Trade in the United States
In: Trade Issues, Policies and Laws
Intro -- TRADE IN THE UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES, AGREEMENTS AND DATA FOR 2011 -- TRADE IN THE UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES, AGREEMENTS AND DATA FOR 2011 -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 THE YEAR IN TRADE 2011: OPERATION OF THE TRADE AGREEMENTS PROGRAM -- ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS -- PREFACE -- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- KEY TRADE DEVELOPMENTS IN 2011 -- Administration of U.S. Trade Laws and Regulations -- Trade Preference Programs -- WTO, OECD, APEC, and Related Developments -- FTA Developments in 2011 -- Trade Activities with Major Trade Partners -- European Union -- Canada -- China -- Mexico -- Japan -- Korea -- Brazil -- Taiwan -- India -- Russia -- SECTION 1: OVERVIEW OF U.S. TRADE -- Scope and Approach of the Report -- OVERVIEW OF THE U.S. ECONOMY IN 2011 -- Exchange Rate Trends -- Balance of Payments11 -- U.S. TRADE IN GOODS IN 2011 -- U.S. Merchandise Trade by Product Category -- Exports -- Imports -- U.S. Imports under Preferential Trade Programs and Free Trade Agreements -- U.S. Merchandise Trade with Leading Partners21 -- U.S. TRADE IN SERVICES IN 201123 -- U.S. Services Trade by Product Category -- Exports -- Imports -- U.S. Services Trade with Leading Partners -- SECTION 2: ADMINISTRATION OF U.S. TRADE LAWS AND REGULATIONS -- Import Relief Laws -- Safeguard Actions -- Laws against Unfair Trade Practices -- Section 301 Investigations -- Section 301 Cases in 2011 -- Special 301 -- Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations and Reviews -- Antidumping Duty Investigations -- Countervailing Duty Investigations -- Reviews of Outstanding Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders/Suspension Agreements -- Section 337 Investigations -- TRADE ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE -- Assistance for Workers -- Assistance for Farmers -- Assistance for Firms -- Assistance for Communities -- TARIFF PREFERENCE PROGRAMS