8 Ergebnisse
Property: A Bundle of Sticks or a Tree?
In: Vanderbilt Law Review, Band 66, Heft 3
Abuse of Rights: The Continental Drug and the Common Law
In: Boston Univ. School of Law, Public Law Research Paper No. 14-28
Working paper
Property and Democratic Deliberation: The Numerus Clausus Principle and Democratic Experimentalism in Property Law
In: American Journal of Comparative Law, Band 62, Heft 2 / Spring 2014
The Fundamental Building Blocks of Social Relations Regarding Resources: Hohfeld in Europe and Beyond
In: The Legacy of Wesley Hohfeld: Edited Major Works, Select Personal Papers, and Original Commentaries, Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Ted Sichelman & Henry E. Smith, eds., Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming
Property's Building Blocks
In: Henry Smith et. al, eds, The Legacy of Wesley Hohfeld (Cambridge 2020)
Working paper
The Art and Science of Critical Scholarship. Post-Modernism and International Style in the Legal Architecure of Europe
In: European Review of Private Law, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 29-59
ISSN: 0928-9801
Texts and contexts in legal history: essays in honor of Charles Donahue
In: Studies in comparative legal history
Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem : autobiographical and methodological reflections / Charles Donahue -- Regulating incestuous marriage in the Roman republic / Bruce W. Frier -- Property talk in Old English : did Anglo-Saxon England know the concept of seisin? / Paul Hyams -- Death, where is thy sting? : locating capital punishment in early medieval debates / Abigail Firey -- Pope Paschal II's Council of Benevento in 1113 / Robert Somerville -- Forgery and Pope Alexander III's Decretal on scripta authentica / Robert F. Berkhofer III -- Written agreements and civil wars : the Catalan and Anglo-Norman examples / Adam J. Kosto -- Glanvill and the development of the English advowson writs / Joshua C. Tate -- Tempering the wind : moderation and discretion in late twelfth-century papal decretals / Anne J. Duggan -- Texts and parisian context of the licentia docendi at the beginning of the thirteenth century / Anne Lefebvre-Teillard -- The Fourth Lateran Council, its legislation, and the development of legal procedure / Ken Pennington -- Law and empowerment at the Fourth Lateran Council / Joseph Goering -- Bertrandus and Guido de Baysio : commenting on the Decretum Gratiani between 1234 and 1300 / Peter Landau -- The secular consequences of annulment of marriage for precontract in England c. 1300 / Paul Brand -- Chapter 29 of Magna Carta in the fourteenth century / Sir John Baker -- Law and equity in a medieval English manor court / Elizabeth Kamali -- Custom and law in the medieval court records of the province of Canterbury / R. H. Helmholz -- Interdict at Lynn, Norfolk : canon law anomalies / F. Donald Logan -- Canon law in the Arctic : a marriage case in the register of Bishop Jon of Hslar / Anders Winroth -- When lawyers lie : forging an english constitution in 1399 / David J. Seipp -- The murder of mistress lacey's maid : ad hockery and the law in England circa 1530 / Shannon McSheffrey -- The admiralty jurisdiction of the Court of Requests / Emily Kadens -- Quantitative easing four centuries ago : Juan de Mariana's de Monetae Mutatione (1609) / Wim Decock -- The mystery of the charitable arbitrator, or reflections on a neglected old regime text and the intersection between status and practices of arbitration and mediation / Amalia D. Kessler -- Lights hidden under Bushel's case / Thomas A. Green -- The relevance of colonial appeals to the Privy Council / Mary Sarah Bilder -- Prosecuting polygamy in early modern England / John Witte, Jr