13 Ergebnisse
Our Legal Chaos
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 91-104
ISSN: 1538-165X
Knowledge about Others' Reaction to a Public Service Announcement: The Impact on Self Persuasion and Third-Person Perception
In: Journalism & mass communication quarterly: JMCQ, Band 77, Heft 4, S. 788-803
ISSN: 2161-430X
This study, an experiment, explored the impact of perceived knowledge about others on self persuasion and third-person perception. Subjects were divided into groups and were told that a public service announcement about organ donation had succeeded in persuading other people, had failed to persuade others, or were given no information. A first-person effect was found. Also, first-person persuasion decreased when subjects believed others had evaluated the PSA. Finally, subjects tended to explain third-person reaction to the PSA in ways that placed others in a negative light. Engaging in self-enhancement is offered as an explanation for these findings.
Application of a discrete choice experiment approach to support the design of a hepatitis C testing service in primary care
Declarations Study documents were submitted to the East of Scotland Research Ethics Service, who confirmed this work did not require Ethical Approval. Caldecott permission was gained to enable access to and analysis of patient information. All relevant data are within the paper and its supporting information files. Reporting Guideline: ISPOR Task Force Report - Constructing experimental designs for discrete-choice experiments: report of the ISPOR conjoint analysis experimental design good research practices task force. Value in Health 16 (2013) 3–13. Funding This study was supported in part through a grant from Gilead Sciences Ltd. HERU is funded by the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), Scottish Government Health Directorates, St Andrew's House, Edinburgh. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors only and not those of the CSO. The funders had no role in the study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. ; Peer reviewed ; Postprint
Application of a discrete choice experiment approach to support the design of a hepatitis C testing service in primary care
Declarations Study documents were submitted to the East of Scotland Research Ethics Service, who confirmed this work did not require Ethical Approval. Caldecott permission was gained to enable access to and analysis of patient information. All relevant data are within the paper and its supporting information files. Reporting Guideline: ISPOR Task Force Report - Constructing experimental designs for discrete-choice experiments: report of the ISPOR conjoint analysis experimental design good research practices task force. Value in Health 16 (2013) 3–13. Funding This study was supported in part through a grant from Gilead Sciences Ltd. HERU is funded by the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), Scottish Government Health Directorates, St Andrew's House, Edinburgh. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors only and not those of the CSO. The funders had no role in the study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. ; Peer reviewed ; Postprint
Drug network identification predicts injecting risk behavior among people who inject drugs on hepatitis C virus treatment in Tayside, Scotland
In: Behavioral medicine, Band 50, Heft 2, S. 130-140
ISSN: 1940-4026
Clinical effectiveness of pharmacy-led versus conventionally delivered antiviral treatment for hepatitis C in patients receiving opioid substitution therapy : a study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised trial
Funding This study was funded in partnership by the Scottish Government, Gilead and Bristol-Myers Squib. The funders have no responsibilities for or authority over study design; collection, management, analysis or interpretation of data; writing of the report; and the decision to submit the report for publication. ; Peer reviewed ; Publisher PDF
Clinical effectiveness of pharmacist-led versus conventionally delivered antiviral treatment for hepatitis C virus in patients receiving opioid substitution therapy : A pragmatic cluster randomised trial
Funding: Partnership between the Scottish Government, Gilead Sciences, and Bristol-Myers Squib. ; Peer reviewed ; Postprint
Expansion of HCV treatment access to people who have injected drugs through effective translation of research into public health policy:Scotland's experience
In: Hutchinson , S J , Dillon , J F , Fox , R , McDonald , S A , Innes , H A , Weir , A , McLeod , A , Aspinall , E J , Palmateer , N E , Taylor , A , Munro , A , Valerio , H , Brown , G & Goldberg , D J 2015 , ' Expansion of HCV treatment access to people who have injected drugs through effective translation of research into public health policy : Scotland's experience ' International Journal of Drug Policy , vol 26 , no. 11 , pp. 1041-1049 . DOI:10.1016/j.drugpo.2015.05.019
