Vorurteile: offener Brief an meine Brüder und Schwestern im Protestantismus
In: Volksaufklärung$dkleine Hand-Bibliothek zur Lehr und Wehr für Freunde der Wahrheit Nr. 122
5 Ergebnisse
In: Volksaufklärung$dkleine Hand-Bibliothek zur Lehr und Wehr für Freunde der Wahrheit Nr. 122
In: Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 13
In: Public choice, Band 5, S. 59-72
ISSN: 0048-5829
The aggregation of individual preferences into a soc preference ordering is one of the most fundamental of the problems in soc sci. The general problem is non-trivial even for a small group of individuals. Only in the special case of 2 alternatives is the device of decision by majority rule proven to provide a generally satisfactory soc preference ordering for an arbitrary number of individuals. Presented here is a mathematical model of elections which allows certain aspects of the problem of soc choice to be systematically explored. Basically, it consists of 2 parts. 1st, there is a simple rule which is taken to represent the decision mechanism of a voter confronted with choosing between competing candidates who are viewed as being nothing more than a set of policies. 2nd, there is a probabilistic representation of the distribution of preferences across the pop. IPSA.
In: Research in Curriculum and Instruction
In: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: official publication of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 114A-114A
ISSN: 1556-7117