14 Ergebnisse
Sustainable development in Ukraine: the role of internal and external actors in the policy-making process ; Zrównoważony rozwój na Ukrainie: rola wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych podmiotów w procesie formułowania zasad polityki
While in theory sustainable development has been included in policy-on-paper, policy-in-practice tends to be difficult. In this context, the author discusses the role that internal and external actors have played with regard to the incorporation of sustainable development into Ukrainian national policies, and analyses the extent to which the government of Ukraine and the European Union have been able and/or willing to contribute to this process. ; O ile z teoretycznego punktu widzenia zrównoważony rozwój został ujęty w dokumentach politycznych, o tyle w praktyce same działania polityczne wydają się sprawiać pewne trudności. W tym kontekście autor omawia znaczenie wewnętrznych oraz zewnętrznych podmiotów w odniesieniu do wdrażania zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju do ukraińskiej polityki krajowej, a także analizuje, do jakiego stopnia rząd Ukrainy oraz Unia Europejska są w stanie oraz w gotowości do wspierania tego procesu.
A Normative Power Yes or No? The European Union, Ukraine, and the Transfer of Democracy
In: de Deugd , N 2019 , A Normative Power Yes or No? The European Union, Ukraine, and the Transfer of Democracy . in M Neuman (ed.) , Democracy Promotion and the Normative Power Europe Framework : The European Union in South Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia . 1 edn , Springer , New York , pp. 119-135 .
The apparent gap between the professed goals of the EU-Ukraine relationship and the actual results on the ground casts doubt on Brussels' ability to transfer democracy. This chapter argues that the normative power of the EU vis-à-vis Ukraine is limited due to a combination of the following factors: the difficulties the EU has when it comes to translating policy to practice; the intricacies of Ukrainian domestic politics; and the role of the Russian Federation – both directly and indirectly.
Actueel - Euromajdan: Het begin van een Europese toekomst voor Oekraïne?
In: Internationale spectator, Band 68, Heft 4, S. 2-5
ISSN: 0020-9317
Sustainable development in Ukraine: The role of internal and external actors in the policy making process
While in theory sustainable development has been included in policy-on-paper, policy-in-practice tends to be difficult. In this context, the author discusses the role that internal and external actors have played with regard to the incorporation of sustainable development into Ukrainian national policies, and analyses the extent to which the government of Ukraine and the European Union have been able and/or willing to contribute to this process.
Liever nabije buur dan verre vriend: samenwerking tussen Oekraïne en Rusland
In: Internationale spectator, Band 66, Heft 1, S. 18-21
ISSN: 0020-9317
Easier said than done - Ukraine as part of the European Union's ring of friends
In: Studia diplomatica: Brussels journal of international relations, Band 65, Heft 2, S. 29-43
ISSN: 0770-2965
Policy transfer between the European Union and Ukraine
In: Studia diplomatica: Brussels journal of international relations, Band 64, Heft 2, S. 85-99
ISSN: 0770-2965
Current Challenges to the Legitimacy of International Economic and Financial Arrangements
In: Politics and governance, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 90-97
ISSN: 2183-2463
The importance of legitimacy to international arrangements is addressed, as are various approaches to the study of legitimacy. In so doing, attention is paid to important concepts that feature throughout the various contributions, namely legitimacy and illegitimacy, legitimation and delegitimation, audiences and consent, and the form and function of institutional change.
Hiding in Plain Sight: The Legitimacy of Labour Standards Clauses in the EU–Ukraine Collaboration
In: Politics and governance, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 121-130
ISSN: 2183-2463
Legitimacy is essential for compliance. Agreements between the European Union and Ukraine contain a commitment to enhance labour standards. Certain audiences view this commitment as just symbolic and reflective of the low degree of legitimacy the commitment has. All this could now change following Ukraine's requested accession to the EU.
The quest for convergence: Policy transfer in an interconnected world
In: Studia diplomatica: Brussels journal of international relations, Band 65, Heft 2
ISSN: 0770-2965
The initiation of policy in a certain area, the content of policy and the specific implementation of policy in a given political setting are often based on similar undertakings in other parts of the world. As increasing connections between societies on a global scale widen and deepen the sources of new policy, it is no wonder that the body of literature on issues of institutional change and related topics such as processes of policy transfer is on the rise as well. In this thematic issue of Studia Diplomatica we contribute to the discussion by studying several of the cases of transfer that have been undertaken in Europe in recent years and analyzing whether changes have resulted in greater convergence across the continent or perhaps have backfired to create increased divergence instead. In addressing issues of convergence/divergence, institutional change and policy transfer special attention is paid to (1) types of transfer and the reasons behind them; (2) mechanisms of transfer; and (3) results of transfer. Adapted from the source document.
Thematic section - THE QUEST FOR CONVERGENCE - Policy transfer in an interconnected world - The quest for convergence - Policy transfer in an interconnected world
In: Studia diplomatica: Brussels journal of international relations, Band 65, Heft 2, S. 5-15
ISSN: 0770-2965
Supranational Cooperation in Europe
In: Global policy: gp, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 311-316
ISSN: 1758-5899
AbstractThe sovereign debt crisis and the euro crisis have prompted heads of state and government in Europe to intensify supranational cooperation. However, some political leaders and policy makers aim for more. They propose the introduction of a common European economic government that would prevent Europe from experiencing further financial threats and stabilise national budgets and financial markets, as well as the euro. The results of a survey among well‐informed people imply a rather ambivalent attitude towards this venture. While a slim majority favours the general idea of centralised economic governance in Europe, or in the eurozone, the concrete ideas for the design of such a government are not popular among the respondents. A centralised macroeconomic policy, a common budget that is set centrally and using eurobonds as a common means of debt financing in the eurozone all receive limited approval. So, if they are aiming for more supranational cooperation, public and corporate policy makers need to take clear‐cut steps that offer tangible benefits that influence public opinions favourably.