In: Alcohol and alcoholism: the international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism (MCA) and the journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA), Band 50, Heft 6, S. 629-630
The monitoring of heroin use and related harms is undertaken in Australia with a view to inform policy responses. Some surveillance data on heroin-related harms is well suited to inform the planning and delivery of heroin-related services, such as needle and syringe provision. This article examines local-area variation in the characteristics of nonfatal heroin overdoses attended by ambulances in Melbourne over the period June 1998 to October 2000 to inform the delivery of services to the heroin-using population in Melbourne. Five so-called hot spot local government areas were considered in relation to the remainder of the Melbourne metropolitan area. Significant local-area variations in the characteristics of nonfatal heroin overdoses were evident over the study period, including the number of heroin overdoses, the age and sex of the people attended, the time of the attendance, the likelihood of hospitalization, and the likelihood of police coattendance. The implications of the finding are discussed in terms of service provision (e.g., opening hours) within the five hot spot local government areas, and it is argued that the analyses undertaken could easily be applied to other jurisdictions for which comparable data are available.
In: Bulletin of the World Health Organization: the international journal of public health = Bulletin de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Band 88, Heft 6, S. 480-480
In: Alcohol and alcoholism: the international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism (MCA) and the journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA), Band 57, Heft 4, S. 470-476
Background Adolescent drinking has declined in many high-income countries since the early 2000s. It has been suggested that changing parenting practices may have contributed to the decline. However, previous studies investigating parenting have focused on single countries and have provided conflicting evidence. This study tested the association between changes in individual- and population-level parental control and parental support and changes in past month adolescent drinking.
Methods A total of 271,823 adolescents aged 15–16 years, from 30 European countries between 2003 and 2015 were included in this study. Our key independent variables were adolescent reports of parental control and parental support. Our outcome measure was a dichotomous measure of any alcohol use in the 30 days before the survey, referred as past month drinking. Aggregated measures of parenting variables were used to estimate between-country and within-country effects of parenting on adolescent drinking. Data were analysed using three-level hierarchical linear probability methods.
Results At the individual-level, we found a negative association between the two parental measures, i.e. parental control (β = −0.003 and 95% CI = −0.021 to 0.017) and parental support (β = −0.008 and 95% CI = −0.010 to 0.006) and past month drinking. This suggests adolescents whose parents exert higher control and provide more support tend to drink less. At a population level, we did not find any evidence of association on between-country and within-country parenting changes and past month drinking.
Conclusions It is unlikely that changes in parental control or support at the population-level have contributed to the decline in drinking among adolescents in 30 European countries.
The authors review the empirical literature relating to factors that affect children's ability to remember specific occurrences of a repeated event and draw implications for professionals who conduct investigatory interviews with children. Issues addressed include the timing of the interview, the type of errors, the questioning techniques, the age of the child, the consistency of the child's account and the impact of an intervening interview.
Introduction: Cross-sectional studies have shown that peer influence to use a substance are associated with increased rates of substance use, but there are few longitudinal studies of this relationship or studies investigating whether peer influence to not use substances are associated with decreases in rates of substance use. The present study looks at both directions of influence and compares alcohol with cannabis use. Methods: Two-wave longitudinal study, separated 15.8 months; cross-domain coupling model to disentangle effects of peer influence and peer selection; GEE models to analyse changes in pressure to use and not to use alcohol or cannabis. 6,528 young men from six mandatory military recruitment centres in Lausanne, Windisch and Mels in Switzerland completed at least one questionnaire at baseline (age at baseline: 20.00) or follow-up. Questionnaires were completed outside of the army and independent of recruitment for military or social service. Volume of drinking, heavy episodic drinking, cannabis use frequency, and three items of the misconduct subscale of the Peer Pressure Inventory (pressure to use or not cannabis, pressure to drink or not, and pressure to get drunk or not) were measured. Results: Peer pressure and peer selection operated bidirectionally for alcohol use. For cannabis use, peer selection was about 5-times stronger than peer pressure. Increases in pressure to use a substance were associated with increased substance use and decreases in pressure with decreases in use. Conclusions: Peer pressure continue to operate after adolescence into emerging adulthood, but the strength of effects of peer pressure and peer selection depends on the substance. Peer pressure may have putatively positive effects when pressure is towards non-use of a substance.
