Van 5 tot en met 7 mei 2005 vond in Urbana-Champaign, op een paar uurtjes rijden van Chicago, het eerste internationale congres over qualitative inquiry plaats. De organisator en tevens congresvoorzitter was Norman Denzin, een grote naam voor al wie met kwalitatieve methoden vertrouwd is. Er waren 865 deelnemers uit 51 landen en er werden ongeveer 450 papers voorgedragen.
Dit artikel gaat over de opvang van ouderen met dementie in Vlaamse rusthuizen. Ook in de residentiële zorg voor dementerende bejaarden leeft het discours rond kwaliteitsvolle zorg en 'zorg op maat'. Het zorgaanbod moet aansluiten bij de lichamelijke, psychische, sociale en geestelijke behoeften van de bewoners (De Lange, 2004). Maar wat zijn die behoeften precies bij personen met dementie? Wat dient men te verstaan onder 'aangepaste en optimale zorg'? Hoe kan men in residentiële voorzieningen de kwaliteit van zorg vaststellen of meten? En aan welke voorwaarden moet men voldoen wil men kwaliteitsvolle zorg verstrekken? Op geen van deze vragen is een pasklaar antwoord voorhanden.
Anja Declerc beschreibt in ihrem Beitrag die Schwierigkeiten und Fallstricke, die mit einer Offenen Teilnehmenden Beobachtung auf Pflegestationen für psychisch kranke Menschen verbunden waren. Im Rahmen dieser Studie, die einen Vergleich der Organisation der Pflege in stationären Einrichtungen zum Ziel hatte, begleitete sie jeweils für mehrere Monate die Arbeit in vier verschiedenen Stationen. Dabei stellte sich heraus, daß das 'getting into' sich weitaus einfacher gestaltete als das 'getting along': Für das Pflegepersonal gab es zunächst wenig Gründe, einer "herumschnüffelnden" Soziologin Vertrauen zu schenken, bis sie im Laufe der Zeit glaubhaft machen konnte, daß sie nicht im Auftrag bzw. als "Spionin" der Stationsleitung agierte. Die Daten, die in diesem Forschungsprozeß gesammelt wurden, versteht und reflektiert die Autorin als kontextuelle Hervorbringungen, die sowohl durch die Wahrnehmung der Person der Forscherin durch andere als auch durch deren Miterleben des psychischen Leidens auf den Stationen beeinflußt sind.
During the last decades, the care for elderly people suffering from dementia has strongly evolved. Moreover, people are seeking for an adequate definition of what 'good care' or 'high quality care' for people with dementia is. In this article, based on Habermas' theory of communicative action, it is stated that care for people with dementia has emancipated itself from the lifeworld into a system of care. However, in the current social situation, this system of care is not completely independent from the lifeworld. It is situated in the interferential zone between system and lifeworld. The care for people suffering from dementia therefore has characteristics stemming from system as well as lifeworld.
At the end of march 1992, the multinational Campbell announced the closure of its plant Delacre in Vilvoorde. The employees reacted with an eight week strike and occupation of the factory. This article describes what happened and analyses the events attempting to explain them. Most approaches in the theory of industrial conflict emphasize either the structural or the interpretational aspects. Here, it is argued that both angles are necessary to provide a coherent frame for the study of industrial conflict.
Time spent on family care of frail older people is difficult to substantiate because of its complex nature. The aim of this study is to check the content validity of existing questionnaires measuring the time spent on caring. Comparing the activities mentioned in the questionnaires with those from other data sources (three validated scales measuring the functional limitations in day-to-day activities and a qualitative study) enabled identification of important drawbacks in the questionnaires reviewed. A comprehensive list of activities was built in order to help future researchers to conduct effective data collection and thereby enable an in-depth analysis of family care supply.
Adding to longitudinal data of three waves that were presented in an original dataset on perceptions and behaviours regarding government measures, fear of getting ill, and media use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Flanders (Belgium), this article presents information on two additional waves that were collected at two key moments in the pandemic in the same region: in late August 2020 (W4; as infection rates increased again; N = 505) and in the middle of March 2021, exactly one year after the first data collection (W5; N = 408). In W4 and W5, new respondents were added to the longitudinal sample to strengthen cross-sectional analyses. Additional information on informal care and physical activity was also collected. These data may be of interest to researchers who wish to explore dynamics of fear and attitudes towards public health measures during this particularly challenging time. (c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Purpose Novice researchers experience difficulties in analysing qualitative data. To develop the skills necessary for qualitative data analysis, theoretical manuals are often insufficient. Supervisors supporting students in analysing qualitative data stress the need for practical guidance, including exercises and feedback. The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss QualiBuddy, an interactive online support tool in answer to this need.
Design/methodology/approach An online support tool was developed in answer to existing problems regarding analysing qualitative data. The tool provides a learning trajectory of 11 stages of analysis, which all contain examples, exercises, feedback, verification questions and questions for reflection. This tool is developed from a multidisciplinary perspective and is constructed around various steps. During the development process, internal feedback from the members of the project team, as well as external feedback from an international steering group with experts in qualitative research were taken into account.
Findings The tool QualiBuddy is based on an empirically and theoretically grounded approach to qualitative data analyses. Pilot tests with experienced qualitative researchers suggest that the tool potentially allows novice researchers from various domains to develop and improve their skills in conceptualising interview data, specifically within a grounded theory approach.
