"La presente investigación inicialmente plantea un recuento de contextualización geográfica ilustrando condiciones territoriales y demás delimitaciones y características alusivas a la descripción del entorno social, cultural, económico y poblacional. Los fenómenos sociales vistos en función de una política nacional la Política de Seguridad Democrática-PSD y sus efectos reales originados en materia de democracia electoral que a su vez para el departamento del Cauca comprenden matices particulares en áreas rurales aledañas al conflicto armado en Colombia."
CONTEXT: Colombia over the last decade has experienced a historic economic boom and Information Technology (IT) has been emerging as a tool to enable the competitiveness of companies. The last government (2014–2018) took different actions to explain how the use of data science and open data improve the business activity. The question to identify if there is a relationship between IT capacities, the organizational structure and the performance of the companies remains unresolved and is certainly an urgent issue for new government of Iván Duque. PURPOSE: Our study analyses the relationship between data structure and business performance measured through the efficiency of customer experience and provider operations processes. METHODOLOGY: our methodology is novel compared to previous researches which develop linear regression. It is based on the use of a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). ORIGINALITY/VALUE: our method allows to reveal multiple and complementary paths to achieve possible correlations between data and business performance. FINDINGS: Our results show that data consistency, data usage and data protection are the three more frequent conditions to a better customer experience and provider operations efficiency. Surprisingly, data-driven profile is a necessary but not sufficient condition. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: our conclusions allow practitioners to uncover the strength of the data to orientate their digital strategy. Our recommendations could be used for the new governmental program of digital revival for Small and Medium Enterprises.
Introducción: Los productores de desinformación y noticias falsas encuentran en el temor, la incertidumbre en tiempos de pandemia y las redes sociales virtuales facilitadores para su difusión, haciendo más difícil su detección para expertos y legos en el tema. Las tipologías diseñadas para la identificación y clasificación de bulos permiten su análisis desde perspectivas teóricas como las cámaras de eco, las burbujas de filtro, la manipulación de la información y la disonancia cognitiva. Método: Se realizó un análisis de contenido a 371 noticias falsas, previamente verificadas por fact-checkers. Luego de una prueba de intercodificadores, se procedió a clasificar los bulos según su tipo, intencionalidad, tema principal abordado, las redes en que circularon, la técnica de engaño, el país de origen, su carácter transnacional, entre otras variables. Resultados: La intención de bulo más común fue de carácter ideológico, asociada con temas como los falsos anuncios de gobiernos, organizaciones o personajes públicos, así como con la técnica de contexto falso para su elaboración. Una cuarta parte de los bulos analizados se repitieron en varios países, promoviendo principalmente falsas curas con contenidos fabricados como técnica de engaño. Discusión y Conclusiones: Desinformar es un fenómeno de manipulación y filtraje basado en la coincidencia ideológica y emocional que comparten quienes circulan bulos. La (des)información que converge con los intereses de sus usuarios, hace que su difusión se haga de manera indiscriminada y facilite su transnacionalidad, con leves modificaciones, sin que esto afecte su aceptación y su recirculación
AbstractEven within well-studied organisms, many genes lack useful functional annotations. One way to generate such functional information is to infer biological relationships between genes or proteins, using a network of gene coexpression data that includes functional annotations. Signed distance correlation has proved useful for the construction of unweighted gene coexpression networks. However, transforming correlation values into unweighted networks may lead to a loss of important biological information related to the intensity of the correlation. Here, we introduce a principled method to constructweightedgene coexpression networks using signed distance correlation. These networks contain weighted edges only between those pairs of genes whose correlation value is higher than a given threshold. We analyze data from different organisms and find that networks generated with our method based on signed distance correlation are more stable and capture more biological information compared to networks obtained from Pearson correlation. Moreover, we show that signed distance correlation networks capture more biological information than unweighted networks based on the same metric. While we use biological data sets to illustrate the method, the approach is general and can be used to construct networks in other domains. Code and data are available onhttps://github.com/javier-pardodiaz/sdcorGCN.
This paper presents and analyzes a heterogeneous implementation of an industrial use case based on K-means that targets symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), GPUs and FPGAs. We present how the application can be optimized from an algorithmic point of view and how this optimization performs on two heterogeneous platforms. The presented implementation relies on the OmpSs programming model, which introduces a simplified pragma-based syntax for the communication between the main processor and the accelerators. Performance improvement can be achieved by the programmer explicitly specifying the data memory accesses or copies. As expected, the newer SMP+GPU system studied is more powerful than the older SMP+FPGA system. However the latter is enough to fulfill the requirements of our use case and we show that uses less energy when considering only the active power of the execution. ; This work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 project AXIOM (grant agreement n. 645496), HiPEAC (grant agreement n. 687698), and Mont-Blanc (grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697), the Spanish Government Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2015- 65316-P) and the Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programaci´o i Entorns d'Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051). ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (author's final draft)
This paper presents and analyzes a heterogeneous implementation of an industrial use case based on K-means that targets symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), GPUs and FPGAs. We present how the application can be optimized from an algorithmic point of view and how this optimization performs on two heterogeneous platforms. The presented implementation relies on the OmpSs programming model, which introduces a simplified pragma-based syntax for the communication between the main processor and the accelerators. Performance improvement can be achieved by the programmer explicitly specifying the data memory accesses or copies. As expected, the newer SMP+GPU system studied is more powerful than the older SMP+FPGA system. However the latter is enough to fulfill the requirements of our use case and we show that uses less energy when considering only the active power of the execution. ; This work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 project AXIOM (grant agreement n. 645496), HiPEAC (grant agreement n. 687698), and Mont-Blanc (grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697), the Spanish Government Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2015- 65316-P) and the Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programaci´o i Entorns d'Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051). ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (author's final draft)
Since the Brexit referendum in 2016, there has been much uncertainty around UK access to the EU's flagship research programmes and its opportunities to lead European projects and collaborations. Here, we present the results from a survey on Portuguese, Spanish, Polish and Dutch researchers residing in the UK on issues related to Brexit. The key finding was that most respondents from all of the European diasporas find the UK less attractive after the referendum, with major obstacles identified being the new immigration policies for EU nationals, the political and economic situation in the UK, and limited access to research funds and to public services in the UK (NHS, education, pensions, etc.). Researchers need to be reassured they can continue their world-leading science regardless of their nationality. To upkeep the future of EU-UK relationships, an alliance was recently formed by the organisations represented by the authors of this study.
Circulating mannose-binding lectin (MBL) plays an important role in the progression of tissue damage caused by ischemic events, an account of its high-affinity, multivalent binding to carbohydrate arrays exposed on damaged endothelium (damage-associated molecular patterns, DAMPS). MBL inhibitors have therefore been proposed as a novel protective therapeutic strategy to prevent secondary injury. We developed a new, convenient, robust surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assay for in vitro screening of compounds interfering with the binding of native human MBL to an appropriate chip surface functionalized with a pattern of sugar moieties mimicking DAMPS. We also characterized the procedure to regenerate the chip surface after each experimental session, accomplished by sequential cleaning with piranha solution followed by UV exposure. The SPR assay detects the specific binding of human recombinant MBL and native MBL present in human serum, and can identify inhibitors of this binding. We observed inhibitory effects of mannose (IC50 5 mM), of a nine mannose residues carrying glycan (IC50 0.33 mg/mL, corresponding to ~ 175 mu M), and mainly mannose-coated gold nanoparticles (IC50 1.1 mu g /mL). These in vitro results serve as a basis for testing the protective properties of these molecules/nanoparticles later inthe more expensive and time-consuming studies in cells and animal models of MBL mediated-injuries. ; This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 814236.