Abstract. Background: Harm reduction is an integral component of Australia's overall national drug policy. Harm reduction policy and interventions can be applied to any legal or illegal drug to mitigate harm without necessarily reducing use, but harm reduction is traditionally conceptualised in relation to injecting drug use. Early and comprehensive adoption of many innovative harm reduction interventions has meant that Australia has had significant success in reducing a number of drug related harms, avoided disease epidemics experienced in other countries, and established programs and practices that are of international renown. However, these gains were not easily established, nor necessarily permanent. Aim: In this paper we explore the past and present harm reduction policy and practice contexts that normalised and facilitated harm reduction as a public health response, as well as those converse contexts currently creating opposition to additional or expanded interventions. Importantly, this paper discusses the intersection between various interventions, such as needle and syringe distribution and drug treatment programs. Finally, we detail some of the practical lessons that have been learned via the Australian experience, with the hope that these lessons will assist to inform and improve international harm reduction implementation.
In: Alcohol and alcoholism: the international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism (MCA) and the journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA), Band 54, Heft 5, S. 525-531
Our findings contribute to understanding recent trends in alcohol reduction among young people. One in three young people reduced their alcohol consumption in the past year. Young people were more likely to reduce drinking if they were born overseas or had experienced alcohol-related harms.
In: Alcohol and alcoholism: the international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism (MCA) and the journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA), Band 51, Heft 4, S. 481-486
In: Watterson , J , Gabbe , B , Dietze , P , Thompson , J , Oborn , M & Rosenfeld , J V 2017 , ' Measuring the effectiveness of in-hospital and on-base Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) programs on reducing alcohol related harms in naval trainees : P.A.R.T.Y. Defence study protocol ' , BMC Public Health , vol. 17 , no. 1 , 380 .
Background: Reducing alcohol related harms in Australian Defence Force (ADF) trainees has been identified as a priority, but there are few evidence-based prevention programs available for the military setting. The study aims to test whether the P.A.R.T.Y. program delivered in-hospital or on-base, can reduce harmful alcohol consumption among ADF trainees. Methods/design: The study is a 3-arm randomized controlled trial, involving 953 Royal Australian Navy trainees from a single base. Trainees, aged 18 to 30 years, will be randomly assigned to the study arms: i. in-hospital P.A.R.T.Y.; ii. On-base P.A.R.T.Y.; and iii. Control group. All groups will receive the routine ADF annual alcohol awareness training. The primary outcome is the proportion of participants reporting an Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) score of 8 or above at 12 months' post-intervention. The secondary outcome is the number of alcohol related incidents reported to the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) in the 12 months' post-intervention. Discussion: This is the first trial of the use of the P.A.R.T.Y. program in the military. If the proposed intervention proves efficacious, it may be a useful program in the early education of RAN trainees.registered'.
In: Alcohol and alcoholism: the international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism (MCA) and the journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA), Band 49, Heft 3, S. 363-368
Background: Alcohol use is a key preventable risk factor for serious injury. To effectively prevent alcohol-related injuries, we rely on the accurate surveillance of alcohol involvement in injury events. This often involves the use of administrative data, such as International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) coding. Objective: To evaluate the completeness and accuracy of using administrative coding for the surveillance of alcohol involvement in major trauma injury events by comparing patient blood alcohol concentration (BAC) with ICD-10-AM coding. Method: This retrospective cohort study examined 2918 injury patients aged ≥18 years who presented to a major trauma centre in Victoria, Australia, over a 2-year period, of which 78% ( n = 2286) had BAC data available. Results: While 15% of patients had a non-zero BAC, only 4% had an ICD-10-AM code suggesting acute alcohol involvement. The agreement between blood alcohol test results and ICD-10-AM coding of acute alcohol involvement was fair ( κ = 0.33, 95% confidence interval: 0.27–0.38). Of the 341 patients with a non-zero BAC, 82 (24.0%) had ICD-10-AM codes related to acute alcohol involvement. Supplementary factors Y90 Evidence of alcohol involvement determined by blood alcohol level codes, which specifically describe patient BAC, were assigned to just 29% of eligible patients with a non-zero BAC. Conclusion: ICD-10-AM coding underestimated the proportion of alcohol-related injuries compared to patient BAC. Implications: Given the current role of administrative data in the surveillance of alcohol-related injuries, these findings may have significant implications for the implementation of cost-effective strategies for preventing alcohol-related injuries.