Preliminary Design of a Ship for Waste Sorting from Croatian Islands
In: Pomorski zbornik, Band Special edition 4, Heft 4, S. 277-287
ISSN: 1848-9052
In the Environmental Protection Strategy of the Republic of Croatia, waste management is defined as a national priority, and the vision is a landfill-free concept. The backbones are recycling centers with sorting plants where separately collected waste will be prepared for recycling. Concept of sustainable development is a key determinant of the development of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (PGKC), and the fact that permanent disposal of waste of any kind will not be possible on the islands is particularly important for this County. Mixed municipal waste generated in PGKC should be first sorted at the local transshipment station on the island, and then transported by road to the county center for waste management, which is an expensive and complex process. Given that sea transport is known to be the cheapest, one possible solution would be to place a waste sorting plant on a suitable ship which would collect waste by sailing around the island, thus avoiding the need for each island to have its own sorting plant. The paper presents a preliminary design of a ship for sorting waste collected from the large islands of PGKC. The mission requirements of the ship were elaborated initially, and then a basic design of the ship was made, accompanied by the corresponding naval architecture calculations, general arrangement plan and outline specification.