Seven years have elapsed since the Scottish Government launched its Hepatitis C Action Plan - a Plan to improve services to prevent transmission of infection, particularly among people who inject drugs (PWID), identify those infected and ensure those infected receive optimal treatment. The Plan was underpinned by industrial scale funding (around £100 million, in addition to the general NHS funding, will have been invested by 2015), and a web of accountable national and local multi-disciplinary multi-agency networks responsible for the planning, development and delivery of services. Initiatives ranged from the introduction of testing in specialist drug services through finger-prick blood sampling by non-clinical staff, to the setting of government targets to ensure rapid scale-up of antiviral therapy. The Plan was informed by comprehensive national monitoring systems, indicating the extent of the problem not just in terms of numbers infected, diagnosed and treated but also the more penetrative data on the number advancing to end-stage liver disease and death, and also through compelling modelling work demonstrating the potential beneficial impact of scaling-up therapy and the mounting cost of not acting. Achievements include around 50% increase in the proportion of the infected population diagnosed (38% to 55%); a sustained near two-and-a-half fold increase in the annual number of people initiated onto therapy (470 to 1050) with more pronounced increases among PWID (300 to 840) and prisoners (20 to 140); and reversing of an upward trend in the overall number of people living with chronic infection. The Action Plan has demonstrated that a Government-backed, coordinated and invested approach can transform services and rapidly improve the lives of thousands. Cited as "an impressive example of a national strategy" by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, the Scottish Plan has also provided fundamental insights of international relevance into the management of HCV among PWID.
Expansion of HCV treatment access to people who have injected drugs through effective translation of research into public health policy:Scotland's experience
In: Hutchinson , S J , Dillon , J F , Fox , R , McDonald , S A , Innes , H , Weir , A , McLeod , A , Aspinall , E J , Palmateer , N E , Taylor , A , Munro , A , Valerio , H , Brown , G & Goldberg , D 2015 , ' Expansion of HCV treatment access to people who have injected drugs through effective translation of research into public health policy : Scotland's experience ' , International Journal of Drug Policy , vol. 26 , no. 11 , pp. 1041-1049 .
Seven years have elapsed since the Scottish Government launched its Hepatitis C Action Plan – a Plan to improve services to prevent transmission of infection, particularly among people who inject drugs (PWID), identify those infected and ensure those infected receive optimal treatment. The Plan was underpinned by industrial scale funding (around £100 million, in addition to the general NHS funding, will have been invested by 2015), and a web of accountable national and local multi-disciplinary multiagency networks responsible for the planning, development and delivery of services. Initiatives ranged from the introduction of testing in specialist drug services through finger-prick blood sampling by nonclinical staff, to the setting of government targets to ensure rapid scale-up of antiviral therapy. The Plan was informed by comprehensive national monitoring systems, indicating the extent of the problem not just in terms of numbers infected, diagnosed and treated but also the more penetrative data on the number advancing to end-stage liver disease and death, and also through compelling modelling work demonstrating the potential beneficial impact of scaling-up therapy and the mounting cost of not acting. Achievements include around 50% increase in the proportion of the infected population diagnosed (38% to 55%); a sustained near two-and-a-half fold increase in the annual number of people initiated onto therapy (470 to 1050) with more pronounced increases among PWID (300 to 840) and prisoners (20 to 140); and reversing of an upward trend in the overall number of people living with chronic infection. The Action Plan has demonstrated that a Government-backed, coordinated and invested approach can transform services and rapidly improve the lives of thousands. Cited as ''an impressive example of a national strategy'' by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, the Scottish Plan has also provided fundamental insights of international relevance into the management of HCV among PWID.
