Costituzione e legge elettorale: un percorso comparatistico nello Stato costituzionale europeo
In: Ricerche giuridiche nuovissima serie, 178
52 Ergebnisse
In: Ricerche giuridiche nuovissima serie, 178
In: Revue française de finances publiques: RFFP, Band 166, Heft 2, S. 125-135
Cette brève contribution analyse l'impact de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur le système italien de finances sociales. En dépit de la fragilité du modèle italien, la crise pandémique a mis en évidence la résistance relative des outils déjà en place, dont le controversé revenu citoyen. Cependant, la crise peut aussi être interprétée comme une occasion ratée de repenser les finances sociales de façon systématique.
In: International journal of social imaginaries, Band 1, Heft 2, S. 265-270
ISSN: 2772-7866
In: Revue française de finances publiques: RFFP, Band 157, Heft 1, S. 145-156
Résumé La contribution analyse la signification de l'autonomie financière des régions dans le modèle italien d'État régional. Ce faisant, il considère aussi bien le modèle constitutionnel que sa mise en œuvre par le législateur. L'histoire de l'autonomie financière des régions a souvent été, en effet, une histoire de non-application des prescriptions constitutionnelles, ce qui a fini par compliquer la tâche de la Cour constitutionnelle en tant qu'interprète de la Charte fondamentale. Les crises de la dernière décennie se sont aussi répercutées sur le modèle italien du fédéralisme fiscal et ont parfois suscité des remises en question de l'autonomie régionale en tant que telle.
In: Journal of European integration: Revue d'intégration européenne, Band 43, Heft 8, S. 1045-1053
ISSN: 1477-2280
In: Journal of European integration, Band 43, Heft 8, S. 1045-1053
ISSN: 0703-6337
World Affairs Online
In: Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht: ZÖR = Austrian journal of public law, Band 76, Heft 2, S. 451
ISSN: 1613-7663
In: Forthcoming in Xenophon Contiades and Alkmene Fotiadou eds., Routledge Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Change, Routledge, 2020
Working paper
This essay makes some points about Hungary and Poland as illiberal democracies. In so doing, it addresses the meaning of this notion and how it applies to these Central European states. A number of relevant factors deserve careful consideration in order to understand the recent constitutional developments in both countries: transition fatigue, long-term institutional patterns, and the implications of European Union membership.
In: Estudios de Deusto, Band 67, Heft 1, S. 83-95
ISSN: 2386-9062
El equilibrio interno de poder de las órdenes federales es un tema importante en el pensamiento constitucional de Kelsen. Su teoría de los conflictos federales está en deuda tanto con los logros de sus investigaciones sobre la teoría del derecho como con su participación directa en los debates de política constitucional en los años veinte y treinta. Al hacerlo, adoptó una postura firme en el momento del golpe prusiano, una importante crisis constitucional en cuya gestión Carl Schmitt también desempeñó un papel importante. En mi ensayo, me basaré en el análisis de Paolo Carrozza sobre la contribución de Kelsen a la teoría constitucional de las federaciones. Se trata de resaltar su relevancia para una comprensión adecuada de los desarrollos más recientes en los sistemas federales, incluidas las consecuencias de las crisis secesionistas en Europa.Recibido: 11 mayo 2019Aceptado: 21 junio 2019Publicación en línea: 31 julio 2019
This essay focuses on electoral laws as a peculiar area of tension between parliaments, in their capacity as law-making bodies, and constitutional courts. In so doing, attention will be paid to the implications of legislative discretion, a notion that is often mentioned in the relevant case law of constitutional courts. Meanwhile, the analysis will turn to the limits that the courts place on legislative action in this domain. This essay considers European constitutional orders as well as Japan.
In: Perspectives on Federalism, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 71-95
ISSN: 2036-5438
The aim of this contribution is to make some points on the distinction between 'perfect' (or equal) and 'imperfect' (or unequal) bicameralism and its relevance to contemporary discussions about second chambers and their constitutional position. The analysis starts with an assumption that this distinction is somehow under-theorised. The distinction between perfect and imperfect bicameralism, finally resulting in a clear prevalence of the latter, mainly focuses on two aspects: the exercise of legislative function and, in parliamentary regimes, the confidence vote. In spite of the unquestionable relevance of these two components to the activity of parliaments, these analyses are incomplete. The functions and competences of a given second chamber depend on the way it represents pluralism: the weight that each legal system attaches to the representative role of its own second chamber decisively shapes the perimeter of their functions. Important evidence for validating this claim comes from the procedures for passing constitutional amendments, in which second chambers, even in a number of 'unequal' bicameral systems, are put on equal footing with first chambers.
In: Pólemos: journal of law, literature and culture, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 107-122
ISSN: 2036-4601
The aim of this essay is to compare the two House of Cards TV series – the British one and the American one – from a constitutional viewpoint. In so doing, the contribution tries to answer some research questions: how are the constitutional systems of the UK and the US respectively portrayed in the two TV series? More generally, how can contemporary political dramas approach constitutional issues?
In: Perspectives on Federalism, No. 2/2018