Making Peace with the Earth - The Diplomatic Turn
In: Ecocene: Cappadocia journal of environmental humanities, Band 2, Heft 2 (1), S. 1-6
ISSN: 2717-8943
8 Ergebnisse
In: Ecocene: Cappadocia journal of environmental humanities, Band 2, Heft 2 (1), S. 1-6
ISSN: 2717-8943
In: Le monde diplomatique, Band 70, Heft 831, S. 16
ISSN: 0026-9395, 1147-2766
World Affairs Online
In: Histoire & sociétés rurales, Band 47, Heft 1, S. 99-136
ISSN: 1950-666X
Canis lupus fait partie des espèces protégées. La mise à mort intentionnelle de loups est donc interdite mais des dérogations à ce principe sont possibles lorsque les dégâts causés à l'élevage sont trop importants. La réglementation prévoit une gradation des interventions : dissuasion par effarouchement, tir de défense du berger pour protéger son troupeau et prélèvements de l'État portant sur un nombre de loups annuellement déterminé. Or, ces tirs font l'objet de violents désaccords entre les acteurs qui sont partie prenante de la politique du loup en France, comme en témoigne la multiplication des recours devant les tribunaux administratifs. La question de l'acceptabilité sociale des tirs de loups est donc au cœur des arbitrages que l'État doit faire pour trouver un juste équilibre entre les intérêts du monde rural et la conservation de la biodiversité. Pour faire le point à ce sujet et examiner les pistes d'un éventuel consensus, une enquête sociologique a été menée auprès de 1 752 personnes : éleveurs, chasseurs, maires, agents publics et associations de protection de la nature.
In: Ecologie & politique: sciences, cultures, sociétés, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 85
ISSN: 2118-3147
In: Environmental science & policy, Band 68, S. 87-96
ISSN: 1462-9011
Transformative adaptation will be increasingly important to effectively address the impacts of climate change and other global drivers on social-ecological systems. Enabling transformative adaptation requires new ways to evaluate and adaptively manage trade-offs between maintaining desirable aspects of current social-ecological systems and adapting to major biophysical changes to those systems. We outline such an approach, based on three elements developed by the Transformative Adaptation Research Alliance (TARA): (1) the benefits of adaptation services; that sub-set of ecosystem services that help people adapt to environmental change; (2) The values-rules-knowledge perspective (vrk) for identifying those aspects of societal decision-making contexts that enable or constrain adaptation and (3) the adaptation pathways approach for implementing adaptation, that builds on and integrates adaptation services and the vrk perspective. Together, these elements provide a future-oriented approach to evaluation and use of ecosystem services, a dynamic, grounded understanding of governance and decision-making and a logical, sequential approach that connects decisions over time. The TARA approach represents a means for achieving changes in institutions and governance needed to support transformative adaptation.
In the EU, the mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services, abbreviated to MAES, is seen as a key action for the advancement of biodiversity objectives, and also to inform the development and implementation of related policies on water, climate, agriculture, forest, marine and regional planning. In this study, we present the development of an analytical framework which ensures that consistent approaches are used throughout the EU. It is framed by a broad set of key policy questions and structured around a conceptual framework that links human societies and their well-being with the environment. Next, this framework is tested through four thematic pilot studies, including stakeholders and experts working at different scales and governance levels, which contributed indicators to assess the state of ecosystem services. Indicators were scored according to different criteria and assorted per ecosystem type and ecosystem services using the common international classification of ecosystem services (CICES) as typology. We concluded that there is potential to develop a first EU wide ecosystem assessment on the basis of existing data if they are combined in a creative way. However, substantial data gaps remain to be filled before a fully integrated and complete ecosystem assessment can be carried out.