Minority Dissent in Organizations
In: Using Conflict in Organizations, S. 72-86
9 Ergebnisse
In: Using Conflict in Organizations, S. 72-86
In: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/10/334
Abstract Background Although there are an increasing number of studies on HIV-related stigma in Nigeria, very little research has focused on how power differences based on gender perpetuate the stigmatization of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and how these gender differences affect the care that PLWHA receive in health care institutions. We explore gender-related beliefs and reactions of society, including health care professionals (HCPs), with regard to PLWHA, using Connell's theoretical framework of gender and power (1987). With Connell's structural theory of gender and power (financial inequality, authority and structure of social norms), we can describe gender differences in stigmatization of PLWHA. Method We conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews, lasting 60 to 90 minutes, with 100 persons (40 members of the general public, 40 HCPs and 20 PLWHA) in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The Nvivo 7 computer package was used to analyze the data. Results There are similarities and differences between the general public and HCPs towards PLWHA in gender-related beliefs and reactions. For instance, although association with promiscuity and power differences were commonly acknowledged in the different groups, there are differences in how these reactions are shown; such as HCPs asking the female PLWHA to inform their partners to ensure payment of hospital bills. Women with HIV/AIDS in particular are therefore in a disadvantaged position with regard to the care they receive. Conclusion Despite the fact that men and women with HIV/AIDS suffer the same illness, clear disparities are apparent in the negative reaction women and men living with HIV/AIDS experience in society. We show that women's generally low status in society contributes to the extreme negative reactions to which female PLWHA are subject. The government should create policies aimed at reducing the power differences in family, society and health care systems, which would be important to decrease the gender-related differences in stigma experienced by PLWHA. Interventions should be directed at the prevailing societal norms through appropriate legislation and advocacy at grassroots level with the support of men to counter laws that put women in a disadvantaged position. Furthermore, development of a policy that encourages equality in access to health care for all patients with HIV/AIDS by applying the same conditions to both men and women in health care institutions is recommended. There is a need to protect women's rights through implementing support policies, including paying attention to gender in the training of HCPs.
In: American journal of health promotion, Band 19, Heft 4, S. 278-285
ISSN: 2168-6602
Purpose. To examine associations between decisional balance, self-efficacy, fruit intake, and stage of change transition from precontemplation and contemplation with cross-sectional and longitudinal methods. Design. A longitudinal cohort study with the use of electronic questionnaires was conducted. Three measurements were analyzed cross-sectionally, and the two intervals between the measurements were analyzed longitudinally. Setting. A random sample of 1500 individuals from an existing Dutch Internet panel resulted in a cohort of 735 individuals. Of the cohort, 648 (response rate 88%), 592 (response rate 81%), and 570 (response rate 78%) respondents completed questionnaires at the start of the present study (T1), 53 days after T1 (T2), and 106 days after T1 (T3), respectively. Subjects. Mean age was 37.5 years, 51% were women, and 57% ate less than the recommended intake of 250 g of fruit per day. Measures. Questionnaires included items measuring stage of change, factors favoring (pros) or working against (cons) behavior change, and self-efficacy. A food frequency questionnaire was used to assess fruit intake. Results. Logistic regression analyses showed that pros, fruit intake, and self-efficacy predicted forward stage transition from precontemplation. Self-efficacy predicted forward stage transition from contemplation. Cons did not predict stage transitions. Results from longitudinal analyses were similar to cross-sectional results, except for self-efficacy: no differences between early stages in self-efficacy were found, whereas self-efficacy predicted these early stage transitions. Conclusions. Within the limitations posed by the sampling frame, results provided support for the Transtheoretical Model, although determinants might not always be stage specific.
