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8 Ergebnisse
"From the moment we are born and through every day of our lives, each of us is traveling on a mysterious, relentless, passionate, and sometimes perplexing journey in search of the experience of Love. Love, however, isn't simply an emotion, a behavior, or even the bond you feel with another person--it's a supercharged, light-drenched, limitless vibrational field of infinite divine energy that is our essential nature.The true search for love, then, must inevitably direct us within, where we discover that the love we've been seeking in countless ways has been inside of us all along. The Choice for Loveis the inspiring and revelatory new book fromNew York Timesbest-selling author and renowned transformational teacherBarbara De Angelis, Ph.D.Known for helping millions of people make profound shifts in their relationship with themselves, others, and spirit,Dr. De Angelishas written an eloquent, illuminating, and deeply compassionate guide for transforming your relationship to love and bringing more of it into all aspects of your life. She offers you invaluable wisdom and practical tools for healing, opening, and expanding your emotionalandspiritual heart, and teaches you how to use love as the highest spiritual practice. What is thechoice for love?It is a revolutionary shift in your relationship with the energy of love itself. It invites you into a new, enlightened experience of love as a vibrational state of being.It isn't the choice for new thoughts about love, new attitudes about love, or a new philosophy about love. It's the choice to enter into the experience of your own unlimited love, and open to the unfathomable treasures that your heart holds. When we think that love originates from the outside, we mistakenly believe that we need to wait until something happens to give us an experience of love.Dr. De Angelis explains that love isn't something we can actually "get" from anyone else. No one can give you any love you don't already have. Love comes from the inside out. Now more than ever, in these unsettling times on our planet, we're each called to become a living remedy, to not fall in love, but torise in love.The Choice for Loveis a masterful and sacred pilgrimage of words whose enlivened wisdom will move you, awaken you, and liberate you to embrace, embody, and delight in more love than you ever imagined was possible"--
Inclusion and didactics of giftedness: educators, school teachers and preservice teachers' perceptions.The exploratory study searches to evaluate the question on how knowledge about gifted education – as a topic still underrepresented in the legislation and educational research in Italy – is spread within a population of either school teachers and students studying to become school teachers. Therefore, this work marks an important step towards the goal of improving the knowledge of teaching methods, and emphasizes strategies of inclusion by exploring different approaches in order to facilitate the recognition of the special educational needs of gifted children. In this research participated 70 third and fourth semester university students following the courses SDE (Scienze dell'Educazione), EPC (Educatore Professionale di Comunità) and SFP (Scienze della Formazione Primaria) during the academic year 2016/17, and 35 teachers of primary and secondary schools. The results indicate that gifted education has been widely excluded from special and inclusive education practices, and bring into focus the need to reflect critically on service and preservice teaching preparation. In order to eventually increase the quality of education, and to outline the operating practices towards gifted education, it seems inevitable to deepen this approach with further qualitative and quantitative research. Therefore, the present study confirms the key role of the inclusive teacher towards fulfilling the special educational needs of a student with high cognitive potential.
As the World Health Organization has pointed out, in the contemporary worldthere are more and more cases of overweight and obese young people.These problems are seriously tackled by the recent legislation of educationand training system (Law 107/2015), with particular regard to the preventionof obesity and stressing the importance of the physical and dietary education.Schools are, indeed, the place where it is possible to improve thehabits of the future citizen.Therefore to what extent is learning-teaching process related to body element?After a general introduction, the essay presents some considerations,regarding the international discoveries about the school system:those could be essential ideas for the didactic renovation and for the professionalismof teachers. ; Come testimoniano i dati forniti dall'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità,nel mondo contemporaneo sono sempre maggiori i casi di giovani insovrappeso e obesi.Tale problematica è stata affrontata anche dalle recenti disposizioni normativein materia di istruzione e formazione (Legge 107/2015), attraverso un esplicitorimando alla prevenzione dell'obesità, sottolineando l'importanza dell'educazione motoria e alimentare, poiché è proprio negli ambienti scolastici, infatti, che è possibile intervenire sulle abitudini del futuro cittadino del domani.In che misura il processo di apprendimento-insegnamento entra in relazionecon la sfera corporea? Dopo un'introduzione più generale il contributo intende presentare alcune riflessioni, alla luce delle scoperte attuate in ambito internazionale che investono il mondo della scuola e che possono rappresentare degli spunti fondamentali di rinnovamento per la didatticae la professionalità del docente.