The Higher Educational Reform Agenda (HERA) for the period 2006–2020 is an arduous effort of the Vietnamese government to overhaul the country's centralized higher educational system, which fails to meet the needs of the country's market economy and lags far behind international standards. For now, the strategies of Vietnamese universities and colleges are mainly driven by government planning. As theAgenda is nearing its end and tertiary institutions have completed a pilot project from 2014 to 2017 as part of HERA, it is time for Vietnamese higher education institutions to start reflecting on competitive strategies to prepare for necessary changes moving forward, ensuring their sustainable development and existence.
In diesem Beitrag werden Daten von Ernährungsstudien, die in Ostdeutschland durchgeführt wurden, ausgewertet. Ziel der Auswertung ist es, Aufmerksamkeit auf die Beziehung zwischen sozialer Lage und Ernährung zu lenken und eine Vergleichsgrundlage für notwendige weitere Studien zu schaffen. Anhand verschiedener Indikatoren, die für die Armut ausgewählt wurden, weisen die Autoren in dieser Studie nach, daß sowohl beim Verzehr als auch bei der Versorgung mit Energie und einzelnen Nährstoffen sich ernährungsphysiologisch relevante Unterschiede zwischen armen und nicht-armen Personen zeigen. (ICE)
AbstractIndigenous peoples continue to challenge Canadian colonial policies through nonroutine acts of resistance. Sustained scholarly attention on the frequency and characteristics of Indigenous resistance has dropped precipitously, with the time span of this scholarship typically ending by the early 2000s. Research on more recent acts of resistance is directed to small-n case studies. This research note examines Indigenous resistance in Canada between 2010 and 2020 as reported by news articles from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) to identify key characteristics of salient Indigenous resistance: What issue areas were the subject of resistance movements? Which Indigenous communities or groups contributed to acts of resistance? What strategies were employed? The research note's findings suggest that salient acts of resistance rarely result in immediate policy change from the state; instead, resistance has transformative potential to develop Indigenous governance that departs from settler-colonial state processes.
The duty to consult is an Aboriginal right protected under s. 35 in the Constitution Act, 1982. This article analyzes 11 Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decisions concerning the duty to consult and distinguishes between the SCC's promotion of the purpose and practice of reconciliation. This distinction more accurately depicts how the SCC understands why and how the Crown should advance reconciliation in the context of the duty to consult. This article finds that the SCC has consistently stated that reconciliation is required due to the existence of Aboriginal rights and the assertion of Crown sovereignty, creating an obligation to reconcile Indigenous and non-Indigenous societal interests. However, the practices outlined by the SCC on how the Crown can fulfill the duty suggest that the Crown is given a wide latitude to pursue its legislative objectives, which may result in the unjust infringement of Aboriginal rights over time. For instance, the Crown has discretion over the communication of decision-making to affected Indigenous parties and the balancing of Indigenous and non-Indigenous societal interests. Consequently, the practices of the duty to consult call into question the extent to which the duty can uphold the purpose of reconciliation between the Crown and Indigenous peoples.
AbstractThe duty to consult mandates that the Crown must consult affected Indigenous parties when Crown action may negatively impact Aboriginal rights or title claims. The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) has emphasized that the duty should be characterized by honourable dealings and good faith negotiations. This article argues that the concept of throughput legitimacy can help evaluate the Crown's conduct in consultation. By analyzing 131 British Columbia Environmental Assessments (BC EAs), this article finds that the Crown struggles to uphold throughput legitimacy from the perspective of Indigenous peoples, particularly in the areas of transparency, accountability and effectiveness.
This research investigates the factors influencing the disparity between domestic gold prices (SJC gold and 9999 gold) and global gold prices in Vietnam from January 2011 to December 2023. Using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, we identify key macroeconomic determinants impacting this price spread, including interest rates, oil prices, and consumer demand. Our findings reveal that higher interest rates are associated with larger price spreads, suggesting that monetary policy plays a significant role in the domestic gold market. Oil prices exhibit a negative relationship with the price spread for 9999 gold, indicating that rising oil prices tend to align domestic gold prices more closely with global trends. Consumer demand notably affects the SJC_Global price spread but not the 9999_Global spread, reflecting the different market dynamics of finished goods versus raw materials. Additionally, the error correction terms in both models indicate a robust mechanism for long-term equilibrium, demonstrating the Vietnamese gold market's resilience. These insights highlight the need for policymakers to reconsider existing regulations, such as Decree 24, to ensure a stable and efficient gold market. The study concludes that while the Vietnamese gold market exhibits sustainable practices, regulatory revisions are necessary to support both market growth and community development. Future research should consider additional macroeconomic variables and the impact of regulatory changes over time to further understand the dynamics of gold price disparities in Vietnam.
Both tire wear and road polishing are complex phenomenon, which are obviously strongly related; the energy that polishes the road is the energy that wears the tire. They both depend non-linearly on numerous parameters, like materials used, vehicle and road usage, environmental conditions (e.g., temperature) and many others. Due to their many economic and ecological implications, including those concerning the road users safety, the possibility to predict them is of major importance to tire manufacturers, fleet owners, road authorities and governments. Based on these observations, in 2000 we started the three-year 5th framework EU project TROWS (Tyre and ROad Wear and Slip assessment). The results include tools to analyze tire wear and road polishing. These will be combined in a suitable wear prediction environment. This paper focuses on the followed methods and results of TROWS for road polishing. Using available databases a detailed analysis of the different types of road surfaces has been performed to evaluate the relationship between the type of road surface and the evolution of skid resistance. These general studies have given some input to support the selection of the best road surfaces to be used in special carousel tests, as well as to assess the representativeness of the road circuit for the passenger and truck driving tests made also in the TROWS project to study the tire wear. Three types of BFC alterations according to accumulated traffic, led to three particular surfaces to be used for the wear tests on the LCPC carousel in Nantes: a AC 0/14, a Very Thin AC 0/10 and a Very Thin AC 0/6. The main objective of the experiments carried out on the Carousel test tracks was the assessment of tire and road polishing under pure cornering maneuvers. Two tables were built with marks characterizing the aggressiveness of the road surfaces on tires and of the aggressiveness of tires on the road surface. These marks were based on road engineer's expertise and calculated with the data collected on the Italian road ...
The paper aims at investigating the content of particles and minerals of soft clay soil in the Mekong Delta coastal provinces, southern Vietnam, as well as improving soil stability using inorganic adhesives, i.e.lime and cement-based stabilization. To study the composition of soft clay soil, a series of different laboratory methods were carried out and revealed various characteristics related to mineral composition, pH value, soluble salt content, and grain particle composition of soft clay soils. The results demonstrated five soil subtypes, namely high – saline soil (S2), low-saline soil (S1), acid sulfate soil (A), acid sulfate - saline soil (S-A), soil without salt andacid sulfate content (S0- A0). The soft clay soil (C) included 5 subtypes, which were C-S2, C-S1, C-A, C-AS, and C-S0-A0, whereas the soft sandy clay soil (SC) included three subtypes, namely SC-S2, SC- S1, and SC-S0-A0. Analysis of the above results showed that the high - saline soil, acid sulfate soil, and acid sulfate - saline soil are not suitable for lime and cement stabilization. This observation was illustrated by the initial experiment of cement – soil mixture properties.