
76 Ergebnisse


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Buch(gedruckt)#220152 Versionen verfügbar

China's many dreams: comparative perspectives on China's search for national rejuvenation

In: The Nottingham China Policy Institute series

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World Affairs Online


China's many dreams: comparative perspectives on China's search for national rejuvenation

In: The Nottingham China Policy Institute series

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online

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Open Access#72017

Thugs and Gangsters: Imagination and the practice of rapping in Dar es Salaam


Open Access#82017

The postcolonial politics of post-national citizenship in Portugal


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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#111. Mai 2013

Participatory citizenship in Europe: The effects of the economic crisis on policy, practice and citizen engagement across EU member states

In: Citizenship teaching and learning, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 249-264

ISSN: 1751-1925

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World Affairs Online

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