, Heft 8, S. 983-995