In: American journal of health promotion, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 282-290
ISSN: 2168-6602
Purpose. To explore psychosocial correlates and predictors of stage transitions in the precaution adoption process model (PAPM) for fruit intake. Design. A cohort completed three electronic questionnaires, at baseline (time 0), 35 days later (time 1), and another 32 days later (time 2). Setting. Secured Internet Web site. Subjects. A cohort of 735 adults was formed from a random sample of an existing Internet panel. The mean age was 37.5 years, 51% were women, and 90% were of Dutch origin. Most respondents (48%) had a medium level of education. Measures. Precaution adoption process model stage, risk perception, perception of own fruit intake level, attitude, pros, cons, subjective norms, social support, modeling, self-efficacy, and fruit intake (assessed using a food frequency questionnaire). Analysis. Cross-sectional differences in psychosocial variables and fruit intake across PAPM stages at baseline were analyzed using analysis of variance with Tukey multiple comparisons tests. Predictors of PAPM stage transitions between time 0 and time 1 and between time 1 and time 2 were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. Results. Factors related to attitude and social influences may be important if one is to decide to act, whereas strong self-efficacy may also be required for acting on the decision to act. Conclusion. Although the results should be replicated in a larger and more representative sample, the PAPM seems a good framework for studying fruit intake.
In: Journal of risk research: the official journal of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe and the Society for Risk Analysis Japan, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 371-383
ISSN: 1466-4461
In: Sexuality & culture, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 1040-1061
ISSN: 1936-4822
In: Risk analysis: an international journal, Band 32, Heft 1, S. 54-66
ISSN: 1539-6924
The role of information processing in understanding people's responses to risk information has recently received substantial attention. One limitation of this research concerns the unavailability of a validated questionnaire of information processing. This article presents two studies in which we describe the development and validation of the Information‐Processing Questionnaire to meet that need. Study 1 describes the development and initial validation of the questionnaire. Participants were randomized to either a systematic processing or a heuristic processing condition after which they completed a manipulation check and the initial 15‐item questionnaire and again two weeks later. The questionnaire was subjected to factor reliability and validity analyses on both measurement times for purposes of cross‐validation of the results. A two‐factor solution was observed representing a systematic processing and a heuristic processing subscale. The resulting scale showed good reliability and validity, with the systematic condition scoring significantly higher on the systematic subscale and the heuristic processing condition significantly higher on the heuristic subscale. Study 2 sought to further validate the questionnaire in a field study. Results of the second study corresponded with those of Study 1 and provided further evidence of the validity of the Information‐Processing Questionnaire. The availability of this information‐processing scale will be a valuable asset for future research and may provide researchers with new research opportunities.
In: Risk analysis: an international journal, Band 30, Heft 9, S. 1387-1398
ISSN: 1539-6924
Risk communications are an integral aspect of health education and promotion. However, the commonly used textual risk information is relatively difficult to understand for the average recipient. Consequently, researchers and health promoters have started to focus on so‐called decision aids, such as tables and graphs. Although tabular and graphical risk information more effectively communicate risks than textual risk information, the cognitive mechanisms responsible for this enhancement are unclear. This study aimed to examine two possible mechanisms (i.e., cognitive workload and attention). Cognitive workload (mean pupil size and peak pupil dilation) and attention directed to the risk information (viewing time, number of eye fixations, and eye fixation durations) were both measured in a between‐subjects experimental design. The results suggest that graphical risk information facilitates comprehension of that information because it attracts and holds attention for a longer period of time than textual risk information. Graphs are thus a valuable asset to risk communication practice for two reasons: first, they tend to attract attention and, second, when attended to, they elicit information extraction with relatively little cognitive effort, and finally result in better comprehension.
In: Hendriks , A-M , Gubbels , J S , De Vries , N K , Seidell , J C , Kremers , S P J & Jansen , M W J 2012 , ' Interventions to promote an integrated approach to public health problems : an application to childhood obesity ' , Journal of Environmental and Public Health , vol. 2012 , 913236 . https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/913236
Experts stress the need to bring the childhood obesity epidemic under control by means of an integrated approach. The implementation of such an approach requires the development of integrated enabling policies on public health by local governments. A prerequisite for developing such integrated public health policies is intersectoral collaboration. Since the development of integrated policies is still in its early stages, this study aimed to answer the following research question: "What interventions can promote intersectoral collaboration and the development of integrated health policies for the prevention of childhood obesity?" Data were collected through a literature search and observations of and interviews with stakeholders. Based on a theoretical framework, we categorized potential interventions that could optimize an integrated approach regarding children's physical activity and diet. The intervention categories included education, persuasion, incentivization, coercion, training, restriction, environmental restructuring, modeling, and enablement.