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World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
Country reports on economic policy and trade practices: Report submitted to the Committee on Foreign Relations, Committee on Finance of the U.S. Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Committee on Ways and Means of the U.S. House by the Department of State in accordance with section 2202 of th...
In: Joint Committee Print, 102nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. PRT 102-80
World Affairs Online
PLO Commitments Compliance Act: Report prepared for the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House, by the U.S. Department of State, March 1990
In: Committee Print, 101st Congress, 2d Session
World Affairs Online
Soviet influence activities: A report on active measures and propaganda, 1986-87
In: Department of State Publication, 9627
Bei den vorliegenden Publikationen handelt es sich um die aktualisierte Fassung eines bereits 1985 vorgelegenen Papiers der "Active Measures Working Group", einer gemeinsamen Arbeitsgruppe der zivilen und militärischen Nachrichten- und Abschirmdienste der USA. Die Autoren präsentieren eine Übersicht über die im jahre 1986 vorgenommenen Umstrukturierungen im sowjetischen Apparat für "aktive Maßnahmen", analysieren die Rolle der relilgiösen Organisation der UdSSR als Objekt und Instrument der Propaganda, untersuschen die Funktion des Weltfriedensrates im Kontext des sowjetischen Strebens nach globalem Einfluß und erörtern spektakuläre Fälle sowjetischer Desinformation (Fälschung amerikanischer Strategie-Papiere, AIDS-Kampagne, Begründung der Afghanistan-Invasion etc.). (BIOst-Hml)
World Affairs Online
Revolution beyond our borders : Sandinista intervention in Central America
In: Special Report, 132
World Affairs Online
Cuba post report
In: Department and Foreign Service Series, 363 + Department of State Publication ; 9356
World Affairs Online
Defense: friendship, defense and cooperation: Agreement, with complementary agreements and related notes between the United States of America and Spain ; Signed at Madrid July 2, 1982 with protocol signed at Madrid February 24, 1983
In: Treaties and other International Acts Series, 10589
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
Defense: host nation support: Agreement between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany ; Signed at Bonn April 15, 1982
In: Treaties and other International Acts Series, 10376
World Affairs Online
Defense equipment: Signed at Copenhagen and Washington January 2 and 30, 1980
In: Treaties and other International Acts Series, 10216
World Affairs Online
Conventional arms transfers in the Third World, 1972-81
In: United States Department of State: Special Report, No. 102
World Affairs Online
Defense assistance: support of aircraft: Agreement between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany ; Signed at Bonn and Ramstein November 5 and 9, 1981 with related letter
In: Treaties and other International Acts Series, 10293
World Affairs Online
Defense: Osan air base: Memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea ; Signed at Osan and Seoul June 19 and July 20, 1981
In: Treaties and other International Acts Series, 10224
World Affairs Online
Finance: Consolidation and rescheduling of certain debts: Agreement between the United States of America and Turkey ; Signed at Ankara December 11, 1979; entered into force January 14, 1980
In: Treaties and other International Acts Series, 9783
World Affairs Online