392 Ergebnisse
The postulates of rural development
In: The Maharaja Sayajirao III golden jubilee memorial lectures series 3
Evaluating India's national rural employment guarantee scheme
The world's biggest Employment Guarantee Programme, India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) has been in operation in rural India since February 2006. In principle, the scheme is a self-targeted programme designed to provide 100 days of employment to rural households and to serve as a safety net. More broadly its aim is to reduce rural poverty through the creation of sustainable rural infrastructure which is expected to foster rural economic growth. This study looks at the performance of the NREGS from three perspectives - it examines the targeting aspect of the programme, the efficiency of the implementing PRI bodies and the impact of the program on various outcomes at household level. The study is based on primary data collected from 500 randomly selected households, 2249 individuals and 70 schemes located in 13 Gram Panchayats in Birbhum District of West Bengal, India. On the basis of this primary data, the study reveals that at least in Birbhum District the programme is far more likely to be accessed by poorer households (defined in terms of land holding, monthly per-capita income and other household related characteristics). At the same time there is a clear and substantial impact of left political inclination in terms of enabling access to a greater number of days of work under the scheme. In terms of the efficiency impact, the analysis reveals a clear violation of the formal clauses and the spirit of the NREG Act and thereby undermining the potential of the programme in terms of providing a safety net. In terms of the impact, the study finds no statistically significant impact on economic outcomes at household level but does find a statistically significant and substantial relation between reduction of stress related to joblessness and access to the NREGS. The estimates suggest that while the NREGS may not be creating any new employment, and may indeed be substituting for existing employment opportunities, the scheme is still considered valuable as it offers better working conditions.
Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation Programmes -Involvement of Voluntary Agencies (in the Seventh Five-Year Plan)
In: The Indian journal of public administration: quarterly journal of the Indian Institute of Public Administration, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 745, 749
ISSN: 0019-5561
From Local Government to the Centre
In: Indian journal of public administration, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 287-295
ISSN: 2457-0222
How to write a competitive R01 grant
This book describes the process of completing an NIH R01 grant application. It begins with the formation of an idea and proceeds through the subsequent stages: verifying the idea's strength and potential, collecting high-quality preliminary data, networking for feedback, writing the first and subsequent drafts of the application (including details on what to include and tips on content and tone), polishing the application, and following through after the decision is announced (appropriate responses to success or rejection). Each main stage is broken down into conversational paragraphs and bullet points for easy reference. This easy-to-navigate book focuses on concise details and strong headings and subheadings making the content clear and easy to retain. It serves as a valuable reference source throughout the grant writing process and offers a practical outline of action.
Surface latent heat flux as an earthquake precursor
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 3, Heft 6, S. 749-755
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. The analysis of surface latent heat flux (SLHF) from the epicentral regions of five recent earthquakes that occurred in close proximity to the oceans has been found to show anomalous behavior. The maximum increase of SLHF is found 2–7 days prior to the main earthquake event. This increase is likely due to an ocean-land-atmosphere interaction. The increase of SLHF prior to the main earthquake event is attributed to the increase in infrared thermal (IR) temperature in the epicentral and surrounding region. The anomalous increase in SLHF shows great potential in providing early warning of a disastrous earthquake, provided that there is a better understanding of the background noise due to the tides and monsoon in surface latent heat flux. Efforts have been made to understand the level of background noise in the epicentral regions of the five earthquakes considered in the present paper. A comparison of SLHF from the epicentral regions over the coastal earthquakes and the earthquakes that occurred far away from the coast has been made and it has been found that the anomalous behavior of SLHF prior to the main earthquake event is only associated with the coastal earthquakes.
Global warming and local air pollution have reduced wheat yields in India
We use regression analysis on data from 208 districts over the period 1981–2009 to examine the impact of temperature and solar radiation (affected by pollution from aerosols) on wheat yields in India. We find that a 1 °C increase in average daily maximum and minimum temperatures tends to lower yields by 2–4% each. A 1% increase in solar radiation increases yields by nearly 1%. Yields are estimated to be about 5.2% lower than they would have been if temperatures had not increased during the study period. We combine the estimated impacts of weather on yield with the estimated impacts of aerosol pollution (measured by moderate resolution imaging spectro radio meter sensor in terms of aerosol optical depth, aerosol optical depth (AOD) in 2001–2013) on weather to compute the net impact of reducing aerosol pollution on wheat yields. A one-standard-deviation decrease in AOD is estimated to increase yields by about 4.8%. Our results imply reducing regional pollution and curbing global warming in the coming decades can counter wheat yield losses.
Gene expression of cyclooxygenase (COX) 1 and 2 in the baboon endometrium during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy
In: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: official publication of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 48A-48A
ISSN: 1556-7117
Serum Proteomic Approach for Differentiation of Frail and Non-Frail Elderly
In: Advances in Gerontology, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 190-198
ISSN: 2079-0589