The Impact of the Committee on Standards in Public Life on Delegated Governance: The Commissioner for Public Appointments
In: Parliamentary affairs: a journal of comparative politics, Band 59, Heft 3, S. 491-508
ISSN: 1460-2482
8 Ergebnisse
In: Parliamentary affairs: a journal of comparative politics, Band 59, Heft 3, S. 491-508
ISSN: 1460-2482
In: Parliamentary affairs: a journal of representative politics, Band 59, Heft 3, S. 491-508
ISSN: 0031-2290
In: Delegated Governance and the British State, S. 207-232
In: Delegated Governance and the British State, S. 141-165
In: Regional & federal studies, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 63-82
ISSN: 1743-9434
In: Regional and federal studies, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 63-82
ISSN: 1359-7566
In: Development in practice, Band 33, Heft 7, S. 811-824
ISSN: 1364-9213
We introduce the AusTraits database - a compilation of values of plant traits for taxa in the Australian flora (hereafter AusTraits). AusTraits synthesises data on 448 traits across 28,640 taxa from field campaigns, published literature, taxonomic monographs, and individual taxon descriptions. Traits vary in scope from physiological measures of performance (e.g. photosynthetic gas exchange, water-use efficiency) to morphological attributes (e.g. leaf area, seed mass, plant height) which link to aspects of ecological variation. AusTraits contains curated and harmonised individual- and species-level measurements coupled to, where available, contextual information on site properties and experimental conditions. This article provides information on version 3.0.2 of AusTraits which contains data for 997,808 trait-by-taxon combinations. We envision AusTraits as an ongoing collaborative initiative for easily archiving and sharing trait data, which also provides a template for other national or regional initiatives globally to fill persistent gaps in trait knowledge. ; Funding Agencies|Australian Research CouncilAustralian Research Council [FT160100113, DE170100208, FT100100910]; National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)Australian GovernmentDepartment of Industry, Innovation and Science