Originality/value QualiBuddy is a newly developed interactive online education tool based on and complementary to existing guides for qualitative data analysis.
Background / Objective: In the international literature, case management is often found to be a valuable way of organizing home care services and providing continuity of care. However, not many studies have provided evidence that case management can be effective in delaying institutionalization of older persons. The Belgian federal government is interested in funding home care projects that attain this goal. Twenty two case management projects will be analyzed during a 4-year period to reach a policy decision. Methods: Professional caregivers are asked to fill out the comprehensive geriatric assessment interRAI Home Care (HC) and an ad-hoc economic questionnaire describing the social services use and the time of informal care Informal caregivers also fill out the Zarit Burden scale 12 items and older persons fill out the WHOQOL-8. After descriptive statistics, the study population is stratified according to impairment levels (ADL, depression and cognition). Multivariate analyses are performed to identify significant associations and the effect of case management on the delay of institutionalization. Results: The study population consists of frail older persons in 21 case management projects (n=8534, average age: 79.7 median age 81.0, 67.6% women. The total of older persons in case management projects is 5004. This population shows moderate to high ADL impairment (47% CI(0.45 - 0.48)), moderate to high cognitive problems (27% CI(0.25 - 0.27)) and daily depression symptoms (27% CI(.25 - .28). These clients will be compared to a population not receiving any case management. International Journal of Integrated Care – Volume 14, 01 October – URN:NBN:NL:UI:10-1-116159– Conclusion: This research will show the effect of case management combined with home care interventions in order to delay institutionalization of older persons. This information can help home care providers to adapt their services into a more integrated form of care model where case management will bring different types of services together. The results will also help policy makers to decide whether case management should be funded or not.
Background / Objective: In the international literature, case management is often found to be a valuable way of organizing home care services and providing continuity of care. However, not many studies have provided evidence that case management can be effective in delaying institutionalization of older persons. The Belgian federal government is interested in funding home care projects that attain this goal. Twenty two case management projects will be analyzed during a 4-year period to reach a policy decision. Methods: Professional caregivers are asked to fill out the comprehensive geriatric assessment interRAI Home Care (HC) and an ad-hoc economic questionnaire describing the social services use and the time of informal care Informal caregivers also fill out the Zarit Burden scale 12 items and older persons fill out the WHOQOL-8. After descriptive statistics, the study population is stratified according to impairment levels (ADL, depression and cognition). Multivariate analyses are performed to identify significant associations and the effect of case management on the delay of institutionalization. Results: The study population consists of frail older persons in 21 case management projects (n=8534, average age: 79.7 median age 81.0, 67.6% women. The total of older persons in case management projects is 5004. This population shows moderate to high ADL impairment (47% CI(0.45 - 0.48)), moderate to high cognitive problems (27% CI(0.25 - 0.27)) and daily depression symptoms (27% CI(.25 - .28). These clients will be compared to a population not receiving any case management. International Journal of Integrated Care – Volume 14, 01 October – URN:NBN:NL:UI:10-1-116159– Conclusion: This research will show the effect of case management combined with home care interventions in order to delay institutionalization of older persons. This information can help home care providers to adapt their services into a more integrated form of care model where case management will bring different types of services together. The results will also help policy makers to decide whether case management should be funded or not.
This study aims to develop and validate a prediction model of societal costs during a period of 6-months in older community care-recipients across multiple European countries. Participants were older community care-recipients from 5 European countries. The outcome measure was mean 6-months total societal costs of resource utilisation (healthcare and informal care). Potential predictors included sociodemographic characteristics, functional limitations, clinical conditions, and diseases/disorders. The model was developed by performing Linear Mixed Models with a random intercept for the effect of country and validated by an internal-external validation procedure. Living alone, caregiver distress, (I)ADL impairment, required level of care support, health instability, presence of pain, behavioural problems, urinary incontinence and multimorbidity significantly predicted societal costs during 6 months. The model explained 32% of the variation within societal costs and showed good calibration in Iceland, Finland and Germany. Minor model adaptations improved model performance in The Netherland and Italy. The results can provide a valuable orientation for policymakers to better understand cost development among older community care-recipients. Despite substantial differences of countries' care systems, a validated cross-national set of key predictors could be identified.
This study aims to benchmark mean societal costs per client in different home care models and to describe characteristics of home care models with the lowest societal costs. In this prospective longitudinal study in 6 European countries, 6-month societal costs of resource utilization of 2060 older home care clients were estimated. Three care models were identified and compared based on level of patient-centered care (PCC), availability of specialized professionals (ASP) and level of monitoring of care performance (MCP). Differences in costs between care models were analyzed using linear regression while adjusting for case mix differences. Societal costs incurred in care model 2 (low ASP; high PCC & MCP) were significantly higher than in care model 1 (high ASP, PCC & MCP, mean difference €2230 (10%)) and in care model 3 (low ASP & PCC; high MCP, mean difference €2552 (12%)). Organizations within both models with the lowest societal costs, systematically monitor their care performance. However, organizations within one model arranged their care with a low focus on patient-centered care, and employed mainly generalist care professionals, while organizations in the other model arranged their care delivery with a strong focus on patient-centered care combined with a high availability of specialized care professionals.