In: Publičnoe administrirovanie i nacional'naja bezopasnost': Publične adminіstruvannja ta nacional'na bezpeka = Public Administration and National Security, Heft 7(48)
In: Publičnoe administrirovanie i nacional'naja bezopasnost': Publične adminіstruvannja ta nacional'na bezpeka = Public Administration and National Security, Heft 11(41)
In: Publičnoe administrirovanie i nacional'naja bezopasnost': Publične adminіstruvannja ta nacional'na bezpeka = Public Administration and National Security, Heft 10(40)
In: Publičnoe administrirovanie i nacional'naja bezopasnost': Publične adminіstruvannja ta nacional'na bezpeka = Public Administration and National Security, Heft 8(38)
In: Publičnoe administrirovanie i nacional'naja bezopasnost': Publične adminіstruvannja ta nacional'na bezpeka = Public Administration and National Security, Heft 7(37)
In: Publičnoe administrirovanie i nacional'naja bezopasnost': Publične adminіstruvannja ta nacional'na bezpeka = Public Administration and National Security, Heft 8(49)
In: Publičnoe administrirovanie i nacional'naja bezopasnost': Publične adminіstruvannja ta nacional'na bezpeka = Public Administration and National Security, Heft 5(21)
Empirical methods for measuring the quality of life of the population are considered. The necessity of aggregation of the system of quality of life indicators of different years and in different regions is proved at possible preservation of sufficient completeness of coverage by it of the multifaceted characteristic of the investigated concept. The content of the category "quality of life" is defined as an integrative socio-economic indicator that synthesizes objective data and subjective sociological dimensions. The object of consideration is the population of a territory as a whole, and in this case the objectively existing processes and factors reflected in social statistics are registered. The objective component of quality of life here is manifested as a set of statistical indicators that record the position of the population in the stratified socio-economic space of a particular area. It is substantiated that the quality of life of the population can be considered by fixing the subjective feelings of the population in the form of a certain holistic indicator of human satisfaction with the conditions of life, their lives in general. It is determined that the objective model is designed to represent the quality of life as a result of a combination of different statistical indicators: crime, unemployment, pollution, etc., the subjective model is designed to reflect the subjective feelings of individuals formed on the basis of intellectual development the individual, his life experience, emotional state, etc. Quality of life research needs to consider the complex nature of the relationship between objective and subjective living conditions.