Expansion of HCV treatment access to people who have injected drugs through effective translation of research into public health policy: Scotland's experience
Seven years have elapsed since the Scottish Government launched its Hepatitis C Action Plan – a Plan to improve services to prevent transmission of infection, particularly among people who inject drugs (PWID), identify those infected and ensure those infected receive optimal treatment. The Plan was underpinned by industrial scale funding (around £100 million, in addition to the general NHS funding, will have been invested by 2015), and a web of accountable national and local multi-disciplinary multi-agency networks responsible for the planning, development and delivery of services. Initiatives ranged from the introduction of testing in specialist drug services through finger-prick blood sampling by non-clinical staff, to the setting of government targets to ensure rapid scale-up of antiviral therapy. The Plan was informed by comprehensive national monitoring systems, indicating the extent of the problem not just in terms of numbers infected, diagnosed and treated but also the more penetrative data on the number advancing to end-stage liver disease and death, and also through compelling modelling work demonstrating the potential beneficial impact of scaling-up therapy and the mounting cost of not acting. Achievements include around 50% increase in the proportion of the infected population diagnosed (38% to 55%); a sustained near two-and-a-half fold increase in the annual number of people initiated onto therapy (470 to 1050) with more pronounced increases among PWID (300 to 840) and prisoners (20 to 140); and reversing of an upward trend in the overall number of people living with chronic infection. The Action Plan has demonstrated that a Government-backed, coordinated and invested approach can transform services and rapidly improve the lives of thousands. Cited as "an impressive example of a national strategy" by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, the Scottish Plan has also provided fundamental insights of international relevance into the management of HCV among PWID.
The Consensus Hepatitis C Cascade of Care:Standardized Reporting to Monitor Progress Toward Elimination
In: Safreed-Harmon , K , Blach , S , Aleman , S , Bollerup , S , Cooke , G , Dalgard , O , Dillon , J F , Dore , G J , Duberg , A-S , Grebely , J , Boe Kielland , K , Midgard , H , Porter , K , Razavi , H , Tyndall , M , Weis , N & Lazarus , J V 2019 , ' The Consensus Hepatitis C Cascade of Care : Standardized Reporting to Monitor Progress Toward Elimination ' , Clinical Infectious Diseases , vol. 69 , no. 12 , pp. 2218-2227 .
Cascade-of-care (CoC) monitoring is an important component of the response to the global hepatitis C virus (HCV) epidemic. CoC metrics can be used to communicate, in simple terms, the extent to which national and subnational governments are advancing on key targets, and CoC findings can inform strategic decision-making regarding how to maximize the progression of individuals with HCV to diagnosis, treatment, and cure. The value of reporting would be enhanced if a standardized approach were used for generating CoCs. We have described the Consensus HCV CoC that we developed to address this need and have presented findings from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, where it was piloted. We encourage the uptake of the Consensus HCV CoC as a global instrument for facilitating clear and consistent reporting via the World Health Organization (WHO) viral hepatitis monitoring platform and for ensuring accurate monitoring of progress toward WHO's 2030 hepatitis C elimination targets.
The Consensus Hepatitis C Cascade of Care: standardized reporting to monitor progress toward elimination
Cascade-of-care (CoC) monitoring is an important component of the response to the global hepatitis C virus (HCV) epidemic. CoC metrics can be used to communicate in simple terms the extent to which national and subnational governments are advancing on key targets, and CoC findings can inform strategic decision-making regarding how to maximize the progression of HCV-infected individuals to diagnosis, treatment and cure. The value of reporting would be enhanced if reporting entities utilized a standardized approach for generating their CoCs. We have described the Consensus HCV CoC that we developed to address this need and have presented findings from Denmark, Norway and Sweden, where it was piloted. We encourage the uptake of the Consensus HCV CoC as a global instrument for facilitating clear and consistent reporting via the World Health Organization (WHO) viral hepatitis monitoring platform and ensuring the accurate monitoring of progress toward WHO's 2030 hepatitis C elimination targets