Cognitive Load During Online Complex Problem-Solving in a Teacher Training Context
In: Conference proceedings, Heft 1, S. 466-474
ISSN: 2707-2819
Online courses are becoming ubiquitous and increasingly tend to use authentic learning tasks as the driving force for teaching and learning. Nevertheless, designing online courses that incorporate real– world tasks is more challenging as these problems require more cognitive processes (van Merriënboer Sluijsmans, 2009). This phenomenon can be explained by Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) introduced by Sweller (1994). CLT distinguishes three types of cognitive load: intrinsic, extraneous and germane load. The level of intrinsic load is assumed to be determined by the level of element interactivity. An element can be a definition, concept, formula and procedure that needs to be or has been learned. Extraneous load is mainly imposed by instructional procedures that are suboptimal, whereas germane load refers to the learners' working memory resources available to deal with the complexity of the task or learning material (Sweller, 2010). Accordingly, the experienced cognitive load is mainly dependent of students' prior knowledge. Nevertheless, cognitive load can also be determined by students' motivation (Feldon, Franco, Chao, Peugh, Maahs-Fladung, 2018; Verhoeven, Schnotz, Paas, 2009). As a consequence, when designing an online course for complex tasks, it is important to understand how the different types of cognitive load are affected by students' cognitive and motivational characteristics. Therefore, in the current study, a high and low complex task was developed relating to the learning and teaching of geometry. The complexity of the task was manipulated by increasing the element interactivity for the high complex task (Sweller, 2010). In the low complex task one element was questioned each time, and consequently students had to apply a single rule, formula or procedure. By contrast, the high complex task was based on a real-life context (e.g., teaching geometry), and had higher element interactivity. Subsequently, the high complex task required learners to engage in a series of cognitive activities such as analysing, decision making, implementing and evaluating, while holding several procedures and rules in mind. Accordingly, we expected the high complex task to induce more cognitive load. The same amount of support containing the same content, was provided during both tasks. Consequently, in this context, students could take initiative in diagnosing their learning needs by identifying appropriate support. Since students could consult different amounts of support, this self-directed learning strategy could also influence the perceived cognitive load (van Merriënboer Sluijsmans, 2009). Accordingly, the amount of consulted support was also taken into account during the analyses. The aim of the study was twofold. First, as a manipulation check of task complexity, we investigated differences in the experienced cognitive load while solving a high and low complex task. Secondly, we examined whether students' cognitive and motivational characteristics influence the different types of perceived cognitive load, when taking into account the amount of consulted support for both the high and low complex task. A multivariate approach was chosen to assess the degree of interplay that may exist among students' cognitive, motivational characteristics, consultation of support and the different types of perceived cognitive load. By conducting this study, we wanted to gain insight into whether the cognitive, motivational characteristics and consultation of support influence the perceived cognitive load differently for a high and low complex task.